Rabu, 31 Agustus 2011

Quit Drinking Alcohol

Quit Drinking Alcohol
If you feel that you drink too much or even if you are not an alcoholic, there are many benefits of quitting drinking, such as preventing strokes, reducing your weight, avoiding hangovers, and reducing the likelihood of liver disease. If you would like to stop drinking, here are some steps to follow.

   1. Talk to your doctor. If you choose not to, bear in mind that alcohol withdrawal can potentially be deadly. If you start experiencing severe withdrawal symptoms (panic attacks, severe anxiety pressure you should seek immediate medical assistance. The condition could potentially deteriorate to deadly delerium tremens if left untreated.

   2. Change your attitude about quitting! Remember, you're not being forced to give up a good friend who has treated you well. Instead, you are finally ridding yourself of an awful enemy who has robbed you of many great pleasures in life.

   3. Constantly remind yourself of what a great thing you are doing and hold tightly to your quit. Remember that you are pardoning yourself from a life sentence in the prison of alcoholism and you will always hold the key.

   4. Try to pick some significant date to quit. Be ambitious, but reasonable. If you are very heavy drinker you must first slow down to avoid withdrawal symptoms (in this case it is best to have your doctor help you plan your quitting date).

   5. Get rid of all bottles, cans, etc. And don't feel that just because you are having guests over that you need to offer them a beer, wine, or cocktail. It is perfectly fine to offer people tea, lemonade, coke, or the like.

   6. Feel your feelings. Cry when you need to. Laugh when you can. Eat when you are hungry. Sleep when you are tired. This is going to be really weird at first, but embrace it. You haven't felt your feelings for a long time. You will have a learning curve.

   7. Don't do anything you don't feel ready to do. If going to the beach is a time when you drank a lot. Don't go this year. If going to a certain friend's home for dinner is a time when you drank a lot - get a rain check this time. Protecting your sobriety is the most important thing you are doing right now. Take care of you! Don't worry about everyone else right now.

   8. There's an old saying about 'Playgrounds and Playmates' - look at yours - you may need to leave some of your old drinking buddies and watering holes behind. That said - It can be quite a revelation to find out that the friends you used to drink with were drinking with you only occasionally and were having two beers or two glasses of wine to your five.

   9. Revise recipes that call for wine so you do not have it in the kitchen, or use non-alcoholic sparkling wine.

  10. Buy a wallet and whenever you think about buying a bottle or a drink, put that amount of money in your sober wallet. It will shock you. Use this for healthier stress relief: massage, visit to a day spa, yoga class...

  11. Buy a small piece of inexpensive jewelry like a ring or bracelet, or henna your hand, or get a special manicure to remind you that these hands no longer buy or touch alcohol.

  12. Drink a lot of water.

  13. Consider joining a support group like Alcoholics Anonymous. But do not feel guilty or defeated if you do not find AA to be a fit for you. It is not for everyone. Most people who quit do so without the help of AA. The vast majority of people who have quit drinking and put that phase of their lives behind them have done so by making a conscious commitment to themselves to stop drinking once and for all - and never look back.

  14. Never take another sip.

  15. After 90 days completely sober your whole outlook will be changed and your body will be in full recovery mode. You will be like a completely different person and you will likely have lost weight!

  16. Make lists of ways to 'do' all the things you did by using alcohol without alcohol. A list of ways to celebrate. A list of ways to have a romantic dinner. A list of ways to relax and unwind. A list of ways to be sociable.

  17. Feel how good it feels to go to sleep at night without 'slipping into a coma' only to awaken at 3 a.m. with a dry mouth and a splitting head.

  18. Don't try to explain quitting to people. Most people do not drink like we did. They are not like us and therefore they cannot understand the fact that we truly have a problem with alcohol. Of course, there are others who have the problem too - Either way the people are going to say 'You don't have problem!' When you quit drinking just say 'No thanks, I'll have a Diet Coke - I'm trying to watch my weight.' If you hang out with them very much they'll figure it out - and they'll think 'Good for him!'

  19. Admit to yourself, and remember it, that there is absolutely nothing in your life more important than this one thing.

  20. Have a good reason! Like - I never want to miss work because I have a hateful hangover again. Or I never want to embarrass my child in front of her friends again. Or I never want to be ugly to my spouse because I've had one too many again. Or I never want to get a DUI(again). Or I never want to 'drunk dial' my friends and relatives and act like an idiot again. Or I never want to hide bottles all over the house again. Or I never want to have to pretend I remember what happened the night before when I do not recall anything after X o'clock again. Or I don't want to lose this marriage the way I lost my first marriage to the ravishes of alcohol again. Or I wonder what it would be like to feel good again.

  21. Do not avoid all situations where you would normally drink. Instead approach them with a good attitude and remember that you can have a good time without drinking.

  22. Memorize a prayer, poem or something (i.e. Hamlet's speech "To be or not to be") to repeat to yourself when you are losing your mind; trying to remember it will keep your head together sometimes.

  23. Give yourself a prize for every day or every hour that you haven't had a drink.

  24. Talk to your doctor. If you chose not to, bear in mind that alcohol withdrawal can potentially be DEADLY. If you start experiencing withdrawal symptoms such as severe anxiety or elevated blood pressure you should seek immediate medical assistance before the condition deteriorates to delerium tremens.

  25. "He who conquers others is mighty. He who conquers himself is almighty."

  26. "Pick up yoga! It will help you deal with stress and calm your mind."

  27. Take a B-vitamin supplement daily for your first week off alcohol. Alcohol affects the ability of the body to absorb these (specifically thiamine). Deficiency can cause severe cognitive impairment (Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome or wet brain).

  28. If you are tempted, try to visualize what you might look like totally out of control. Do you really want to be that person again?

  29. If you are a scheduled drinker, like after work or when you go home, change your routine to involve another activity like visiting your parents or a friend.

  30. Have food before you drink, this will reduce your interest for drinking.

  31. In the initial stage, reduce the quantity of alcohol intake. Imagine that due to excess alcohol, you are vomiting and having head ache on the next day and stop drinking any more.

  32. Learn meditation. Do meditation regularly especially in the morning and at the end of the session, vow not to drink alcohol. Remember your calm mind of meditation later when you feel like drinking. It will distract you.

  33.Don’t give up on yourself – Many people will find excuses like, “I’ve been drinking for so long, it probably won’t make any difference” or “I’ve tried so many times, I just can’t do it”. Some will feel hopelessly defeated if they find that they have something highly progressive like Cirrhosis of the liver. Quitting drinking can extend life no matter what’s going on. How long it extends is entirely up to the individual; everyone’s physical makeup is different and some are more resilient. You should remind yourself that if you were willing to try quitting so many times in the past, you have the ability to try again. There is no age limit nor is it EVER too late to try to quit drinking.

  34.Don’t let guilt consume you – Some will feel a sense of foolishness and guilt over not having done something sooner. Don’t pass blame to anyone including you. Alcohol is the enemy. It has been whispering in your ear and telling you that it’s more important than anything else. There is nothing more important than you. You are of no use to anyone if you die. Hence, YOU must overthrow the oppressive rule of alcohol and start fresh, just as any country in revolution. It will be hard and you must learn from the past, but remember that you were mislead and lied to by alcohol; now that it’s gone you can really start living. Those around you will appreciate it too.

Vegetarian Bodybuilding Diet Suggestions

In many cases, the idea of being a vegetarian as well as a bodybuilder was shamefully ridiculed. Many people think the proteins that are required to build and tone muscles can only be found in meats. But what they do not know is that a healthy combination of many different foods, combined with a group of carefully selected supplements and a vigorous workout routine can do wonders for vegetarian bodybuilders.7YGJ875P9PDU

Vegetarian Bodybuilding Diet Suggestions
  • The most important element that is required for bodybuilding is protein. Though protein is sufficiently available in meats, vegetarians will have to depend on other sources. The main protein sources for vegetarians are cereals, legumes, seeds and nuts.
  • It is important to include at least two or three sources of protein in every meal. A good example of such a combination is beans on toast. Here, beans fall under legumes while toast falls under cereals.
  • However, the most bountiful supplier of protein is soya products. They are so rich in protein that it is said they almost equal the amount of proteins found in meats. In more technical terms, the human body is able to absorb 92% of the proteins available in meats whereas the body can absorb 91% of the proteins available in soya products.
  • It is important to have other foods as well which provide the minerals and vitamins that are required for bodybuilding. Vegetarians must have plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables in their diets. 
  • A particular significance is placed on the combination of Iron and Vitamin C intake per day. The iron that is available from vegetables, called non-heme iron is different from that found in meat, called heme iron. Heme iron is much easier to absorb when compared to non-heme iron. 
  • However, if sufficient vitamin C is available in the diet, it will help the body absorb non-heme iron better. Citric acid and other acids found in fruits have a similar effect. A varied diet will mean that they will be receiving almost all the beneficial elements.
  • Aside from gaining nutrition from foods, vegetarians can also rely on a few supplements to receive the minerals that may not be found, or found in insufficient quantities, in vegetarian diets. 
  • Multivitamins, calcium or iron supplements are just a few examples of the vast range of supplements available. However, there are many enthusiasts who prefer keeping everything natural and not relying on factory-manufactured medication to become healthier. One important reason such pills are better avoided is that a number of them may accompany side effects if used for extensive periods of time.
  • And last but certainly not least, water is a very important component of every diet. But for workout diets, water is a vital element because it carries tremendous advantages for your health. It is what cleans the inside of our body, clearing it of pollutants. It also has other benefits such as keeping our skin healthy, assisting digestion and also lowers the risk of dehydration.
One point that should be noted is that it is always best to consult a health expert while fixing diets, especially for vegetarian workout diets. They will help you fix a balanced and nutritional food schedule that will work particularly well for you as not every diet can be useful for everyone.

It is also extremely important to recognize that bodybuilding diets should go hand-in-hand with an adequate exercising regime, and that the entire diets should be planned in accordance to the workout levels. Personal trainers might also have a say when planning the diet plans in terms of gross calorie counts, and could advise for different levels of calorie intake according to the strenuous levels of workout for any corresponding day.

Healthy Eating Ideas

Food is often considered one of the most prominent budgetary items in any household budget. Many households utilize coupons and other tactics to save money on food to guide their grocery choices. This is one of the reasons that many people opt for less healthy meal choices because they are often less expensive. Although some healthy food items may be expensive, it's still possible to eat healthy even on a tight budget.

Some Helpful Hints are Listed Below

Eliminate junk food
Sometimes shopping by yourself is a good thing. Children, especially, tend to pick out unwanted junk food. If you shop by yourself you won't feel obligated to buy that junk food. In addition, make sure that you are not going to the grocery store hungry! You will find many junk food options appealing during your state of hunger and you may pick up items spontaneously that are not necessarily the best option for your health, but rather serve your immediate cravings for hunger satisfaction.

Choose water or milk instead of soft drinks
When going out to an event or special occasion, it's okay to enjoy your favorite beverage, but you may want to choose the smallest size to save both money and calories. Adults and children alike need to have milk on a daily basis. Milk is an excellent source of calcium, which helps bones grow, and teeth become strong. It is amazing how much fat you can eliminate from your diet simply by choosing to drink water. In addition, water allows your caloric intake to taper since it contains no calories, and of course, no fat. Especially if you are a big soda drinker, you will experience a immediate feeling of health once you eliminate your body's dependency on caffeine and sugary beverages.

Buy fruit in bulk
It's often a good idea to buy fruit in quantities when in season. Fruit can always be frozen for future use. Make sure to wash and dry the fruit well, then freeze in plastic zip lock bags or containers. Remember to bring food out to the tables and counters in your home to serve as a reminder to eat them. Not only does a bowl of fruit add character to your décor, it also will lead to your increased fruit consumption and ultimately better health.

Eat lean meats and beans
Meats and beans are good sources of protein. Although you may pay slightly more for some lean meats, canned beans can save money and are a good source of protein. You get a great deal for less money. You can save even more money if you purchase dry beans and cook them yourself. Beans can be cooked in bulk and can be frozen for uses over longer periods of time. There are also many creative recipes that can be made with different selections of beans. Check out all the options and select ones that suit your taste buds on your road to better health.

Use beans as a substitute for meat
Using beans as a substitute for meat is a great way to save money and calories. Beans can be prepared in many ways (such as a crock pot), so you can also spend less time cooking.

The USDA recommends eating beans at least four times a week. Make sure to wash the beans properly and bring the water to a boil before you cook them, and you will avoid the potential for any embarrassing “gassy” moments.

Eat fish
If you live near a coastal area or anywhere fish are readily available, you may even be able to skip the market and catch them yourself, which is a definite money-saver! Make sure that you follow all the standard precautions for cooking and eating fresh fish, and if you are storing fish for later consumption, make sure that you follow all the standard guidelines to prevent health issues that could arise from eating food that is unhealthy for consumption.

Eat Peanut Butter 
Peanut butter is a popular food product that can be used in a variety of ways. Substitute peanut butter for meat in a sandwich. It can be bought in bulk or large jars, and can be stored for weeks or even months. There are many additional ingredients that can be added to a sandwich to make your meal more interesting, not just jelly!

Fill up on foods that are high in water content
Some examples are high water-content foods include watermelon, salads, and sugar free gelatin. This will help fill your stomach, but limit the fat and calories that you are taking in.

You can't go wrong with eating healthy, and it's even possible to eat healthy on a budget. In other words, you don't have to be rich and famous to have the lifestyle and health you've always wanted.

Top 10 Healthiest Foods for Eat and Health Benefits

A common misconception when it comes to healthy eating is that healthy food has a characteristically indescribable taste: Healthy. Well, dismiss that frame of mind right now and never let it return; that is an utterly false belief. Healthy is not synonymous with gross. Quite frankly, healthy foods come in all shapes, sizes, and tastes, and shouldn’t be subjected to this unfair assessment.

It is possible to combine scrumptiously nutritious foods and end up with a tasty meal or perfect snack. Here are 10 of the healthiest foods (some of which may be surprising), and ways to incorporate them into your eating habits.

Top 10 Healthiest Foods

Contrary to popular belief, potatoes are more than just starchy vegetables that shouldn’t be touched. True, they are a carbohydrate heavy food, but not a refined source of carbohydrates, and they provide additional health benefits that shouldn’t be dismissed. Sweet potatoes in particular are filled with healthy nutrients. The orange color indicates they are chock full of beta carotene, which is essential for proper visual function, physiological processes, and its potential antioxidant quality. This 140 calorie vegetable also contains a hefty percentage of the RDA of vitamin C, calcium, iron, and fiber. Its low sodium content makes it an ideal choice, especially in during winter when they are at their peak. Try making them into baked sweet potato fries or a sweet potato casserole for the next family gathering.

Milk (1% Low-Fat or Skim)
Milk is one of the most potent beverages and wisest choices in terms of nutrient density. Its abundance of calcium and protein makes it ideal for growing children and adults. The low-fat and skim milk options are virtually fat free and the cholesterol content is negligent. Milk can be eaten with cereal or oatmeal, mixed with a squirt of chocolate syrup, or used in baked goods.

Broccoli is a dark green cruciferous vegetable that provides doses of potassium, folate, fiber, and calcium. It also has considerable amounts of vitamins C, K, and A, which provide antioxidant benefits along with other physiological functions, such as aiding with blood coagulation processes with the vitamin K. Other than this, broccoli has trace amounts of just about every vitamin and mineral, making it a superb vegetable choice. Melt 1 or 2 ounces of cheese over steamed broccoli with a few cracker crumbs on top. This makes for a crunchy, satisfying side dish.

Leafy Greens
Leafy green vegetables, including spinach and kale, or simply full of vitamins and nutrients essential to bodily functions. They have manganese, folate, vitamins A and K, and fair amounts of iron and magnesium. You may be wondering what all of these vitamins and minerals are good for: well, as a collective group, just about everything! Eating spinach can help protect against osteoporosis and arthritis by reducing inflammation. Toss fresh spinach in a bed of mixed greens for a tasty and nutritious salad.

Have you ever heard the saying, “blueberries are good brain food”? Well, this may very well be true. They are said to help with short-term memory. Berries, especially blueberries, are rich in antioxidants, which help protect body cells and possibly prevent the development of cancer. A whole cup has about 80 calories. The fiber and vitamin C content aid in digestion and immune system protection, respectively. These baby blues are full of phytonutrients as well, making for the perfect fruit snack. Top a low-fat vanilla yogurt with a handful of blueberries for a delicious breakfast.

Omega-3 fatty acids in fish are the most attractive component for its nutritional benefits because of its essential role in brain function and growth and development. Salmon is an exceptionally good source for this fatty acid that our bodies cannot make on its own. Grill salmon with a little seasoning and serve over a serving of rice pilaf for a satisfying meal.

Oats have a special fiber that has been shown to lower cholesterol. Eating high fiber foods is said to reduce the risk of heart disease. In addition, they are high in manganese. Having a bowl of oatmeal in the morning with a teaspoon of cinnamon sprinkled on top with keep you full until lunch, and provide you with a plentiful serving of daily fiber.

Garlic is an herb known for its therapeutic effects. It is a good source of manganese, selenium, and vitamins B6 and C. Garlic consumption is said to reduce the risks for heart disease and atherosclerosis, and have other cardiovascular benefits. Garlic is a multifunctional herb because it can be added to just about any dish, usually in the early stages of cooking, so its flavor penetrates the entire item.

Tomatoes are an excellent source of lycopene, which is an antioxidant with caner-preventing properties. Use chopped tomatoes in place of canned in any recipe for a fresh, juicy taste.

Yes, nuts are rather high in calories and (unsaturated) fats, but they are rich in protein, fiber, and phytonutrients. Walnuts and almonds are a good source of Omega-3 fatty acids, which can help lower LDL cholesterol. Grab a handful for a satisfying afternoon snack.

Health Benefits of Ginger

For thousands of years people have regarded ginger as a respected and effective medicinal ingredient, but do you know the ginger health benefits? The most medicinally valuable part of ginger is the part that people frequently call the root. It is actually a stem of the plant that happens to grow underground. This stem can be credited for many ginger health benefits.

Health Benefits of Ginger
  • Ginger is perhaps best known for its benefits to the digestive process. It helps to break down fats and proteins to facilitate and accelerate digestion. It relieves gas and nausea as well, so for those suffering from morning sickness or motion sensitivity, ginger is a wonderful curing agent.
  • Ginger also reduces inflammation. This means that it is an effective treatment for diseases like arthritis and colitis. As a warming herb, ginger is also a weapon to fight off fevers. 
  • It is an excellent stimulant for blood circulation, which makes it useful for muscle relaxation and the prevention of blood clot formation. Since it has warming properties, ginger can be used as a decongestant or antihistamine. It is a multi-purpose treatment for cold symptoms!
  • Ongoing studies continue to investigate the healing potential of this fantastic herb. Research suggests that ginger may lower cholesterol levels by reducing absorption of LDL cholesterol. In various animal trials ginger has been shown to slow cancer growth.
  • Ginger contains anywhere from 1 to 4 volatile oils, active components that account for both its pungent flavor as well as all ginger health benefits. 
  • All of these oils produce more digestive enzymes in the body. These in turn neutralize acid and aid in digestion so that the digestive process runs smoothly without side effects like cramps, nausea and diarrhea.
  • Ginger also contains something called zingibain. This is a specific enzyme with a superior ability to break down proteins. Research shows that proteolytic enzymes like zingibain have anti-inflammatory capabilities. Zingibain is also antibacterial, so it fights off cold and flu bugs. 
  • Ginger also contains about a dozen antioxidants which work to neutralize substances in the body that cause inflammation and disease.
  • Ginger is considered a safe and natural herb for human ingestion. If ginger is applied to the skin however, some people experience topical rashes. 
  • In powder form ginger is very strong so you should watch how much you take. It is important to measure and monitor your dosages. Too much powdered ginger can cause unwanted side effects like gas and bloating.
Generally for indigestion you want to take 2 to 4 grams of ginger per day. If you are expecting to feel motion sickness and want to avoid it, take 1 gram of ginger a half hour before you travel, and then a half gram every 4 hours after that. Many pregnant women experience morning sickness and use ginger as a natural and safe remedy. However, in pregnant women extended use should be avoided. Limit ginger intake to up to 1 gram per day.

If you’re experiencing any of the symptoms that ginger targets, crush some raw ginger “root” and mix it into a cup of tea. Add honey to sweeten it if you like. If you prefer to incorporate ginger in cooking, it is a wonderful complementary flavor to add to various dishes. Ginger goes particularly well with garlic.

Health Benefits of Raw Honey

Honey is a sweet edible substance that is produced by certain insects from the nectar of flowers. Raw honey, as the name suggests, is completely natural honey that is unprocessed, unheated and unfiltered. It is the purest form of honey that can be offered by nature.

Honey loses all the natural goodness when it is heated and filtered in order to give it a ‘clear’ appearance. Raw honey may not look as clear and smooth as commercially produced honey, but it is a far better alternative, as it contains all the undisturbed nutrients from nature. Raw honey also has a distinctive natural aroma and flavor that is indicative of the particular flower that it has been extracted from.

Health Benefits of Honey
  • Honey has been recognized for its healing benefits – it is antiseptic, antibacterial, anti fugal and antibiotic. 
  • Raw honey is quickly absorbed by the body, and is also known to help with stomach and digestion problems. 
  • Eating honey prevents indigestion and also boosts appetite. Honey has also been used for the treatment of stomach ulcers and acidity. Moreover, honey heals allergies and burns on the skin, and is very good for sore throats as well.
  • Raw honey plays a part in beautification too. It can be used as a moisturizer on skin, and also as a treatment for various skin, hair and scalp problems. It contains antioxidants, and thus can be consumed or applied as an anti-aging potion.
  • Honey can come in a variety of physical forms. One of the most popular forms of pure honey is comb honey, which is basically sold as sections of honeycomb cut and put in jars without any form of processing. It tastes like chewy candy, and is more expensive than other kinds.
  • Then there is creamed honey, in which the crystallization is controlled in order to make it a smoother. Creamed honey, also known as whipped honey, contains a large amount of small crystals that make it appear more like butter, allowing it to be used as a spread. 
  • There is also liquid honey, which is usually strained to remove honeycomb wax or other particles, but still contains pollen, enzymes and other natural minerals. 
  • Heating is perhaps one of the most harmful processing that can be done on honey, as it breaks down the enzymes and thus destroys the nutritional value of natural honey.
  • Raw honey is a great alternative to sugar as a sweetener, and is also enriched in natural nutrients that are not available in sugar or in processed honey. 
  • Raw honey offers health benefits for a number of stomach or skin troubles. There truly exists no sweeter match to the goodness that raw, pure honey has to offer.
The flavor of honey is usually determined by its colour. Generally, a lighter-colored honey is milder in taste while a darker colored honey has a fuller flavor. Granulated honey is normally lighter in color, which is why creamed honey appears that way.

There are different grades to measure the quality of honey. Grade A being good honey, Grade B being reasonably good, Grade C honey is fairly good, while Grade D is considered poor. Raw honey is usually Grade A honey, as it is natural and has not been tampered with.

Health Benefits of Green Tea

Green tea is known to offer remarkable health benefits to people who consume it on a regular basis. It has its origins in China although it is now manufactured in several parts of the world. Ready-to-consume green tea is produced from Camellia sinensis, a tea plant. A special technique involving very minimal oxidation levels of the leaves is employed in producing Green tea from Camellia sinensis leaves. This is what sets it apart from other types of tea and allows it to provide the human body with innumerable health benefits.

A few of the major Green tea benefits are listed below

Weight Loss
One of the most popular and widely known Green tea benefits is weight loss. Green tea works to improve the metabolic rate of the body. In other words, it helps in burning fat from the body at a much faster rate. This happens due to the presence of caffeine and catechin polyphenols present in Green tea. Approximately 70 extra calories can be burned in a day solely by drinking four to five glasses of Green tea. This is especially helpful to people who have hit a weight-loss plateau and are in need of a boost to the metabolism.

The large amounts of antioxidants that form a part of Green tea are responsible for several of its benefits. During the production of Green tea, the leaves do not undergo heavy processing which keeps its antioxidants intact. The disease fighting ability of Green tea is mainly due to the powerful antioxidants it contains. It has abundant quantities of epigallocatechin gallate. This antioxidant is very effective in protecting cells and ridding the body of malignant ones. It does not create any side effects in the process.

Cholesterol levels
Green tea benefits us greatly by keeping in check the level of bad cholesterol (LDL) while simultaneously raising good cholesterol (HDL).

Remedy for type 2 Diabetes and blood pressure
Being a rich source of polyphenols and polysaccharides, Green tea helps in lowering of the sugar level in the blood as well as blood pressure. It is therefore considered to prevent the onset of Diabetes, mainly Type 2. The lowering of blood sugar levels also helps in controlling cravings for carbs and other foods that are sugary in nature. Angiotensis II is a chemical that makes the blood vessels within the body choke. Green tea has the ability to smother this chemical keeping blood pressure under control.

Skin Problems
Green tea is a natural solution for any skin-related concern such as blemishes and wrinkles. It is also a solution to other skin problems such as warts, psoriasis and acne.

Elevated immunity levels
Green Tea possesses certain antiviral properties that prevent the onset of contagious diseases and flu. It kills bacteria such as clostridium and staphylococcus when they enter the body. The bronchial tubes are protected by Theophylline in Green tea. This greatly eases the suffering of asthma patients. The antibacterial properties of Green tea prevent tooth decay by destroying harmful germs.

Green tea can keep arthritis at bay by stifling enzymes in the body that cause damage to bone cartilage.

Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s
When the level of the chemical acetylcholine reduces in the brain, Alzheimer’s disease could be caused. Green tea has the ability to slow down the reduction of acetylcholine, thereby slowing down the onset of Alzheimer’s. Green tea can also protect brain cells against destruction. This greatly reduces the chances of contracting Parkinson’s disease.

As mentioned before, Green tea has antibacterial properties that reduce the ease with which viruses such as HIV can get attached to healthy cells of the body.

Green tea has been avoided by many, owing to its bitter taste. However, it is important to realize that if brewed in the correct manner and proportions, Green tea benefits would not only be enhanced, it would also make for a great choice of beverage that is full of good taste.

Health Benefits of Red Wine

If you thought that red wine only tasted good, here is something to feed your mind – red wine can benefit your health as well. When taken moderately, red wine can have a healthy effect on your heart.

Red wine has long been reflected as to provide health benefits, and a good deal of research has also been conducted to prove the assumptions.

Health Benefits of Red Wine
  • Rich in antioxidants, red wine is known to cut down on bad cholesterol, prevent artery damage, and reduce the risk of heart diseases. Although there are no clear evidences as yet to how red wine really helps the body, many researchers believe that the constituents in red wine may just be the answer.
  • Red wine is a rich source of antioxidants such as flavanoid phenolics, and resveratorol. Flavanoids, found in red grapes, are potent antioxidants that can act as cancer preventives. 
  • Resveratrol, a naturally occurring antioxidant found in the skin of grapes, is known to prevent blood clots, and reduce bad cholesterol (LDL cholesterol), thus reducing the risk of coronary heart diseases. 
  • Research on resveratrol suggests that these substances can reduce stickiness in blood platelets, thus opening the blood vessels, and allowing more flexibility. Resveratrol also restrains the growth of stimulating enzyme responsible for the growth of cancer-cells.
  • However, much of the research regarding the benefits of red wine and resveratrol has been conducted on animals. Resveratrol has shown to decrease obesity and diabetes in mice, both of which constitutes to the development of heart diseases. 
  • Studies have also depicted that the resveratrol in red wine may help to reduce inflammation in the immune system, both in the acute and chronic phase.
  • Reservatrol may aid to slow down the development of dementia as well. Wine is the prime dietary source of resveratrol, and red wine has more amounts of resveratrol than white wine, thus providing more health benefits. 
  • Red wine also contains polyphenols, yet another antioxidant, that lowers the blood pressure and stimulates the immune system; it also possesses anti-bacterial properties that can help to inhibit ulcer infections.
  • Alcohol in itself is beneficial to the body, but only when taken in adequate amounts. Alcohol raises the level of HDL cholesterol (high density lipoprotein), also known as ‘good’ cholesterol, and aids in preventing artery damage caused by ‘bad’ cholesterols. 
  • It also reduces the formation of clotting in the blood which can result in artery blockage. Reported heath benefits of red wine include - relieving common cold symptoms and respiratory diseases such as bronchitis; building stronger bones; helping with Alzheimer’s disease and Dementia; reducing obesity, and aiding longer lives.
  • A glass of red wine presumably relaxes the mind and reduces stress, thus helping the body to cope with diseases quickly and effectively. 
However, any alcohol, including red wine, can become addictive, so it is important to limit the intake to a glass (about 5 ounces) or two everyday. Excessive drinks may result in high blood pressure, liver diseases, migraine, and a number of other side effects. Alcohol consumption is also discouraged for pregnant women, as it may cause harm to the fetus inside.

Nevertheless, adequate amount of red wine is beneficial to the body, and there is no doubt to that. So the next time you enjoy your glass of wine, reflect upon the benefits it provides to your body, and it may just deepen the pleasure of the whole drinking experience!

Health Benefits of Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a plant that has been used for thousands of years for its healing benefits. You may have heard of using aloe vera on your skin to soothe a sun burn, but that is only one of the great uses of aloe vera. Aloe vera is a wonderful source of the Vitamin B12. Most sources of B12 come from animal products, but aloe vera offers a vegetarian source of the important vitamin.

Not only does it contain B12 but several other minerals that are important for the health of our bodies. Aloe vera also contains calcium, protein, zinc, magnesium, vitamins A, and E, germanium, essential fatty acids and amino acids.

Health benefits of Aloe Vera
  • It has been studied around the world and results show that aloe vera offers wonderful support for our immune system and helps ward off illness of all sorts.
  • Aloe vera is a versatile plant that can be used both internally and externally, offering multiple benefits for the skin as well as for the inside of our bodies. 
  • The benefits of aloe vera have been broken down into three groups, including, anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-inflammatory. 
  • When used on the outside of the body, aloe vera can help cure many ailments dealing with the skin. Conditions of the skin that may benefit from the use of aloe vera are minor cuts, scrapes, burns, sunburns, razor burn, acne, dandruff, dry skin, eczema and psoriasis.
  • When taken internally in the form of a juice, aloe vera can offer even more rewards. Because the aloe vera is so rich in nutrients it is able to serve many purposes. 
  • Aloe vera helps the body release pepsin, which is the gastric juice enzyme that we need to digest our food. This helps conditions such as ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, heartburn, constipation, colitis and any other digestive tract irritations.
  • Aloe vera also raises the white blood cell count which is a wonderful thing for people suffering from cancer and anyone that is trying to fight a virus, tumor or infection. For this reason it can help people fight off common colds, viruses or help those that have been battling a long term condition. 
  • Those with HIV or other diseases that cause the immune system to be weakened can benefit from taking high doses of aloe vera.
  • As with any new supplement you should try a low dose first to make sure you do not have an allergic reaction. The same applies for using aloe vera on the skin. Most people do not have allergies to aloe vera but you should always test a small amount on the skin to be sure you do not have a reaction before applying to a large area of the body. 
  • It is also recommended to talk to a medical professional or a dietician before taking aloe internally. This way you can find the right dose for you and make sure it will not react with any other medications you are currently taking. 
  • Aloe vera supplements are not recommended for women who are pregnant or lactating.
Aloe vera has been helpful in many other conditions as well. A lot of people that take aloe vera daily begin noticing an overall increase in energy. They also report that several of the health issues they have been dealing with start to lessen. Some of the other ailments that people have reported relief from include, kidney and bladder infections, yeast infections, leg cramps, insomnia, arthritis, asthma, clearing of intestinal parasites and hemorrhoids.

Selasa, 30 Agustus 2011

Health Benefits of Garlic

Garlic health benefits are outstanding and far reaching. This strange looking bulb is nicknamed the “stinking rose” because it is so odorous when cut, chopped or chewed. Many scientific studies have been done now that substantiate the many health benefits of garlic. It has been confirmed as being an excellent anti-viral as well as an anti-bacterial and an anti-fungal substance. It is a powerful antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties.

Taking garlic in the form of garlic powder or salt does not provide the health benefits mentioned above. To obtain the many garlic health benefits of garlic it is best to eat fresh raw garlic.When you cook garlic the heat will destroy the antibiotic health benefit of allicin.

Health Benefits of Garlics
  • Garlic health benefits include lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Eating garlic every day will thin the blood and prevent dangerous blood clots from forming. Garlic has a compound in it called ajoene. This compound is as strong as aspirin is to prevent blood platelets from clumping and sticking together. Preventing blood platelets from sticking together can prevent strokes and heart attacks. 
  • Another compound found in garlic is diallyl sulfide. This compound is needed by the liver to detoxify cancer causing chemicals. The sulfur compound in garlic inhibits the growth of tumors on the skin, breast and in the stomach. The bioflavonoids in garlic help to fight off cancer cells as well. 
  • Garlic is also beneficial in keeping ones immune system up to par. 
  • Fresh raw garlic also has vitamin C, B6, selenium, magnesium, potassium, calcium and manganese in it. It is used to treat skin infections like Athletes's foot, herpes, digestive disorders, lung infections, diarrhea, warts and coughs and colds.
  • If you eat garlic fresh and raw you will be getting the benefit of its detoxifying properties. This will help rid your body of harmful bacteria and intestinal parasites as well. 
  • Some people even include fresh raw garlic in their vegetable juice. You can also add fresh chopped raw garlic to soups and salads as well as mixed in your mashed potatoes for instance. Some people even eat fresh whole garlic cloves alone. 
  • If eating fresh raw garlic is not something you can tolerate you can take garlic supplements or garlic oil capsules. There are some on the market that are odorless. The many garlic health benefits to the human heart have been known about for years. 
  • Not only can garlic lower blood pressure and cholesterol as well as triglyceride levels thereby preventing heart attacks and strokes, but it can aid the body in producing nitric acid in the blood vessels. Nitric acid in the blood vessels is what allows them to dilate and dissolves blood clots. It will also prevent the oxidation of LDL or bad cholesterol in arterial walls. 
  • Garlic also contains folate which is known to protect the entire cardiovascular system in the human body. Garlic also reduces your risk for developing colon cancer, oesophageal cancer and stomach cancer. 
  • Garlic also contains selenium which is another powerful antioxidant. 
  • Garlic health benefits diabetes patients as well. It can help deter the damages done to the kidneys, eyes and nervous system that diabetes causes. 
  • It can help reduce the side effects caused by high blood sugar and fats in the blood. Garlic is an all natural detoxification substance. It can remove heavy metals and led from your system. 
  • Colds and lung congestion is helped by taking garlic.
All kinds of garlic health benefits can be enjoyed by eating fresh raw garlic everyday or by taking organic high potency garlic supplements every day.

Calories in Alcohol

Did you know that a glass of wine has the same calories as a slice of cake? How about a pint of lager – surprised to hear it’s the calorific equivalent of a burger?
In a 2009 Department of Health survey of 2,000 adults, four in 10 admitted they didn’t know those facts about calories in alcohol.

Alcohol is full of empty calories. High in carbohydrates and sometimes high in fat (from cream based drinks), alcohol is an easy way to cut from your diet and help your waistline.

A typical cosmopolitan is 150 calories and a pint of beer is 110-200 calories. If you want a killer drink, literally, a pina colada has 300-600 calories in a glass. That is more than a Big Mac! Cream drinks like the pina colada use coconut cream, heavy cream or some other cream.

Calories in Alcohols
Beer, 12 fl. oz. 145
Beer, light, 12 fl. oz. 100
Liquor, 100 proof, 1 fl. oz. 83
Liquor, 80 proof, 1 fl. oz. 65
Liquor, 86 proof, 1 fl. oz. 70
Liquor, 90 proof, 1 fl. oz. 74
Wine, 4 fl. oz. 100

Calories in Fish

Fish are great when served with fresh vegetables, a small side of potato gratin, or even a salad. The table reveals the number of calories in fish per 100 grams (3.5 oz). It is difficult to accurately show the calorie content per fish portion as size differs between individuals and products, therefore the values are displayed for comparison purposes.

Fish help Weight Loss
If you want to reduce weight, white fish or oily fish is a great food option for a healthy weight loss diet, as it has a low calorie-content. In general, calorie-controlled diets recommend a high intake of fish. In addition to energy content, dietary nutrition is also important, as a nutritious diet helps the body to burn calories faster and maintains a healthy metabolism. So as well as calorie-counting, check food labels for nutritional value. Nutritional and energy values provided on most of the above food pages include: vitamins, minerals, folate and dietary fiber, as well as protein and carbs.

Fish is an excellent food, especially if you are watching your weight and health.
  • Generally the calories in fish are on the low side
  • Fish is a great source of protein
  • Fish contains lots of vitamins and minerals
  • Fish is low in saturated fat
  • Fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids
Calories in Fishs
Alaska King crab, 1 leg 129
Alaska King crab, steamed, 4 oz. 109
Blue crab, steamed, 1 cup or 4.8 oz. 138
Catfish, fried, 4 oz. fillet 259
Catfish, raw, 4 oz. 132
Clams, canned, 1 can 112
Crab cakes, 1 2 oz. cake 93
Crab meat, canned, 1 cup or 4.8 oz. 133
Crab, deviled, 1 cup 451
Crab, deviled, frozen, Mrs. Paul's--1 cake 170
Crayfish, steamed, 4 oz. 129
Croaker, fried, 4 oz. 251
Croaker, raw, 4 oz. 119
Dolphinfish, raw, 4 oz. 97
Eel, baked, 4 oz. 267
Fish sticks, Mrs. Paul's, 4 sticks 200
Fish, breaded and fried, 3 1/2 oz. 250
Fish, raw, broiled, poached, 3 1/2 oz. 140
Flounder, baked, 4 oz. 132
Flounder, fried, 2 fillets, Mrs. Paul's 270
Halibut, broiled, 4 oz. 194
Mackerel, Atlantic, baked, 4 oz. 297
Mackerel, Spanish, baked, 4 oz. 179
Oysters, canned, 1 cup or 9 oz. 179
Oysters, fried, 6 medium, or 3.14 oz. 173
Oysters, steamed, 12 medium, or 3 oz. 117
Perch, baked, 4 oz. 132
Sardines in oil, drained, 3 3/4 oz.--Atlantic 192
Sardines, tomato sauce, 3 3/4 oz. 189
Scallops, frozen, Mrs. Paul's--3 1/2 oz. 230
Scallops, fried, 4 oz. or 7 large scallops 242
Scallops, steamed, 4 oz. 127
Shad, raw, 4 oz. 223
Shark, raw, 4 oz. 148
Shrimp, fried, 4 oz. 275
Shrimp, fried, frozen, Mrs. Paul's--3 oz. 200
Shrimp, steamed, 4 oz. 112
Surimi, 4 oz. 116
Tuna, bluefin, steamed, 4 oz. 209
Tuna, canned in oil, 1 6 1/4 oz. can, drained 331
Tuna, canned in water, 1 6 1/4 oz. can 234

Calories in Sauces

Looking to add the right flavor to your dinner entree? Here you will find a wide variety of nutritious sauce, marinade, salad dressing, and gravy recipes from which to choose from. All of our delicious recipe choices were created with your health in mind, providing you with the nutritional value you need in a low-calorie recipe. Try our flavorful cilantro yogurt dip recipe or our zesty, low-calorie tomato sauce recipe. You won't be disappointed with healthy sauce recipes like these

Energy Content of Sauces
If you want to lose weight, adding a sauce to your food is only likely to add extra calories. In general, calorie-controlled diets recommend having sauces "on the side". In addition to energy content, dietary nutrition is also important, as a nutritious diet helps the body to burn calories faster and maintains a healthy metabolic rate. So as well as calorie-counting, check food labels for nutritional value. Nutritional and energy values provided on most of the above food pages include: vitamins, minerals, folate and dietary fiber, as well as protein and carbs. Understanding diet nutrition makes calorie control and weight management easier and helps you to follow a healthy eating plan. See also Nutrition in Sauces

Calories in Sauces
Souces NameCalories
Au jus gravy mix, with water, 1 cup 19
Barbecue sauce, 1 tbsp.--Hunt's 20
Brown gravy mix, with water, 1 cup 9
Catsup, 1 tbsp. 18
Chicken gravy mix, with water, 1 cup 83
Enchilada sauce, hot, 1 cup--Old El Paso 120
Enchilada sauce, mild, 1 cup--Old El Paso 100
Mayonnaise, 1 tbsp. 100
Mayonnaise, 1 cup 1577
Mayonnaise, Weight Watchers, 1 tbsp. 50
Miracle Whip, 1 tbsp. 70
Miracle Whip Light, 1 tbsp. 45
Mushroom gravy mix, with water, 1 cup 70
Mustard, brown, 1 tsp. 5
Mustard, yellow, 1 tbsp. 10
Pizza Quick sauce, Ragu, 3 tbsp. 35
Soy sauce, 1 tbsp. 12
Spaghetti sauce, basil, 1 cup--Classico 100
Spaghetti sauce, beef-pork, 1 cup--Classico 140
Spaghetti sauce, mushroom, 1 cup--Classico 140
Spaghetti sauce, Newman's own, 1 cup 140
Spaghetti sauce, Ragu, Homestyle, 1 cup 100
Spaghetti sauce, Ragu, Chunky Gardenstyle, 1 cup 140
Spaghetti sauce, Ragu, 1 cup 160
Spaghetti sauce, Ragu, Fresh Italian, 1 cup 180
Spaghetti sauce, Ragu, Thick & Hearty, 1 cup 200
Taco sauce, 1 tbsp.--Old El Paso 5
Taco seasoning mix, 1 package--Old El Paso 100
Thick n Chunky Salsa, 1 tbsp.--Old El Paso 3
Vinegar, 1 fl. oz. 4
Vinegar, cider, 1 cup 34
Vinegar, distilled, 1 cup 29
White sauce mix, with milk, 1 cup 241
Worcestershire sauce, 1 tbsp. 15

What is Good Health

Let's look to the someone who is not in good health, Bill, a forty five years old business equipment salesman who is in hospital recovering from his first heart attack. Bill is typical of many men in our culture who have spent much of their life pursuing the American dream. He married in his early twenties, had several children soon after, and has spent the last two decades striving for financial

Sabtu, 27 Agustus 2011

Top 10 High Triglycerides Foods to Avoid

Top 10 High Triglycerides Foods to Avoid

Triglycerides are fats that are present in the bloodstream. They are usually derived from foods that are high in fat or carbohydrates. Your body converts the unused calories from these foods to triglycerides and stores them in fat cells. High triglycerides are linked to heart disease, according to the American Heart Association, and you should keep them in check. Avoiding certain foods is the best way to regulate triglycerides.

1. Alcohol – There is a proven relationship between high triglycerides and alcohol consumption. If you have a problem with triglycerides then all alcohol should be removed from your diet completely. All types of alcohol have the same effect on triglycerides. And this includes wines, beers, and liquors.Because alcohol is fermented sugar, alcoholic beverages are high in calories. Your body stores these excess calories as fat. When you have excess fat, your triglyceride levels increase. Your body will also process the fermented sugar into glucose, which further raises triglyceride levels. MayoClinic.com warns that even small amounts of alcohol can raise triglyceride levels.

2. Jams and Jellies – Both jams and jellies make to the top 10 list of triglycerides foods to avoid. Not only do these products contain fruits high in sugar but additional sugar is added during the manufacturing. The end result is laden with sugar and guaranteed to raise your levels considerably.

3. Pastries – Pastries are one of the top triglycerides foods to avoid. Pastries are usually made from hydrogenated fats and large amounts of sugar and other sweeteners, both of which are known to increase blood triglyceride levels.

4. Cookies, Cakes, and Pies – A triglyceride diet plan does not include sweet desserts, such as pies, cakes, and cookies. These foods are highly processed and contain sugar and hydrogenated fat most of the time.

5. Ice Cream – Ice cream is high in both fats and sugars, and should be avoided if you want to lower your triglycerides.Trans fats can typically be found in margarine, vegetable shortening, fast foods and most snack foods you can buy at the store, including pastries, cakes, pies, and crackers. Trans fats are also present in high amounts in most fried foods. Fried foods are usually cooked in vegetable oils that are high in trans fats, which can raise your LDL and triglyceride levels. Trans fats are also known as "partially hydrogenated oils," so beware of that term when looking at nutritional information.Corn, soy, safflower, canola and other vegetable oils increase triglyceride levels. When these oils are used for cooking and deep frying, they become oxidized, which results in the formation of trans fats and an increase in triglyceride levels.

6. Fruit Juices – Fruit juices are one of the top triglycerides foods to avoid. Some fruit juices can be healthy, but most contain high amounts of sugar and sugar syrups which can lead to high triglyceride levels.

7. Potatoes – Potatoes have a lot of starch, and this is why they are excluded from a triglycerides diet. Starchy foods increase the triglycerides in your blood, and should be eliminated in favor of whole grains and colorful vegetables instead.Starches are bad because they are high in carbohydrate density. When the body breaks down carbohydrates, it becomes sugar. Avoid both simple and complex carbohydrates. Limit your consumption of anything made with flour, including bagels, pasta, rice, potatoes, rolls, pizza, pretzels and chips. Small portions of these foods can be OK. High-Triglycerides.com recommends substituting refined starches with whole grains and legumes, such as beans.
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8. White Breads and Processed Grains – Processed grains and white bread are some common triglycerides foods to avoid if you want to lower these numbers.Saturated fats have been shown to lead to increased triglycerides and can be found all over the food map. Animal meats, especially red meats, are usually very high in saturated fat, and you should avoid them. Lard, butter, shortening and fried foods and other foods high in saturated fats. Dairy products, such as whole milk, whole milk dairy products, cheese and cream cheese, are also high in saturated fat. Fast foods are also usually high in saturated fat.

9. Bananas – The causes of high triglycerides are sugars and starches, and bananas are one of the fruits which has a lot of starch. Choose berries and other low starch fruits instead.

10. Flavored Yogurts – Flavored yogurts may sound healthy, but these usually have a lot of sugar and other flavorings added. If you want flavored yogurt buy low fat plain yogurt and add your own fresh fruit.

10 Tips to Restore Female Hormone Imbalance

10 Tips to Restore Female Hormone Imbalance

Female Hormone Imbalance Female hormone imbalance is a very serious medical condition that requires a professional medical evaluation and testing in order to pin-point the exact levels of your hormones to address your specific medical situation. Depending on what type of hormonal imbalance you have, your doctor will recommend the right treatment for you.
Along with conventional methods to treat female hormone imbalance, there are a lot of holistic approaches to restore balance to your hormonal function.

1. De-stressing your life is the most important step you can take on the road to control female hormone imbalance. High cortisol levels that are produced in response to chronic stress can wreck havoc in your hormone production. Eventually, high stress leads to adrenal fatigue characterized by low cortisol symptoms of fatigue, multiple heart and lung dysfunctions and inability for the body to handle stress.

2. Liver is responsible for excessive hormone elimination from our bodies, if your body is continuously exposed to a myriad of environmental and dietary toxins, liver can no longer properly cleanse our systems additionally contributing to estrogen dominance symptoms. Milk thistle, dandelion and yellow dock are ideal herbs to detox your liver.

3. Consider switching to organic dairy, egg and meat products preferably locally produced and minimally processed to reduce chemical exposure.

4. Consume a variety of raw vegetables, dried beans and lentils that contain high amounts of fiber necessary to help body eliminate toxins and aid in establishing female hormonal balance.

5. Keep your beauty regimen as natural as possible as a lot of cosmetic products like nail polish, perfumes, hair sprays, anti-aging creams and lotions are loaded with formaldehydes and parabens that can have estrogen-like effect on the body.

6. Try using only natural house cleaning products as traditional cleaners contain high levels of bleach, toxic fumes that could be detrimental for female health. Baking soda, borax powder, lemon juice and white vinegar are all fantastic natural cleaners for your house.

7. Avoid Xenoestrogens, man-made synthetic compounds, as much as possible as they can lead to estrogen dominance symptoms. Xenoestrogens can be found in conventionally grown fruits and vegetables, plastic water bottles, soy foods and in a lot of packaged and heavily processed groceries.

8. Choose alternative methods of contraception to birth control pills that are dangerous synthetic hormones contributing to female hormone imbalance. Talk to your gynecologist about safer options like condoms, diaphragms or rhythm birth control methods.

9. Dong Quai, a phytoestrogen product, can naturally address estrogen deficiency associated with menopausal symptoms and address female hormone imbalance in older women.

10. Exercising can help naturally raise low progesterone levels essential for regulating a woman’s fertility and overall health. Choose a physical activity that will not only allow you to stay in shape but will help you relax and feel rejuvenated. Yoga, Tai chi, Pilates will strengthen and elongate your core muscles and ease tension necessary for proper hormone function.

Jumat, 26 Agustus 2011

7 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism and Burn Fat Fast

Whether you’re trying to lose weight or just wanting to maintain your sleek physique, boosting your metabolism to a higher rate is always a good idea. There are several ways to give your metabolism an extra push — including exercising early in the day — but eating can also be a factor in its elevation.
Increasing your metabolism means your body burns calories at a higher rate. So if your metabolism is high, it’s burning calories even when you aren’t working hard at the gym. A sluggish metabolism can cause you to gain weight, because you’re consuming more than your body is burning.

Foods that Increase Metabolism
There are many things that anyone can do in order to boost the metabolism. The first thing is to not eat large heavy meals. A person should consume 5-6 small meals a day to keep the digestive tract working all during the day and the metabolic rate at a high rate of speed. There are certain foods that can be eaten that can help to boost the metabolic rate as well.

  • Some of the best foods that help boost the metabolism are those foods that are high in fiber content. These foods include fruits such as grapefruit and apples. The old adage an apple a day keeps the doctor away is very true in more ways than one! 
  • The grapefruit helps to reduce the insulin levels in the body. Insulin levels that are high increase the fatty stores in the body. Grapefruit is high in fiber as well which increases the metabolism while it is being digested. 
  • Apples are full of fiber and vitamins that the body needs as well.
  • Green tea is another substance that can be added to the diet that can increase the metabolic rate. Green tea has EGCG in its composition. This substance helps to increase the body and the rate that the nervous system functions. It in turn increases the metabolism. 
  • Caffeine is another chemical that can be used to increase the metabolism on a daily basis. The caffeine in limited amounts is not detrimental for the body and helps it speed up its natural rhythm.
  •  Broccoli has been called one of the super foods as it has so many good nutrients for the body. It in addition to all the vitamins and minerals it is packed with, it helps increase metabolism due to the fact is high in fiber. It also is packed with calcium. Calcium helps maintain the metabolic rate.
  • Whole grains such as wheat and oats are excellent foods to add to the daily diet to increase the metabolism. They are high in fiber and have vitamins and minerals that help the body to function at peak levels as well. 
  • Oatmeal has been found to help to reduce cholesterol levels if it is eaten on a regular basis as well.

7 ways to boost your metabolism, so you can burn fat fast

  • The first thing you need to do is add breakfast to your daily meal planner. Although many people don’t like eating breakfast, it gives your body the rev up it needs to launch your metabolism. A 250-calorie snack is all it takes to boost your metabolism in the morning.
  • Another way to increase your metabolism is to add spices to your food. According to the U.S. Agricultural Research Service, Cinnamon is one spice that increases your metabolism twenty fold — and all you have to ingest is a mere 1/4 to 1 tsp per day!
  • While you’re planning your meals, you may want to add kiwi fruit to your diet. Kiwis pack a lot of vitamin C, but if you add 500 mg of it to your day, you burn up to 39% more fat when you’re exercising. Don’t get too much C, though, because once you get to the 2,000 mg mark, you start experiencing adverse effects like bloating, gas, and diarrhea.
  • Another metabolism boosting measure is to watch what you drink. Adding ice to a drink makes your body work harder because it has to heat it up in your stomach, which increases your metabolism. Also, ingesting a caffeine drink like coffee or tea can raise your heart rate and increase your metabolism.
  • Where you’re eating can be just as important as what you’re eating. When you’re having breakfast in the morning, try positioning yourself near a window so that you can soak up some sun. The bright light boosts your metabolism and also helps you increase bone and muscle strength.
  • Make sure you’re getting enough chromium in your diet to help your body burn more calories. Chromium, which is found in tomatoes and in a supplement form, also boosts the way you burn fat. According to MedlinePlus, meat, eggs, green pepper, apples, banana and spinach are also good sources of chromium. When you supplement 120 mcg of chromium daily, your body benefits by revving up its metabolism.
If you really want to kick-start your metabolism, you may also try dividing your meals up into smaller portions that you eat more often throughout the day. Every time you eat, it helps your metabolism rise, so as strange as it may sound, eating frequently can help you lose weight or maintain a healthy weight.

Body Analyzer Calculators

When it comes to losing weight and getting in shape there is much more to consider than simply dieting and exercising. A person can appear to be "in shape" but be considered "overweight" due to their body fat percentage. The most accurate way to determine body fat is with a Body Analyzer Calculator.

Note:- The results you receive from this tool are not intended to be a substitute for individual medical advice in diagnosing a health/lifestyle problem. They are provided to give you an estimate of results based on professionally accepted formulae and algorithms.

Target Heart Rate Calculator

Target heart rates let you measure your initial fitness level and monitor your progress in a fitness program. This approach requires measuring your pulse periodically as you exercise and staying within 50 to 85 percent of your maximum heart rate. This range is called your target heart rate. To receive the benefits of physical activity, it's important not to tire too quickly. Pacing yourself is especially important if you've been inactive. Target Heart Rate is a good way for health professionals to monitor your progress.

How to Check Your Heart Rate
  • Right after you stop exercising, take your pulse: Place the tips of your first two fingers lightly over one of the blood vessels on your neck, just to the left or right of your Adam's apple. Or try the pulse spot inside your wrist just below the base of your thumb
  • Count your pulse for 10 seconds and multiply the number by 6.
  • Check your pulse periodically to see if you are exercising within your target zone. As you get in better shape, try exercising within the upper range of your target zone. (If just beginning an exercise program, consult your doctor first.)
Note: these calculations are based on averages. It is recommended that you exercise within 50 to 85 percent of your maximum heart rate for at least 20 to 30 minutes to get the best results from aerobic exercise.

Rabu, 24 Agustus 2011

Carbohydrates, the latest dietary villain

A few years back, dietary fats were the scourge of weight reduction efforts. Numerous low-fat and fat-free products appeared on the grocery shelves with claims to help with weight loss. Despite the popularity of these products, obesity rates in the U.S. continued to climb. Today, the blame for the failure for losing weight seems to be directed toward carbohydrates. In fact, many nutritionists

Stay Active as You Get Older : Quick tips

Physical activity is good for people of all ages. Staying active can help:
  • Prevent heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and some types of cancer
  • Improve your strength and balance so you can stay independent
  • Keep you from getting depressed
Before you begin...
If you have a health problem like heart disease, diabetes, or obesity, talk to your doctor about starting an exercise program.

Aim for 2 hours and 30 minutes a week of moderate aerobic activities
  • Choose activities that make your heart beat faster, like walking fast, dancing, or raking leaves.
  • Start slowly – as little as 5 minutes at a time. Build up to 30 minutes on most days of the week, at least 10 minutes at a time.
  • Tell your doctor if you have shortness of breath, chest pain, or unplanned weight loss.
Do strengthening activities 2 days a week
  • Try using exercise bands or lifting hand weights. You can use cans of food if you don’t have hand weights.
  • Breathe out as you lift something, and breathe in as you relax. Holding your breath can cause changes in your blood pressure.
Do balance activities 3 or more days a week
  • Practice standing on one foot.
  • Stand up from a sitting position.
  • Learn tai chi (“ty chee”), a Chinese mind-body exercise that involves moving the body slowly and gently.
  • Sign up for a yoga class, or try a yoga video that you can do at home.

Stay Active with a Disability: Quick tips

Regular physical activity provides important health benefits for everyone, including people with disabilities. Getting active can help you:
  • Strengthen your heart
  • Build strong muscles and bones
  • Improve coordination
  • Relieve stress, improve your mood, and help you feel better about yourself
Before you begin...
  • Talk to your doctor about starting an exercise program. If you are taking medicine, be sure to find out how it will affect your physical activity.
  • It’s also a good idea to talk to a trained exercise professional. Find a fitness center near you that is comfortable and accessible. Ask if they have experience working with people with similar disabilities.
Aim for 2 hours and 30 minutes a week of moderate aerobic activity
  • This includes walking fast or pushing yourself in a wheelchair, raking leaves, or other activities that make your heart beat faster.
  • Start slowly. Be active for at least 10 minutes at a time.
Do strengthening activities 2 days a week
  • This includes sit-ups, push-ups, or lifting weights.
  • Try working on the muscles that you use less often because of your disability.
Find support and stick with it
  • Bring along a friend, especially if you are trying out a new activity.
  • If you don’t meet your exercise goal, don’t give up. Start again tomorrow.

Stay Active during Pregnancy: Quick tips

Physical activity is important for everyone, including healthy pregnant women. Regular exercise during pregnancy can help you have a more comfortable pregnancy.
If you weren’t active before your pregnancy, it’s not too late to start.

Before you begin...
Talk to your doctor about getting active during your pregnancy. As long as you don’t have any pregnancy-related problems, your doctor will encourage you to be physically active.

Aim for 2 hours and 30 minutes a week of moderate aerobic activities
  • If you weren’t exercising before, start slowly. Spread your activity out over the week.
  • Choose activities that make your heart beat faster, like walking fast, dancing, or raking leaves. You should still be able to talk during these activities.
  • Be sure to drink extra water before, during, and after your exercise.
  • Take a break if you get short of breath or feel uncomfortable.
Follow these tips when you do strengthening exercises
  • Do more repetitions (lifts) with light weights. If you don’t have light weights, use cans of food. Don’t strain to lift heavy weights.
  • Make sure you aren’t holding your breath while you exercise. Breathe out as you lift something, and breathe in as you relax.
  • Avoid lifting weights above your head and exercises that could strain your lower back.
  • Do Kegel (“kay-gul”) exercises. This is when you squeeze the muscles in and around your vagina. Ask your doctor or midwife to tell you the right way to do Kegel exercises.
Avoid high-risk activities
  • Avoid exercising while lying on your back after the first trimester (12 weeks).
  • Stay away from activities that increase your risk of falling, like downhill skiing or horseback riding.
  • Avoid playing sports where you could get hit in the stomach, like basketball or soccer.

Protect Your Skin from the Sun

The Basics

The best way to prevent skin cancer is to protect your skin from the sun.
  • Stay in the shade as much as possible between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.
  • Use sunscreen with SPF 15 or higher.
  • Cover up with long sleeves, a hat, and sunglasses.
Why do I need to protect my skin from the sun?
Protect your skin from the sun today to help prevent skin cancer later in life. Most skin cancer appears after age 50, but damage from the sun can start during childhood.
Staying out of the sun and using sunscreen can also help prevent:
  • Wrinkles
  • Blotchy or spotty skin
  • Other damage caused by the sun 
What is skin cancer?
Skin cancer is the most common kind of cancer in the United States. There are 3 different kinds of skin cancer.
The 2 most common kinds of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. They are both also called non-melanoma skin cancer. The most dangerous kind of skin cancer is called melanoma.
Skin cancer is almost 100% curable when it’s found early and treated right away. That’s why it’s a good idea to check your skin every month for new growths and other signs of cancer. Tell your doctor or nurse right away if you find a change.

What causes skin cancer?
Ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun is the main cause of skin cancer. UV radiation can also come from tanning booths or sunlamps.

Anyone can get skin cancer. The risk is highest for people with:

  • White or light-colored skin with freckles
  • Blond or red hair
  • Blue or green eyes
You are at higher risk for the most dangerous kind of skin cancer (melanoma) if you have:
  • Unusual moles
  • A large number of moles
Ask your doctor or nurse about your risk for skin cancer.

Take action

Take simple steps to prevent skin cancer.

Stay in the shade between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m
The sun’s rays are the strongest from mid-morning to late afternoon. Try to stay out of the sun during these hours.

Use sunscreen with SPF 15 or higher
Use sunscreen with both UVA and UVB protection. To get the most protection:
  • Wear sunscreen even on cloudy days. UV rays can still harm your skin through the clouds.
  • Plan ahead – put sunscreen on 30 minutes before you go outside.
  • Be sure to use enough sunscreen (a handful).
  • If you wear very light clothing, put sunscreen on under your clothes.
  • Put on more sunscreen every few hours and after you swim or sweat.
Cover up with long sleeves, a hat, and sunglasses
Wear a long-sleeved shirt and long pants or a long skirt. A hat with a wide brim can protect your face and neck.
The skin around your eyes is very sensitive. Wear wrap-around sunglasses to protect your eyes and your skin from sun damage.

Check your skin once every month
Check your whole body once a month. Pick a day and mark it on your calendar so you don’t forget.
Use mirrors
The best place to do a skin self-exam is in a well-lit room in front of a mirror. The best time is right after a shower or bath.
Examine your skin from head to toe. Use a hand mirror to check hard-to-see areas like your back.

Add more vegetables to your day

It’s easy to eat more vegetables! Eating vegetables is important because they provide vitamins and minerals and most are low in calories. To fit more vegetables in your meals, follow these simple tips. It is easier than you may think.

10 tips to help you eat more vegetables

Discover fast ways to cook
Cook fresh or frozen vegetables in the microwave for a quick-and-easy dish to add to any meal. Steam green beans, carrots, or broccoli in a bowl with a small amount of water in the microwave for a quick side dish.

Be ahead of the game
Cut up a batch of bell peppers, carrots, or broccoli. Pre-package them to use when time is limited. You can enjoy them on a salad, with hummus, or in a veggie wrap.

choose vegetables rich in color
Brighten your plate with vegetables that are red, orange, or dark green. They are full of vitamins and minerals. Try acorn squash, cherry tomatoes, sweet potatoes, or collard greens. They not only taste great but also are good for you, too.

check the freezer aisle
Frozen vegetables are quick and easy to use and are just as nutritious as fresh veggies. Try adding frozen corn, peas, green beans, spinach, or sugar snap peas to some of your favorite dishes or eat as a side dish.

Stock up on veggies
Canned vegetables are a great addition to any meal, so keep on hand canned tomatoes,
kidney beans, garbanzo beans, mushrooms, and beets. Select those labeled as 'reduced sodium', 'low sodium', or 'no salt added'.

Make your garden salad glow with color
Brighten your salad by using colorful vegetables such as black beans, sliced red bell peppers, shredded radishes, chopped red cabbage, or watercress. Your salad will not only look good but taste good, too.

Sip on some vegetable soup
Heat it and eat it. Try tomato, butternut squash, or garden vegetable soup. Look for reduced- or low-sodium soups.

While you’re out
If dinner is away from home, no need to worry. When ordering, ask for an extra side of vegetables or side salad instead of the typical fried side dish.

Savor the flavor of seasonal vegetables
Buy vegetables that are in season for maximum flavor at a lower cost. Check your local supermarket specials for the best-in-season buys. Or visit your local farmer’s market.

Try something new
You never know what you may like. Choose a new vegetable—add it to your recipe or look up how to fix it online.

Be a healthy role model for children

You are the most important influence on your child. You can do many things to help your children develop healthy eating habits for life. Offering a variety of foods helps children get the nutrients they need from every food group. They will also be more likely to try new foods and to like more foods. When children develop a taste for many types of foods, it’s easier to plan family meals. Cook together, eat together, talk together, and make mealtime a family time!

10 tips for setting good examples

Show by example
Eat vegetables, fruits, and whole grains with meals or as snacks. Let your child see that you like to munch on raw vegetables.

Go food shopping together
Grocery shopping can teach your child about food and nutrition. Discuss where vegetables, fruits, grains, dairy, and protein foods come from. Let your children
make healthy choices.

Get creative in the kitchen
Cut food into fun and easy shapes with cookie cutters. Name a food your child helps make. Serve "Janie’s Salad" or “"ackie’s Sweet Potatoes" for dinner. Encourage
your child to invent new snacks. Make your own trail mixes from dry whole-grain, low-sugar cereal and dried fruit.

ofer the same foods for everyone
Stop being a "short-order cook" by making different dishes to please children. It’s easier to plan family meals when everyone eats the same foods.

Reward with attention, not food
Show your love with hugs and kisses. Comfort with hugs and talks. Choose not to offer sweets as rewards. It lets your child think sweets or dessert foods are better than other foods. When meals are not eaten, kids do not need "extras" — such as candy or cookies—as replacement foods.

Focus on each other at the table
Talk about fun and happy things at mealtime. Turn off the television. Take phone
calls later. Try to make eating meals a stress-free time.

Listen to your child
If your child says he or she is hungry, offer a small, healthy snack—even if it is not a scheduled time to eat. Offer choices. Ask "Which would you like for dinner: broccoli or cauliflower?" instead of "Do you want broccoli for dinner?"

Limit screen time
Allow no more than 2 hours a day of screen time like TV and computer games. Get up and move during commercials to get some physical activity.

Encourage physical activity
Make physical activity fun for the whole family. Involve your children in the planning. Walk, run, and play with your child—instead of sitting on the sidelines. Set an example by being physically active and using safety gear, like bike helmets.

Be a good food role model
Try new foods yourself. Describe its taste, texture, and smell. Offer one new food at a time. Serve something your child likes along with the new food. Offer new foods at the beginning of a meal, w