Sabtu, 30 April 2011

10 Flat Belly Tips

10 Flat Belly Tips
 Stomach feeling fat? Here's how you can de-bloat to look and feel better.
You'd love to have a flat belly for the party tonight, but thanks to one too many sodas or that basket of tortilla chips, zipping your pants is a real struggle. Abdominal bloating not only looks bad, but can cause physical discomfort. The good news? Experts say stomach bloating is a condition you can avoid pretty easily.

We're not talking about extra pounds of stomach fat here, but the temporary abdominal distention that plagues most everyone from time to time. Unless your stomach bloating is because of a medical condition, such as liver or heart disease, the only real cause is intestinal gas - not "water weight," says Michael Jensen, MD, an endocrinologist and obesity researcher at Mayo Clinic.

“It is a myth that bloating in the stomach is from fluid accumulation in healthy adults, because the abdomen is not a place where fluids accumulate first," Jensen says. "Instead, you would see it in your feet or ankles as long as you are upright."

So what causes gas to accumulate and wreak havoc on how you feel and look? Experts say there are several causes, from food intolerances to constipation.

Flat Belly Tip No. 1: Avoid Constipation.

Too little fiber, fluids, and physical activity can lead to constipation, which can result in bloating, Jensen says.

To avoid this, eat a diet high in fiber (25 daily grams for women and 38 for men) from whole grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, and seeds. Also, drink plenty of fluids (aim for 6-8 glasses a day) and aim for physical activity for at least 30 minutes, five times a week.

If you're eating a low-fiber diet, gradually bump up the fiber level, making sure you also drink plenty of fluids for better tolerance.

Flat Belly Tip No. 2: Rule Out Wheat Allergies or Lactose Intolerance.

Food allergies and intolerances can cause gas and bloating, but these need to be confirmed by your doctor. Many people self-diagnose these conditions and unnecessarily eliminate healthy dairy and whole grains from their diets. If you suspect you have an allergy or intolerance, see your doctor for tests.

You may benefit from reducing the amount of the suspected food and/or eating it with other foods. In the case of dairy, it can help to choose aged cheeses and yogurts, which are lower in lactose.

Flat Belly Tip No. 3: Don't Eat Too Fast.

Eating quickly and not chewing your food well can cause air swallowing that leads to bloating, says Dawn Jackson Blatner, RD, a spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association.

So slow down and enjoy your food. Your meals should last at least 30 minutes. Also, keep in mind that digestion begins in the mouth, and you can decrease bloating just by chewing your food more, Blatner says.

There's another benefit to slowing things down: When you take your time to thoroughly chew and taste your food, your snack or meal becomes more satisfying. And studies have shown that if you eat more slowly, you may end up eating less.

Flat Belly Tip No. 4: Don't Overdo Carbonated Drinks.
The fizz in carbonated drinks (even diet ones) can cause gas to get trapped in your belly, Blatner says.

Instead, drink water flavored with lemon, lime, or cucumber. Or just reduce the number of fizzy drinks you consume each day. Try some peppermint tea for a soothing beverage that may help reduce bloat.

Flat Belly Tip No. 5: Don't Overdo Chewing Gum.

Chewing gum can also lead to swallowing air, which can cause bloating.

If you've got a gum habit, alternate chewing gum with sucking on a piece of hard candy or eating a healthy, high-fiber snack like fruit, vegetables, or lower-fat popcorn.

Flat Belly Tip No. 6: Watch Out for Sugar-Free Foods.

"Many of my patients suffer from bloating because they consume too much sugar alcohol in artificially sweetened foods and drinks," which can lead to bloating, Blatner says.

Experts recommend consuming no more than 2-3 servings per day of artificially sweetened foods and drinks.

Flat Belly Tip No. 7: Limit Sodium.
Highly processed foods tend to be high in sodium and low in fiber, both of which can contribute to that bloated feeling, Jensen says.

Get in the habit of reading food labels, Blatner advises. When buying processed, canned, or frozen foods, shoot for no more than 500 mg of sodium per serving in any product -- or a total of 2,300 mg of sodium per day.

Flat Belly Tip No. 8: Go Slow with Beans and Gassy Vegetables.
If you're not used to eating beans, they can cause that gassy feeling. So can the cruciferous family of vegetables, such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cauliflower.
Cabbage Family Vegetables
Vegetables belonging to the cabbage family include broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kohlrabi, kale and collard greens. These foods, as well as dried beans, are gas producing because they contain a complex sugar known as raffinose. The human digestive tract does not have a particular type of enzyme, alpha galactosidase, required to metabolize this sugar. However, bacteria found in the digestive tract do possess alpha galactosidase. Bacterial metabolism of raffinose causes the release of gaseous byproducts that are then eliminated through flatulence.
That doesn't mean you should give up on these super-nutritious, high-fiber vegetables.

"Don’t be nervous about beans," Blatner says. "Just work them into your diet slowly until your body adjusts to the compounds that can initially cause gas."Or, you can take an enzyme product like "Beano," which can help re
duce gas from beans or vegetables.

Flat Belly Tip No. 9: Eat Smaller Meals More Often

Instead of three big meals per day, try eating smaller meals more often. This can keep you free of the bloated feeling that often follows large meals (think Thanksgiving). Eating more frequently can also help control blood sugar and manage hunger.

So go for five to six small meals each day, but make sure the quantity of food and calories are proportionate to your needs. To create a daily meal plan that includes the recommended amounts of all major nutrients, visit the U.S. Department of Agriculture's "mypyramid" web site.

Flat Belly Tip No. 10: Try Anti-Bloating Foods and Drinks.
A few studies suggest that peppermint tea, ginger, pineapple, parsley, and yogurts containing probiotics ("good" bacteria) may help reduce bloating.
"These are safe foods that are good for you when used appropriately, so why not try them and see if they help you de-bloat?" says Blatner, author of The Flexitarian Diet.

A Final Word About Stomach Fat

Experts agree that laxatives, water pills, fasting, and skipping meals are not recommended, either to help you de-bloat or lose weight.

If you're looking to flatten your belly for the long term, there's no substitute for losing a few pounds, Jensen says.

"For most everyone, when you lose total body fat, your body reduces belly fat preferentially," he says. "Even though people lose weight differently, there is a little more lost in the abdominal region than elsewhere.”

Experts also say that doing ab exercises all day long won’t get rid of the excess belly. Although you can’t necessarily spot reduce, you can strengthen abdominal muscles with routines like Pilates and exercise ball workouts. And, stronger muscles can help your belly appear flatter.

"Toning and strengthening the abdominal muscles can help you look less fat [and] improve your appearance, muscle tone, and posture, which is also very good for your back," Jensen says.

Dietitian's Top 10 Diet Tips

Dietitian's Top 10 Diet Tips

Dietitians share their own strategies for eating healthfully despite life's challenges.
We all know it's a challenge to eat healthfully in our drive-through, junk-food world. But what about those people who make a living urging folks to improve their diets? How do they manage to pull it off themselves? I asked a sampling of dietitians from all over the country how they eat well despite life's challenges, and they shared some favorite diet tips that they use in their own lives.

Diet Tip No. 1: Enjoy Fast Food Weekly, but Make Smart Choices
This is one of my own favorite tips on how to live in the real world as a dietitian and mother and still aim for healthy eating most of the time. When my now 16-year-old was in kindergarten, I started bringing lunch to my two daughters on Fridays when I had volunteer duty at the school -- and "fast-food Friday" was born. My girls are now in high school, and believe it or not, I still do this. (Apparently, they're willing to brave the embarrassment of meeting their mom at the front of the school if it means getting a break from bag lunches.)

The way I see it, this is actually an exercise in moderation. By having it once a week, my girls are exposed to fast food, but it isn't standard fare. They've also learned how to make healthier fast-food choices -- fast-food Friday often consists of BBQ grilled chicken sandwiches on whole-grain buns, bean burritos, or vegetable-topped personal pizzas.

Diet Tip No. 2: Drink No More Than 1 Diet Soda a Day
You find soda everywhere in our culture, whether you're at a fast-food restaurant, gas station, vending machine, or a friend's house. Some people limit sugary drinks, but allow themselves boundless diet sodas. And considering that research has found that the number of calories we get from beverages has increased by more than 200 from 1965 to 2002, diet soda may seem like a great solution. But I would personally rather keep my intake of diet soda and its alternative sweeteners to about one per day. One benefit of that is more room for water and healthy green teas!

If you enjoy diet sodas, as I do, try limiting your intake to one can when you want it the most during the day (for me, that's right after lunch or midafternoon). So yes, you'll find diet sodas in this dietitian's refrigerator -- but you'll also find plenty of alternatives like mineral water, lots of tea options, freshly squeezed orange juice, and low-fat milk.

Diet Tip No. 3: Pizza Night!
Marcia Yamashiro, RD, a northern California dietitian who counsels people with eating disorders, participates in a weekly "pizza night" with her family of four.

Sound surprising? The truth is that pizza can definitely be a better choice if topped with vegetables instead of fatty meats, and especially if you ask for extra pizza sauce (it's rich in phytochemicals from the tomatoes). Serve the slices with a green salad and/or some fresh fruit for a more balanced, fiber- and nutrient-rich meal.

Diet Tip No. 4: Breakfast Cereals With Fewer Than 3 Grams of Fiber Need Not Apply
Carol Ann Brannon, MS, RD, a nutrition therapist and food coach in Georgia, makes sure all the breakfast cereals in her pantry have more than 3 grams of fiber per serving.

"This way I get my youngest daughter to seek out cereal with fiber, and these are usually the ones lower in sugar, too," says Brannon.

Diet Tip No. 5: Pump Up the Protein

Christine Gerbstadt, MD, RD, a spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association, makes a point of eating protein at every meal and snack. In an email interview, she suggests trying whey powder or egg white as a protein source at some of your meals or snacks.

Diet Tip No. 6: Keep Score of Fruits and Vegetables
Barbara Quinn, MS, RD, CDE, clinical dietitian at the Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula, keeps score of her fruit and vegetable servings during the day. "If I get to the end of the day and a piece of fruit or vegetable hasn't touched my lips, then guess what we're having for dinner!" says Quinn.

One of Brannon's favorite real-life diet tips also involves the produce aisle -- she tries to include a vegetable and fruit at every meal. Gerbstadt says she also tries to add veggies to meals and snacks every chance she gets.
Diet Tip No. 7: Have Alcohol Only on Weekends
 "If you enjoy alcohol, be aware that the calories add up quickly -- and one way to control it is to limit consumption to the weekends," says Kathleen Zelman, MS, RD, director of nutrition for WebMD and the WebMD Weight Loss Clinic.

So try limiting your liquor to Friday and Saturday nights -- and keep it to a drink or two each night.

Diet Tip No. 8: Have an After-Dinner Drink
Following dinner with a nice, hot cup of tea or a decaf latte can help satisfy your dessert cravings and keep your hand out of the cookie jar, says Zelman. About an hour or two after dinner, many of us get the munchies -- and enjoying a no-calorie or low-calorie beverage can keep your hands and mouth busy during those times.

Diet Tip No. 9: Pre-Dinner Produce Munchies
"Before I start cooking dinner, I cut up veggies or fruit for everyone to snack on while I'm cooking," notes Bonnie Liebman, MS, director of nutrition for the nonprofit Center for Science in the Public Interest.

This keeps her family from reaching for less healthy snack foods while they're waiting for dinner and encourages healthy eating in two other ways, Liebman says in an email interview: It gets a serving or two of produce into everyone before there's competition from other foods at dinner -- and people are more apt to like foods when they are really hungry.

Diet Tip No. 10: Count 4 Colors in Each Meal
Jennifer Reilly, RD, senior nutritionist for The Cancer Project in Washington, D.C., makes sure each meal her family eats naturally contains at least four different colors. "Skittles don't count!" Reilly jokes in an email interview.

"For example, dinner could be veggie chicken nuggets (GOLD), sweet potato fries (ORANGE), cucumber slices (GREEN) and cranberry juice (RED)," Reilly says.

Type II diabetes

Type II diabetes
Low-fat vegetarian diet is ideal for diabetics.
  Low-fat, vegetarian diets are ideal for people with diabetes and for Indians who are topping the charts with the highest incidence of Type 2 diabetes in the world, it would be a good idea to stay with the traditional Indian diet, remain fit and keep diabetes at bay.

According to a new study conducted and published by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine along with George Washington University and the University of Toronto, a low-fat, unrefined, vegan diet (excluding all animal products) is ideal for people with Type 2 diabetes.

“The diet appears remarkably effective and all the side effects are good ones especially weight loss and lower cholesterol levels. This study we hope will rekindle interest in using diet changes first, rather than prescription drugs,” said Neal D. Barnard, lead researcher of the study now in India to talk about his research.

Dr. Barnard is also president of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, a non-government organisation that promotes preventive medicine, especially good nutrition.

“The number of people with Type 2 diabetes in India has more than doubled since 1995 largely because of changing eating habits. A low-fat vegan diet could reverse this trend,” said Dr. Barnard, who delivered a lecture at the All-India Institute of Medical Sciences here on Tuesday.
Blood sugar levels

Dr. Barnard spoke about his research work which was funded by the U.S.-based National Institutes of Health and indicated that a dairy-free vegan diet can help many patients cut their blood sugar levels, improve their insulin sensitivity and reduce if not eliminate their medications. The study was published in “Diabetes Care”, a journal of the American Diabetes Association.

Type 2 diabetes usually does not occur until adulthood. In this form of the disease there may be plenty of insulin in the bloodstream but the cells are resistant to it. Glucose cannot easily get into the cells and it backs up in the bloodstream.

“The new study shows that in people with diabetes a low-fat vegan diet reduces blood sugar to a greater degree than even common oral diabetes medications. Type 2 diabetes can cause heart disease, kidney failure, stroke, nervous system damage, vision loss and other serious life-threatening complications. Rather than compensate for malfunctioning insulin, like other treatments our diet actually helps an individual’s own insulin work better by altering what goes on inside that person’s cell,” said Dr. Barnard.
 “I see India as a key player in combating the global diabetes epidemic. A tradition northern Indian diet which is vegetarian, has minimal use of cooking oils and has a variety of food stuff is the best for human use,” added Dr. Barnard.
12 Tips for Reversing Diabetes (Type 2), Reducing Blood Sugar, Preventing

 What is Type 2 Diabetes?

Can Going Vegetarian Really Make a Difference?

Can Going Vegetarian Really Make a Difference?
Veganism is the practice of eliminating the use by human beings of non-human animal products. Ethical vegans reject the commodity status of animals and the use of animal products for any purpose, while dietary vegans or strict vegetarians eliminate them from their diet only

Vegan refers to a person whose nourishment excludes meat, eggs, dairy products and all other animal-derived ingredients. Vegans also do not eat foods that are processed by means of animal products including sugar and wine. They also avoid the use of products that are known to use animals in testing and analysis like leather, fur and wool.

People who are used to eating meat would certainly agree that it is not easy to shift to an exclusive vegetable diet. There are several animal-based foods that are very hard to oppose, much more that nearly all restaurants and supermarkets sells irresistible animal merchandise. It will definitely require a lot of drive to countermand the regular fad. But how does going vegan can make a difference? Is it really worth it?
People become vegan because of various reasons, here are some of them:

Vegans are Environmentalists
According to one United nation study, a global shift towards a vegan diet is fundamental to save the world by becoming humanitarian and this is a great way to take care of the environment.

Vegans Live Longer
Vegan diet is very lucrative to the health, even to those whose genetics predisposes one to illnesses such as diabetes, high cholesterol and heart diseases. Based on one study conducted by the German Cancer Research Center, the common vegans live longer than those people who love to eat meat. The US-Food and Drug Administrator on the other hand deem that both vegan and vegetarian diets are the healthiest diets of most of these foods are low in cholesterol. If Americans will learn to reduce their meat intake by 10 percent, that would free up to 12,000 tons of grains and feed 60,000,000 people all over the world. Besides, fast foods are considered unhealthful and bring about numerous health problems due to excessive intake of meat products.

Vegans Live Longer
Vegan diet is very lucrative to the health, even to those whose genetics predisposes one to illnesses such as diabetes, high cholesterol and heart diseases. Based on one study conducted by the German Cancer Research Center, the common vegans live longer than those people who love to eat meat. The US-Food and Drug Administrator on the other hand deem that both vegan and vegetarian diets are the healthiest.

Diets of most of these foods are low in cholesterol. If Americans will learn to reduce their meat intake by 10 percent, that would free up to 12,000 tons of grains and feed 60,000,000 people all over the world. Besides, fast foods are considered unhealthful and bring about numerous health problems due to excessive intake of meat products.

Vegans Have Developed Better Food
Vegans are very conscious of what foods they put inside their mouth. They tend to know and be watchful of their food content, that most of the time they would dodge those foods full of harmful chemicals and preservatives. Their diet would customarily include healthful vegetable-based products highly packed with nutrients. In truth, milk consumption has been linked to Crohns Disease, arteriosclerotic heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, infectious disease, milk sickness, Parkinson’s disease, allergies, anal fissures, chronic constipation, ear infections, multiple sclerosis and prostate cancer.

Vegans are Good Persons
Although vegans mostly are considered as society misfits and exist on the tassel of community, a recent study suggests that vegans are more empathic than omnivores. They are innately compassionate to animals, much more to humans, right?

Vegans are Good to Animals
Vegans are against the exploit of animal rights. There is no murdering of animals of all sorts. One of the many reasons why people go vegan is their belief of being good to animals.

Vegans are Driven by their Principle
Ordinarily speaking, vegans are against violence to all sorts of animals. Moreover, they feel it is decisive to be good to people. Most vegans embrace the lifestyle because of moral baseline. Becoming vegan is not only about not eating the type of foods mentioned earlier. It goes to being an environmentalist to social and political awareness advocate.

Going vegan is the best thing that one can do for herself or himself. Reading labels is not hard, and buying vegan clothing is outlandishly effortless. Just because one is vegan that does not mean he or she has to protest and be a walking billboard for the veg-lifestyle. Being vegan is simply great for you. It really makes a huge difference to be concerned not only for one’s welfare but for welfare of the others as well.

Health and Nutrition

Health and Nutrition
Health and Fitness has now become one of the major concerns. Earlier humans used to hunt for their living, due to which their body had to undergo a lot of physical exercise. This made life active and alert. Now, life has become more simple and easy. Everything we need is just a phone call away. This easy life has restricted humans to do that bit of physical exercise which is required to keep the body fit and healthy. We get instant, spicy and variety of food which lose their nutrition during the process.

How do we ensure that we have all that we need to have a healthy living? This is a big question among everyone. We need proper nutrition and a fit and healthy body. Good Health is all that one craves for. Becoming healthier and fitter though not very difficult needs dedicated efforts. 
Nutrition and Health Diet

The basic foundation for a healthy individual starts from his foetal stage with proper and healthy nutrition derived from his or her mother. Hence, a pregnant woman's diet stands atop all diets.

Your food shall be your medicine. Ayurveda and the modern Medicine (Allopathy) has postulated the role of food and especially nutritive foods for maintaining health as well as cure of diseases. Nutrients are necessary for the proper functioning of mental, physical, metabolic, chemical and hormonal activities. The body is like a machine that will repair and rebuild itself if proper nutrition is provided by way of food.
Sumptous nutrition is available in fruits and vegetables. Fruits have the capacity to give all that a body needs. How to consume? What to consume? Which fruit helps in which way? The answers to these questions can be found in the following posts.

Kamis, 28 April 2011

Colorectal Cancer, which screening test is best?

Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the second leading cancer killer in the U.S. That is an alarming statistic, considering that, for the most part, CRC is a preventable disease. CRC usually begins as benign growths called polyps in the colon or rectum, and removing these growths effectively eliminates the possibility that they will develop into cancer. The importance of early

Minggu, 24 April 2011

Four Reasons We Have Breakfast

Why are we should breakfast?
Many people go to work with empty stomach, this is not right because go to work with empty stomach can be a trigger of getting diseases. Some people have a breakfast make fat, but some research proof that they who have a breakfast will get the benefit and not getting fat.

Four reason that we better have breakfast:

Breakfast can fulfill the need of nutrition, to

Kamis, 21 April 2011

How Accurate Are Devices That Track Calories Burned?

When accuracy is highly important in determining the number of calories burned with specific activities, a laboratory-based test called indirect calorimetry is often used. This test estimates the amount of heat produced (calories) by measuring the differences in oxygen and carbon dioxide in inspired and expired air. Obviously, this type of testing would be impractical for people to use in a

Selasa, 19 April 2011

10 tips to feeling happier now

Are you happy? It’s such an important question that British Prime Minister David Cameron recently created a national happiness index to check on how Brits feel. Even Facebook is measuring the Gross National Happiness of its members.

We’re asking because happiness has a huge impact on your health, from your arteries to your heart, from the glow in your skin to the pep in your step.

Happy feelings influence your brain and body chemistry in ways that make you better able to cope with pain and stress, and to fend off colds, flu, heart disease, even cancer. The effects of happiness on your health can be even bigger than the effect of quitting smoking. If you’re happy, you’ll likely live longer and definitely live younger!

And here’s the thing: Being happy isn’t just luck. You can make yourself happier, day in, day out. Here are 10 ways to get started:

1. Listen to music. Whether you love Bach or the Beastie Boys, music that makes you feel good increases your heart and breathing rates, and makes your brain release dopamine, a lovely feel-good neurotransmitter.

2. Hang out with upbeat friends. Your chances of happiness increase by 15 per cent if someone in your immediate social circle is happy.

3. Take a joy break. Don’t worry if you’re among the 80 per cent who say their job doesn’t thrill them. Even a few minutes of doing something you love (singing, hiking, watching a sunset) can reduce anxiety and improve your mood.

4. Talk nice to yourself. Is your inner voice quick to snap out things like: “How could you forget that, you idiot?” Trade put-downs for encouraging words; you can do this. They set you up for success.

5. Connect. Talk, really talk, to people you care about; connecting is good for you both. Get physical, too: Hugs stimulate oxytocin, the “cuddle hormone,” giving you a feel-good boost. Lovemaking does, too, in steady relationships (those couples report the highest happiness levels).

6. Keep a gratitude journal. Simply writing down what you’re thankful for makes you healthier and more optimistic.

7. Don’t sit around. Physical activity is a significant happiness booster. Get moving for 30 minutes a day.

8. Meditate. We do. It eases stress, improves sleep, strengthens immunity and measurably increases happiness (in one study, by 20 points on a scale of 100).

9. Help others. Volunteer at a soup kitchen, hospital or shelter. Giving back adds more meaning, which is essential to happiness in your life.

10. Go outside. Spending time with Mother Nature makes you feel alert, enthusiastic, full of energy and, simply, happy.

Jumat, 15 April 2011

Jet Lag

Anyone traveling by rapid transit to more distant locations can be affected by jet lag. Known in medical jargon as desynchronosis, jet lag is caused by the body's internal clock having to be reset to a new time zone. It is typically worse for travelers crossing three or more time zones. Although considered a sleep disorder, jet lag can develop in someone who ordinarily does not suffer from

Senin, 11 April 2011

What causes congestive heart failure?

The recent death of actress Elizabeth Taylor from congestive heart failure (CHF) has generated a great deal of interest about this condition and its causes. Congestive heart failure is more common than many people realize, currently affecting nearly 5 million Americans, with around 550,000 new cases being diagnosed each year. In fact, for individuals older than 65 years, heart failure is

Senin, 04 April 2011

Faster Weight Loss Through Speeding Up Your Metabolism?

Tips on How to Increase your Metabolism for Better Weight Loss The internet abounds in resources on how to lose weight. Sleeping has nothing to do with weight loss. Staying awake at night is the last thing you should do if you’re trying to lose weight. Just because you’re not moving when you’re asleep, it doesn’t mean that you’re putting on weight. However, studies have shown that making sure you get a good night’s sleep every night weighed about five pounds less than those who did not. This is because staying up late at night every night or even most nights can actually slow down your metabolism. This gets in the way of your body being able to use your food for energy, so it ends up getting stored as fat.

High levels of stress can affect your thyroid gland that keeps your hormone levels where they should be.

With a slow metabolism you can gain weight and even be depressed. By relaxing and doing activities you enjoy, you will keep your weight at a healthy level. So many of us are in such a rush in the morning, that we forget to eat breakfast and many of us think that it is only extra calories anyway. A healthy breakfast will speed up your body’s system of processing food and it will also boost your much-needed energy for the day. Some people find breakfast foods unappetizing, or they’re in a hurry and skip breakfast altogether; this could be okay. An hour after waking up and not later, eat something healthy, though. This will help you to have better weight loss results and be happier as well. In your workplace, try to move around a lot if it’s possible; shake a leg, too, instead of sitting at your desk the whole day.

This will not only help you shed off some pounds, keep fresh blood pumping to your heart, but keep you in good health as well. A good practice is to take a walk on your lunch break and get up from your desk every hour or so, and stretch a few times as you take deep breaths. We feel pressured and harassed in the modern world we live in that we don’t seem to have time for taking care of ourselves. Here I have presented you with some simple tips on habits that can increase your metabolism rate in order to lose weight. These are no-sweat tips not only on how to shed off unwanted pounds but also promote a happier and healthier lifestyle for you. Always bear in mind that your weight has a lot to do with your general health.

Weight loss can be as simple as increasing your metabolism rate.

Sabtu, 02 April 2011

Life Insurance

life insurance is a method by which numbers of individuals pool their funds so as to spread the risk of financial loss from death equally among them. Historically, the practice of life insurance dates back at least as far as the romans whose burial clubs financed funeral expenses and made payments to families of the deceased.

Type of Life Insurance
The tree basic types of life insurance

Jumat, 01 April 2011

Antioxidants, Part 2 - What are the best sources of antioxidants?

Taking antioxidants is claimed to provide a number of potential health benefit By neutralizing free radicals, antioxidants, such as vitamins C and E, beta-carotene, lycopene and lutein may play a role in preventing diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, and Alzheimer's disease. Conclusive research demonstrating their benefits, however, is lacking. One possible explanation for this is