Sabtu, 27 Agustus 2011

Top 10 High Triglycerides Foods to Avoid

Top 10 High Triglycerides Foods to Avoid

Triglycerides are fats that are present in the bloodstream. They are usually derived from foods that are high in fat or carbohydrates. Your body converts the unused calories from these foods to triglycerides and stores them in fat cells. High triglycerides are linked to heart disease, according to the American Heart Association, and you should keep them in check. Avoiding certain foods is the best way to regulate triglycerides.

1. Alcohol – There is a proven relationship between high triglycerides and alcohol consumption. If you have a problem with triglycerides then all alcohol should be removed from your diet completely. All types of alcohol have the same effect on triglycerides. And this includes wines, beers, and liquors.Because alcohol is fermented sugar, alcoholic beverages are high in calories. Your body stores these excess calories as fat. When you have excess fat, your triglyceride levels increase. Your body will also process the fermented sugar into glucose, which further raises triglyceride levels. warns that even small amounts of alcohol can raise triglyceride levels.

2. Jams and Jellies – Both jams and jellies make to the top 10 list of triglycerides foods to avoid. Not only do these products contain fruits high in sugar but additional sugar is added during the manufacturing. The end result is laden with sugar and guaranteed to raise your levels considerably.

3. Pastries – Pastries are one of the top triglycerides foods to avoid. Pastries are usually made from hydrogenated fats and large amounts of sugar and other sweeteners, both of which are known to increase blood triglyceride levels.

4. Cookies, Cakes, and Pies – A triglyceride diet plan does not include sweet desserts, such as pies, cakes, and cookies. These foods are highly processed and contain sugar and hydrogenated fat most of the time.

5. Ice Cream – Ice cream is high in both fats and sugars, and should be avoided if you want to lower your triglycerides.Trans fats can typically be found in margarine, vegetable shortening, fast foods and most snack foods you can buy at the store, including pastries, cakes, pies, and crackers. Trans fats are also present in high amounts in most fried foods. Fried foods are usually cooked in vegetable oils that are high in trans fats, which can raise your LDL and triglyceride levels. Trans fats are also known as "partially hydrogenated oils," so beware of that term when looking at nutritional information.Corn, soy, safflower, canola and other vegetable oils increase triglyceride levels. When these oils are used for cooking and deep frying, they become oxidized, which results in the formation of trans fats and an increase in triglyceride levels.

6. Fruit Juices – Fruit juices are one of the top triglycerides foods to avoid. Some fruit juices can be healthy, but most contain high amounts of sugar and sugar syrups which can lead to high triglyceride levels.

7. Potatoes – Potatoes have a lot of starch, and this is why they are excluded from a triglycerides diet. Starchy foods increase the triglycerides in your blood, and should be eliminated in favor of whole grains and colorful vegetables instead.Starches are bad because they are high in carbohydrate density. When the body breaks down carbohydrates, it becomes sugar. Avoid both simple and complex carbohydrates. Limit your consumption of anything made with flour, including bagels, pasta, rice, potatoes, rolls, pizza, pretzels and chips. Small portions of these foods can be OK. recommends substituting refined starches with whole grains and legumes, such as beans.
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8. White Breads and Processed Grains – Processed grains and white bread are some common triglycerides foods to avoid if you want to lower these numbers.Saturated fats have been shown to lead to increased triglycerides and can be found all over the food map. Animal meats, especially red meats, are usually very high in saturated fat, and you should avoid them. Lard, butter, shortening and fried foods and other foods high in saturated fats. Dairy products, such as whole milk, whole milk dairy products, cheese and cream cheese, are also high in saturated fat. Fast foods are also usually high in saturated fat.

9. Bananas – The causes of high triglycerides are sugars and starches, and bananas are one of the fruits which has a lot of starch. Choose berries and other low starch fruits instead.

10. Flavored Yogurts – Flavored yogurts may sound healthy, but these usually have a lot of sugar and other flavorings added. If you want flavored yogurt buy low fat plain yogurt and add your own fresh fruit.

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