Sabtu, 25 Agustus 2012

Comfrey - The Healing Herb

Symphytum officinale 
Known by several other names, such as Gum plant and healing herb, this perennial beautifies many a planting box or garden. The leaves are large and hairy, usually dark green with pointed ends. A fair amount of sunshine is needed, with good soil and plenty of water, to produce prolific growth. Although comfrey is probably used for more different purposes than any other herb, I list but a few of those that have shown favorable results. A tea made from comfrey is prepared with hot water, into which is stirred an ounce of the powdered root or leaves. This may be taken several times a day. It is a rich source of calcium.

MediCinal ProPerties
Various irritations of the stomach, even diarrhea, have responded to the soothing effects of this cleansing agent. Mucous membrane irritations improve. Hot compresses or poultices may be made from the comfrey plant, using the moistened powdered herb or crushed green leaves. Prompt scab formation will follow the direct application, with considerable acceleration of healing to a cut or wound.
Comfrey is a nutritive food. Often the fresh leaves are blended in a base of unsweetened pineapple juice, to which mints or parsley has been added to make a healthful “green drink.” Give it a try in your herb garden.

Demulcent, astringent, pectoral, vulnerary, mucilaginous, styptic, nutritive. The roots and leaves are used externally for the swelling reducing capacity when bones are to be set and the healing process accelerated. Relieve the pain and swelling of bad bruises, sprains and fractures with fomentations wrung out of the strong hot tea. A poultice of the fresh leaves is excellent for ruptures,fresh wounds, moist ulcers, burns, bruises, sores, boils, and sore breasts. The best remedy for bloody urine. The tea taken internally is useful in scrofula, anemia, dysentery, diarrhea, leucorrhea, and female debility. Root tea is a powerful remedy in coughs and chest disorders. Very valuable in ulceration of the kidneys, stomach or bowels.

Comfrey is a finished compost as soon as leaves are cut and plowed under .

Comfrey is the only land plant known to derive and store Vitamin B-12 from the soil!

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