Senin, 31 Januari 2011

Basic Health Tips Can Keep Out Trouble In School

Hand washing is the basic step towards maintaining a healthy body. The teachers should teach the students the importance of the hand wash.

According to a study, it has been found that lack of hand washing and improper food can cause gastrointestinal trouble. In a confined classroom, area where the students study the virus of gastrointestinal sickness can spread very quickly. This study was published in 2010 issue of the Journal of School Health, which dealt with the food processing in various schools and universities.

A gastrointestinal illness is short-lived. The symptoms are cramps, fever, diarrhoea and vomiting. It does not need medical treatment. However, the victim should be provided with water because sometimes dehydration takes place. The victim should have adequate fluid intake. In some cases, the children are admitted in hospitals for the speedy recovery. In case of E. Coli contamination, the victim can die of food poisoning.

The co-author narrates that there has been 121 outbreaks of gastrointestinal sickness. Around 51 percent of these involved bacterial infections and mostly the viruses were being transmitted by the food. Around 12 percent of these were transferred by drinking unsafe water.

Food-borne illnesses are “grossly underreported” to public health authorities, said Lee.

The author says that hand washing before having meal is the best solution to prevent the viruses from the entering the body.

Sabtu, 29 Januari 2011

Fresh Food For Baby

By: Karen Tierney
Preparing and cooking a baby's meals from fresh ingredients are a little less convenient than scooping the food out of the jar, but not as much as you would think. You will see what I mean when you try some of the recipes. The quantities are so small and the cooking is so simple that the extra time and trouble are hardly noticed in the general kitchen work involved in preparing

Jumat, 28 Januari 2011

Health Tip: Do we need more vitamin D in the wintertime?

Vitamin D is required by the body for the regulation of the minerals calcium and phosphorus and also plays an important role in maintaining bone integrity. Vitamin D is found in relatively few foods, many of which are not eaten commonly, such as herring, sardines, and tuna. Beef liver, cheese, egg yolks, and mushrooms provide smaller amounts. More commonly, people get vitamin D from foods that

Rabu, 26 Januari 2011

6 Tips for Finding a Weight-Loss Program

If your health care provider has advised you to lose weight, research your options before settling on a weight-loss program. Good ones should encourage healthy behaviors and should include:
  • Healthy eating plans that reduce calories but do not forbid specific foods or food groups.
  • Tips to increase moderate-intensity physical activity.
  • Tips on healthy behavior changes that keep your cultural needs in mind.
  • Slow and steady weight loss. Depending on your starting weight, experts recommend losing weight at a rate of half a pound to two pounds per week. (Weight loss may be faster at the start of a program.)
  • Medical care, if you are planning to lose weight by following a special diet, such as a very-low-calorie diet.
  • A plan to keep the weight off after you have lost it.

Senin, 17 Januari 2011

Quick tips: 7 principles of good health from weight-loss expert

Dr. Joey Shulman, a nutritionist and weight-loss expert with four clinics in the Toronto area, has identified seven principles of health. They are:

1. Your body has a voice — pay attention.

2. Your body thrives on routine.

3. Your body responds to nutrient-dense foods in a very quick manner.

4. One of your body's key systems is the digestive system.

5. Your body always prefers an alkaline environment over an acidic one.

6. You must move.

7. Eat until your are sufficiently sufficed, not stuffed.

Minggu, 16 Januari 2011

Living With Cancer

This is the story old woman that has cancer on her body:

I'm living with cancer, not dying from it!" Jane Pike of Boston became, in her own words, a "cancer militant" when she herself was stricken. She decide to spread the word that cancer can be talked about - in fact, her message was.

"Please talk", She founded a group called Omega aimed at making it possible for cancer patients and their

Decolonization and Animal Liberation: Love, Violence, Becoming-Other-Wise

Beehive Design Collective. "FTAA." Source:
Some cyber-friends have been pestering me to put up another blog post since I haven't posted anything in three months--well, maybe that's an exaggeration but i really wanted to use the word pestering--, so  I'm posting two abstracts I recently submitted to the Thinking About Animals conference at Brock University (St. Catharines, ON, Canada) going on between March 1 and April 1, 2011. This will be the 10th Critical Animal Studies conference, and Brock is perhaps one of the most deserving universities since its establishment of a critical animal studies minor and an official vegan policy in the Sociology department.

On that note, I encourage you to check out the Critical Animal Studies resource page I created over winter break!!!

The first paper, on Frantz Fanon's The Wretched of the Earth, is a paper I wrote for Existentialism in the Fall. I went through some angst writing it, but came out overall satisfied with the paper. If any of you are interested in reading it, I'll send you a copy in exchange for some good feedback. The second paper ought to be more familiar to avid readers of this blog. It's basically a summation of what I have written on the understanding of veganism over the last two years or more.

Decolonization and Animal Liberation:
Violence and Becoming-Animal in Frantz Fanon’s The Wretched of the Earth
In 1961, the Algerian psychoanalysist, Frantz Fanon, published, Les Damnés de la Terre, a book specifically about the revolutionary movement in French Algeria, but a guide to decolonization in general. In The Wretched of the Earth, Fanon gives a phenomenological account of the Algerian independence movement, from its inception in local, spontaneous violent uprisings, to a national political movement, to the development of a national culture and new humanism. For Fanon and his friend Sartre, violence is a necessity for the colonized to become fully human and political subjects. Similarly, the development of a national culture is necessary development for not only the liberation of Algeria, but for the future of humanity.

While Fanon’s primary goals are the achievement of national consciousness and a new humanism, a subversive reading of this text foregrounds “the animal” that beseeches his description of decolonization. Fanon’s characterization of the relationship between decolonization and animals is complex: on the one hand, animal being is to be transcended, if not negated through self-assertion and violence, yet the animal virtues of spontaneity, ferocity, and pack-forming are crucial for the overthrow of the colonizers. If humans’ metaphoric relationship to “animality” and animal others materialize in their relationship with one another, as is argued, then decolonization will not be achieved so long as a hierarchical and exclusionary identity politics exists between human and animal others (as is inferred by Fanon and Sartre’s subject-centered humanist discourse). It is argued that the anarchistic process of “becoming-animal” described by Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guatarri is a more transformative and promising alternative to humanism for not only human liberation, but also the liberation from humanist violence against “animality” and animal others.

Deconstructing Veganism:
Love, Listening, Conversations, and Companionships Beyond Boundaries
For over a decade, Gary Francione (1996, 2008) has been championed for his bold challenge to the efficacy of “new welfarism” and the sufficiency of lacto-ovo-vegetarian advocacy in the contemporary “animal rights” movements. Yet relatively few animal abolitionists have ever challenged the sufficiency and status quo of veganism. In a time when neoliberalism has come into a greater appropriation of veganism (Hammer 2008), real animals have become absent from the discourse of many animal and vegan advocacy campaigns (Adams 2006), and to be a vegan is more about one’s way of life (i.e. the subculture one belongs to) than one’s actual relationship to animals, a more radical critique of not only vegetarianism but veganism too is needed.

While many celebrate the mainstreaming of veganism, I would like to caution self-identified vegans and animal activists from accepting the present understanding of vegan as an identity of (abstention from) consumption. The present understanding of veganism as a) an identity b) defined negatively as an abstention from c) consumption has lead to a certain modality of political and private life which has been legitimately accused of self-righteousness, identity politics, militancy, colonialism, and privileged consumerism. In light of this, we are called to a radical rethinking of veganism not as a noun (“ vegan”) to be identified with, purchased, consumed, and completed, but as a modality and relationship with others that is never yet complete.

Veganism is something to be understood affirmatively, as an affirmation of our own feelings and the voices of others. Those who have come into veganism as a liberation project must adamantly recall that they did not do so because of convenience, out of tradition, or merely out of pleasure, but because they are in search of affirming love. This love must never be forgotten as their point of departure and arrival. The ends of veganism are in the means of not forgetting, disavowing others. It is through disavowal that people commit the most violence by ignoring their own and others’ sentiments; they wage war on themselves and others for foreclosing ends, ideals, and identities, rather than waging conversation. The end of veganism is thus not to become a vegan, but to become other-wise in conversations and companionships beyond boundaries and “language.”

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Minggu, 09 Januari 2011

Tips to help you get the most from your cardio training sessions

Effective cardiovascular training is a crucial factor in for many fitness related goals including athletic goals, weight loss & general health. In this article I would like to add to your knowledge and understanding of cardio training so you can design a program that leads you to your goals.

When I was just starting out in fitness, I was certain that I could achieve all my goals by running an hour (or more) everyday. I figured the more cardio I did (no matter what the type), it would make me a better volleyball player, lose the weight I wanted to, and be in great shape since I had so much endurance. I was wrong! While I did develop a lot of endurance, I still struggled to be as fast as I wanted during volleyball matches, reacted a little slower than I hoped, and had trouble staying at the weight I wanted. In other words, I was in good health and decent shape but the results I was after stayed just out of my reach.

It wasn’t until I learned to apply the simple tips I’m about to describe that I finally the results I wanted. In order to get the most benefit from cardio training, I recommend making continual adjustments and tweaks to three variables:

* Duration: Length of time spent for each individual cardio session
* Intensity: Level of difficulty achieved during each cardio session
* Variance: Varying the type of cardio performed each session

Remember, the purpose of each training session is to stimulate the systems of the body with a certain type of load (weights, cardio, etc.) elicit an adaptive response from each session. A cardio training plan that continually adjusts each of the three variables places a new stimulus on your muscles, tissues and cardiovascular system and challenges the body differently each time you workout.

A simple example is that of marathon training. A standard training schedule for beginners starts with 3-5 miles or so at week one and gradually increase distance runs (load) each week. The body adapts to each distance you run and each week you have the ability to sustain more.

Adaptive response to exercise:
The bodies response to the demand placed upon it during an exercise session

Obviously the length of your cardio training sessions has an impact on total calories burned, cardiovascular endurance, and cardiovascular health. While basic recommendations from ACSM and AHA are to do moderately intense cardio 30 minutes a day, five days a week or do vigorously intense cardio 20 minutes a day, 3 days a week, for healthy adults under the age of 65, it’s also important that your cardio training correlates with your personal fitness goals whether they be weight control, fat loss, or performance oriented.

For example, if your goal is weight loss you may want to increase your cardio from 20 minutes 3 times a week to 30 minutes 5 times a week, this would allow you to burn more total calories each week. Or, if your goal is to become a better basketball player, you may want to train for speed 2 times per week and train for endurance 2 times per week.

As I said before, you should also consider intensity and variance when designing an effective cardio training plan. In my next post, I will detail three different types of intensity training that you can incorporate into your plan, I’ll describe what I mean by the word variance and how you can use it to get better and more individualized fitness results, and I will give you an example of how I helped one client go from struggling to walk uphill three minutes on a treadmill to finishing her first marathon.

The points I’ve listed here are the basic principles I use when designing training programs for my clients. By using the combined information from this and next weeks post not only will you get better results, your routine will become more fun and interesting.

Kamis, 06 Januari 2011

Swimming is the best way to burn calories.

Swimming can be used as a warm up session before going to your regular works. After work, swimming few laps will able to assist you cool-down, it moves blood all the way through your muscles helping them to recover the strength, and relax you. If your weight is 150 lbs. then you will burn nine hundred calories in 1 hour by swimming only 30 minute, a mile. On the other hand, many swimmers don't swim quick and for that much distance.
You can even do group workouts and water aerobics which are very helpful for health and weight loss. As you talk, make challenges with each other, and share techniques sometimes is always rewarding experience.

There are some other psychological advantages of swimming as well. Relax while swimming with a low effort. Allow your mind to wander, just focus on nothing other than rhythm of stroke. If you focus strongly on one thing then you enter meditated state which will lead you to comfort, later you may leave water and are set for entire day. Many people enjoy several indirect advantages of swimming. You will see developing skills like time-management, self-discipline, sportsmanship, goal-setting, and intelligence. In general swimmers appear to do well in school, than non-swimmers.

Swimming pool image by apeschi from Swimming is the best way to burn calories and helps to make your body shape as swimming brings to work each body muscle. Swimming doesn't puts pressure on joints too than running as if you have joint or bone problem you can enjoy to swim effortlessly. Although every activity in pool assists you to lose weight, but there are some tips to lose maximum weight.

Stretch out previously before entering the pool. As you work so every muscle will stretch out. A simple exercise like stand straight and touch your toes, then hold one arm's elbow at the back of your head at the same time get down your spine stretch both upper and the lower body. Start swimming slowly to and fro in pool. Backstrokes as well as sidestrokes are two techniques that will allow floating as you swim. Slowly start increasing the movements as well as speed of swim to burn calories.

You move maximum muscles in butterfly & freestyle swimming, hence these two movements burn more calories. Shift from fast strokes to slow strokes, without a break. On one hand you will burn calories and next you will bring variations in heart rate, by raising & quickly lowering the pace of your stokes. This is rather helpful in burning calories instead of staying you at steady pace. Swim 2 laps of high then 2 laps of low intensity in diet, with either back-stroke or side- stroke. Fluctuate your capacity of swimming from high to low intensity for twenty to thirty minutes to get maximum benefits. You can also swim up till you have stamina.

Selasa, 04 Januari 2011

Five tips to keep your heart healthy and happy

Chances are, one of your New Year's resolutions is to get fit, and that means staying heart healthy.

In this Health Minute, John Lisk looks at five ways to keep your ticker going strong.

A healthy heart means healthy arteries, and healthy blood pressure. When arteries become clogged from cholesterol and fat, they shut off blood flow that's needed to keep the body running and the heart pumping. When blood pressure is high, it can weaken the heart and other organs.

So, what are some of the best ways to keep the heart in top shape? Read labels. Doctors say look at what you are eating, especially when it comes to trans fats.

And, try a little laughter. Researchers still say that laughter can sometimes be the best medicine, especially for your cardiovascular system.

Some researchers have found that music can have the same effect. Studies have shown that listening to your favorite music opens up your vessels, much like laughter does.

And, move. A brisk walk for 30 minutes every day can also make a big difference.

And, doctors say, to say in touch with friends. Studies have shown that being socially active gets ride of stress, and losing stress can reduce your risk of heart disease by 25 to 30%.

15 health tips for the new year

Year after year we make resolutions to exercise regularly, eat well, and give up smoking and other bad habits. Following such basic rules can cut heart disease risk by 80 percent, diabetes risk by 90 percent and cancer risk by 50 percent, according to the Harvard Nurses’ Health Study. But most of us fail to keep our promises to ourselves. Some American experts have given the following tips for practical ways to get – and stay – healthy.
1 .Wear a pedometer. New research suggests that routinely wearing a pedometer encourages people to walk about an extra mile each day, lose weight, and lower their blood pressure. Aim for at least 30 minutes of brisk walking and a total of 10,000 steps per day.

2. Don’t forget strength training, involving both the upper and lower body. Too many people neglect resistance exercise, particularly women for whom it’s crucial for preventing muscle and bone loss with age. Lift weights for at least 20 minutes, two- to three-times per week.

3. Don’t pop too many vitamins. Enthusiasm for vitamin pills is high, but evidence for their benefits is low. Try to get vitamins from foods and consider a multivitamin for insurance. Any woman thinking about getting pregnant should make sure to take a folic acid supplement. Women should get at least 1,000 mgs of calcium per day (1,200 mgs/day if you’re past menopause) from food and/or supplements. Everyone should also get 800 international units of Vitamin D per day.

4. Eat at least two fish meals per week. The evidence is strong that the oils in darker types of fish, such as salmon, tuna, mackerel and herring, are beneficial for the heart and brain and may even lower risk of cancer.

5. Talk to your doctor about taking aspirin for heart protection but don’t assume that it’s right for you. A recent clinical trial suggested that healthy women younger than age 65 don’t get heart protection from aspirin. Women who are the best candidates for long-term aspirin are age 65 or older or have a history of cardiovascular disease or diabetes. And be aware that aspirin has some serious risks, including gastrointestinal bleeding.

6. Drink water. No matter where you are, water should always be the first thing you reach for when you’re thirsty. Water truly is essential.

7. Sleep eight hours a night. A number of recent studies have confirmed that you really do need at least eight hours a night. Among the many benefits: Adequate sleep makes you feel better, decreases risk for cardiovascular disease, boosts memory and reduces the likelihood of being in a car accident.

8. Keep sugar and caffeine – the “legal evils” – to a minimum. It’s hard to believe, but decreasing sugar actually increases people’s energy, by minimising the highs and lows that sweet foods triggers. Different people react differently to caffeine, but most of us are probably overstimulated already – adding a stimulant just adds to things like road rage.

9. Consider acupuncture and massage as valid therapies for chronic problems, such as back pain and neuropathy. Seeing a good massage therapist for neck strain may work better than taking extra strength Tylenol and/or Advil regularly.

10. If you smoke, quit. There is nothing good about it. If you’re having trouble quitting, start smoking less today – smoke only half a cigarette, and skip as many of your usual smokes as you can – and get help right away. Get some guidance about why it is you smoke to figure out how best to stop doing it. Smoking cessation groups can be extremely helpful and supportive, and medications like a nicotine patch can help decrease the cravings. Acupuncture may also be useful.

11. Don’t focus on dieting. Focus on eating. If you’re hungry, you’re more likely to overeat, especially in the evening. Instead, of sacrificing all day and gorging later, it’s better to eat enough during the day to avoid hunger pangs and uncontrolled eating at night. Eat every four hours or so, and make sure to eat a “second lunch” – think of it as another meal rather than a snack – in the mid-afternoon to keep your energy up and make you less hungry in the evening.

12. Budget your food as you do your money. A rough guideline for daily caloric intake: Multiply your ideal body weight by ten (ie, 1,200 calories if you want to weigh 120 pounds) and then add another 600 calories if you’re moderately active, a few hundred more if you’re very active. Divide those calories out across the day to keep yourself well fed.

13. Eat three different foods at every meal. Don’t eat a scoop of tuna for lunch – eat tuna on a roll with a salad.

14. Eating won’t solve emotional problems. Many people eat to make themselves feel better when they’re upset. It works in the short run; certain foods can temporarily boost mood. But in the long run, you’ll have the same emotional problems – plus the extra weight.

15. Don’t drink too many calories. It’s easy to drink calories without noticing: that latte may have nearly as many calories as a cheeseburger. It’s okay to have one as an occasional treat, but consider it a meal, not a drink.
