3. The Animals Film (Beyond the Frame 1981, 137min)
To my knowledge, The Animals Film was the first documentary to me made on the animal protection movement and the first to be aired on public television--an amazing feat given that it was released just 6 years after the publication of Animal Liberation, 1 year after Henry Spira's ad campaign against Revlon, 2 years before The Case for Animal Rights, and 3 years before Unnecessary Fuss. Filmed in the United States by an Israeli and released in England, TAF had been the most comprehensive film on animal welfare up until the release of Earthlings 16 years later. Yet, despite its age, sadly, little has changed since its release except that industry practices and problems have increased in magnitude and extended into other countries. (In 1980, about 5 billion animals were slaughtered in America annually compared to nearly 9 billion by 2000). In fact, it is my opinion that despite the praise for Earthlings and the absence of knowledge about this film, TAF is better. (Whether it is more effective at recruiting vegans--Earthlings supposedly is nicknamed "the Vegan maker"--, that is for empirical studies to determine).
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Minggu, 29 Agustus 2010
Sabtu, 28 Agustus 2010
Moving Animals: Spectacular Animal Films (Part 1)
Eadweard Muybridge's "The Horse in Motion" (1878) |
--Jim Mason in An Unnatural Order (2005 [1993])
“The animal look can be seen as a continuation of the photographic look... Animals appeared to merge with technological bodies that replaced them... If the animal cannot die but is nonetheless vanishing, then it must be transferred to another locus, anther continuum in which death plays no role... the cinema developed, indeed embodied, animal traits as a gesture of mourning for the disappearance of [animals]"
--Akira Lippit in Electric Animal (1998)
Moving Animals, Animal Affect, and Effective Movies
Since its inception, the animal movement has relied upon images to evoke sympathy--from William Hogarth's "The Four Stages of Cruelty" (1751) that connected cruelty to animal to cruelty to humans, to the anti-vivisectionist posters that re-figured the medical oppression of women to that of animal others, and PETA's "Holocaust on Your Plate" and "Animal Liberation" exhibits that juxtaposed images of human and nonhuman oppression. Undercover investigation footage of labs, in particular, played a crucial role in the 1980's, especially within the efficacy of the ALF and PETA (videos like Unnecessary Fuss and Inside Biosearch). However, with increased vandalism and exposure, the Animal Industrial Complex has been vigilant to guard its practices from public knowledge. Since the 1990's, these industries have installed hi-tech security systems in addition to lobbying for the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act [AETA], which gained increasing government backing post-9/11. Such footage, has been crucial to educating the public about animal welfare within the age of televisions, computers, and cinema. Over the last decade, activists have even accompanied themselves with video harnesses to literally carry the animals' voices to protests and demos.
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Rabu, 25 Agustus 2010
Loosing Hair
Loosing hair on head are normally either for women or men. The loosing hair can begin when we adult and going on as long as we live. But the speed of loosing and the age is vary for people. For children until teenager usually losing hair less than 30 sheet per day. If hair loos more that 50 sheet per day will become thin hair for several years. For several cases this loosing hair can relate to
Selasa, 17 Agustus 2010
Social(ist) Animals: Toward Mutual Aid against the Great Butcher
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Sue Coe. 2004. "Ox Pull." From "Bully!: master of the Global Merry-go-round" Source: http://www.graphicwitness.org/coe/bullya.htm |
Ten months ago, Paul D'Amato's article "Socialism and 'animal rights'" sparked a small controversy that fizzled out within a month of its release. Unfortunately, out of the dozen responses only two or three were more argument than opinion. My aim here is to provide a more rigorous and comprehensive critique of D'Amato's article absent in the responses in order to better reconcile the perceived tension between socialistm and animal rights.
In "Socialism and 'Animal Rights'," D'Amato's reasoning starts off strong, making critical and important insights on the idea of animal liberation; however, it soon strays into weak, dangerous, and unnecessary territory. D'Amato comes to several conclusions (not presented in this order):
- "There is a clear connection between how a rapacious capitalism mistreats animals... environment... [and] human[s]"
- "Non-human animals are helpless… incapable of organizing and fighting for their rights"
- "To compare the condition of animals to that of... [humans] for freedom and equality is to view the latter through a paternalistic lens, rather than a lens of human liberation"
- "we need to insist on the essential differences between human beings and other animals, and reject the idea of 'animal liberation.'"
- "seeking more humane treatment of animals is not the same as calling for 'animal rights'"
I'm totally on board with D'Amato's thesis if we are only discussing movements and not also mental, material, and legal outcomes. But he does not enclose his argument to his thesis; he continues on to argue that humans are essentially different from all other animals (despite being careful to say that humans are only "qualitatively" different"), and that the "liberation" and rights of nonhuman animals be rejected in favor of merely "more humane treatment." It is these last two conclusions, I find objectionable and weakly argued.
In this response, I will critique four positions D'Amato either asserts or ignores. First, he implicitly argues that one cannot have rights unless one asserts one has them, a contractualist argument that would exclude many humans from possessing rights. Second, he explicitly draws on evolutionary biology to make arguments for an essential difference between humans and other animals that contradict themselves and are analogous to arguments that have been used to rationalize racism. Third, D'Amato misses how worker and animal exploitation are not only increased by capitalism, but that they are intersecting oppressions that mutually reinforce one another just as socialism and animal rights are ethico-political positions that intersect and mutually reinforce one another. Finally, he is naive to the historical, cultural, and ecological ties between the exploitation and well-being of human and animal.
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Jumat, 13 Agustus 2010
Deconstructing Veganism: Commodity, Reciprocity, & the Killing Contract
As I previously mentioned, most of my blogging over the last year has been on Facebook. I do not have the time to write as masterful posts with extensive and precise citations as before, so I cannot promise future posts will be as organized and nuanced as previous ones. That said, although I have not done so in the past here, future posts like this one will be in response to either a provocative blog entry elsewhere on the web or several related news stories. If we are both so lucky, these posts will probably be shorter reads. Well, we'll see!
Insturmentalism: the Logos of Animal Capital
Anastasia @ Animal Visions, a highly welcomed blog that just hit the cyber-scene, writes in "What’s the deal with animal use?":
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As I previously mentioned, most of my blogging over the last year has been on Facebook. I do not have the time to write as masterful posts with extensive and precise citations as before, so I cannot promise future posts will be as organized and nuanced as previous ones. That said, although I have not done so in the past here, future posts like this one will be in response to either a provocative blog entry elsewhere on the web or several related news stories. If we are both so lucky, these posts will probably be shorter reads. Well, we'll see!
Insturmentalism: the Logos of Animal Capital
Anastasia @ Animal Visions, a highly welcomed blog that just hit the cyber-scene, writes in "What’s the deal with animal use?":
From an ecofeminist and indigenous perspective, use of another living being is not inherently bad; in fact, it’s necessary for survival. The use becomes a major problem when it’s one-sided. That is, living beings in the ecosystem are made... into resources in order to serve one species, and members of that species do not give back in response to what they have received. ... What’s missing in this scenario is reciprocity, which is also missing in our conceptualization of exploitation... The act of “use” wouldn’t be a problem because everyone would be used, and the use would simply be an act of life, a way of participating in the biosphere. Alas, as it stands, we do not. Our global civilization exploits many and holds no values for giving back...I really like this and is kind of what I've been thinking about for several years and why I share Donna Haraway's (2007) criticism of abolitionist views that always cast nonhuman animals as victims, ignoring their agency and affect upon humans. Animal rightists have overlooked that their positioning of nonhuman animals as "voiceless", "defenseless," and "helpless" have only re-instituted their passivity, having presupposed a human-reason-agent vs nonhuman-passive dualism. Writers like Haraway, but especially James Hribal (2003, 2006, 2007, 2010), have repositioned animals not as slaves, a la Marjorie Speigel's Dreaded Comparison (1996), but as "the working class." Reconfigurations of animals as fellow agents on the one hand may affirm their subjectivity and role in society, while on the other risks reinstating their oppression on new terms (as I will argue against reciprocity being a sufficient condition for ethical relations).
Do animal liberation proponents really want to abolish all forms of animal use, thereby disregarding our interdependence in the biosphere and severing any possibility for us to give unto other animals and to be open to our use in return? This animal liberation proponent certainly doesn’t.
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Monkey can Pretend to AIDS
People have known can't stand for long time to this viruses AIDS but some primate from Africa have founded can pretend to this diseases. This African monkey called as Sooty Mangebey (Cercocebus atys) has a natural defense that can against SIV viruses so that this viruses can't grow and develop to AIDS.
This phenomenon known as natural hosts and currently being examined by scientists to study to
This phenomenon known as natural hosts and currently being examined by scientists to study to
Kamis, 12 Agustus 2010
Natural Migraine Cure - 5 Tips For Better Treatment

Pain would in fact trouble people of different age levels. An individual could feel tenderness since they are very sensitive to pain. Due to the damage or the direct contact of heat or any sharp objects that would harm the cells in the humans body; the nerve cells send impulses in the body's brain or the central nervous system telling it that something is wrong. One of the pains that an individual would really hate to have is the migraine. Going to the doctors and receiving very expensive prescription can add the pain they are feeling. Looking for a natural migraine cure as an alternative for expensive medicines and treatments is very pleasant. Natural migraine cure is a good way of treating migraine with out spending big amount of money.
Before anything else it is better to know more about migraines. Migraine is a very painful agonizing headache. Migraines don't choose its victim. Women, man, girls and boys have a high risk of this very troubling illness. The human brain has large arteries that have coiled fibers on it. Once the large vessels of the brain dilate or enlarge the coiled arteries of the brain extend and then the nerves will release chemicals. Once the chemicals are released the owner of the body attacked by this illness would feel excessive pain. If a person suffers from migraines they are advised to keep away from too much light and loud sound since they are very sensitive to it. Finding the perfect natural migraine cure is advisable.
Improper sleeping time or schedule, too much stress, nervousness or anxiety, too much sunlight exposure and some changes in the hormonal patterns for women are some of the reasons why people could feel this painful headache. Aside from using drugs that are prescribed by doctors, there are some natural migraine cures that they could use to heal it.
Once migraines attack, here are some of the tips and methods to lessen the pain.
1. Take a bath. Taking a bath would prevent the dilation or the enlargement of the blood vessels in the brain preventing the chemicals to release and thus avoiding pain.
2. Another one is to stay in a dark room and lie down there until the pain stops and avoid too much exposure to any source of light.
3. Placing a cold compress in the forehead and behind the neck might also lessen too much pain.
4. There are two kinds of pressure points behind the neck and pressing it for two minutes would stop the pain. Massaging the affected area is proven to be a good first aid or action for migraines.
5. Eat a lot of fruits or foods that contains Vitamin C and B3.
It is smarter to avoid doing some strenuous activities such as working house hold chores, running or jogging in the park or somewhere else and exercising or else the pain that the migraine confer will just worsen. It is better to stay home and take a rest. Staying away from any cause of your stress is recommended. If the pain still remains even after applying all of this natural migraine cure, it is better to see a doctor and ask for his or her advice regarding migraines. They can tell if the painful headache is still a migraine or a severe brain illness. Relying to the natural migraine cure is not half bad since people before time used the natural migraine cure to heal others suffering from this sickness.
Agatha Green has been a migraine sufferer for years. On her website she unveils more than one year of research on migraines and how she managed to treat her own disease. For more great information on natural migraine cure, visit http://www.migrainestreatmentsecrets.com/.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Agatha_G.
Rabu, 11 Agustus 2010
Sperm Banks & Meat-Markets: The Sexual Economy of Meat
"$uper Cow", $uper Profits: Cyber Chattel, $ex Exchange, and $perm Banks
In a recent National Geographic program on the technoscientific management of "nature," we get a glimpse at a very much neglected element in contemporary animal agribusiness, the sperm banks by which, animals are, according to Jacques Derrida (1997), "exterminated by means of their continued existence or even their overpopulation”:
In a recent National Geographic program on the technoscientific management of "nature," we get a glimpse at a very much neglected element in contemporary animal agribusiness, the sperm banks by which, animals are, according to Jacques Derrida (1997), "exterminated by means of their continued existence or even their overpopulation”:
Selective breeding is the first stop on our tour of how man is using science to control nature... In fact, selective breeding is all about managing sex...Over a hundred years, Farmers have only allowed the cows and bulls with the largest muscle mass to mateThe technoscientific sacrifice of animal heathcare for economic welfare is explained:
There is a gene that regulates the growth of muscles in cattle. These cows have been selectively breed from animals that contain a copy of this gene that doesn't work. As a result their muscles grow far larger than normal. To insure that the effective gene is passed on, sex for the Belgian Blues has been replaced by technology in the form of artificial selectionThe men in the video discuss the homoerotic, predatory gaze:
The bulls are shaved to best display their muscles... so you can see where all the meat is... because when you look at him, you cannot help but think of lunchRead more »
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