Senin, 31 Oktober 2011

Beauty Secrets - Maintenance of Colored Hair

Sporting a stylish hair is an asset to your personality and style. You have to know the right process of maintenance of colored hair, which is vital aspect in colored hair maintenance. Please be informed that “Water” happens to be the main barrier in the retention of hair color. Most colors fade due to water, which is a proven fact.  You need natural oil to keep the skin soft and smooth and so lipid is the important factor to keep hairs soft and smooth. Absence of lipid content in hair destroys the smoothness and shine of hair. When you wash your hair with water after the hair-color application, the color molecules too are washed away. Here, you must know how much water should be used to wash colored hair. Address the following points minutely regarding maintenance of hair color.

1. You should choose a hair color that resembles the natural color shade of your hair. It is risky to select a color that is just opposite to your natural hair color and especially the red color. Red color molecules are slightly bigger in size and are washed away with water easily. If you have original brown hair, you should not go for blond color shades because you need to bleach hair, which affects the root of hair follicles resulting in fading out of hair color.

2. Avoid staying longer under the running shower water with the shampoo and conditioner application on the freshly colored hair. It will wash out hair color totally.

3. Hot water destroys hair color. Use lukewarm water for hair wash. It will not destroy the hair color.

4. Use shampoo designed for hair color protection. It keeps the hair soft and protects the color as well.

Diet, Nutrition and Food Myths

In the world of diet and nutrition, there may seem like there is an infinite amount of information out there. The thing is, a large portion of that information is bad, incorrect, or just plain stupid.
To help you avoid this type of information, here's a rundown of some of the most known and unknown diet, nutrition and food myths along with an explanation for why each is nothing more than a myth, or, in some cases, a flat out lie.

Here is the some myths about the Diet, Nutrition and Food

Eating fat makes you fat

  • There is only one thing that makes a person fat, and that is eating more calories than their body requires. That's it. Nothing else causes weight gain other than eating too many total calories. 
  • So, for example, if your body requires 2500 calories per day to maintain your weight, you will gain weight if you eat more than 2500 calories per day on a regular basis. 
  • It doesn't matter if those calories come from fat, protein or carbs. Eating too much of anything will cause fat gain.

Fat is unhealthy, and therefore our diets should be as low in fat as possible

  • If it wasn't for the fact that there are different types of fat, this myth may actually be true. However, since there actually ARE different types of fat, believing in this myth could actually be detrimental to your health. 
  • See, there are some fats (saturated and trans) that you certainly do want to limit somewhat (and in the case of trans, avoid altogether).
  • But there are two types of fat that you should purposely be eating. This would of course be polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fat, also known as the "healthy fats." Found in foods such as nuts, seeds, fish, fish oil, olive oil, and flax seed oil, these types of fat provide a variety of health benefits and are an essential part of our diet.
  • Avoiding them because of some silly "all fat is unhealthy" idea could actually be bad for you, rather than the other way around.

Carbs make you fat... and are most likely the devil!

  • Oh boy, carbs... the official most confusing nutrient of them all. First of all, as previously mentioned during the "fat makes you fat" myth, the only thing that makes you fat is eating too many total calories. Carbs, fat, protein... it doesn't matter. 
  • French fries and cheese burgers or steamed broccoli and grilled salmon... it doesn't matter. If you eat more than your body needs, you gain weight no matter what it is. Simple as that.
  • Then there's the whole "carb-aphobia" thing. Really, they're not so bad. In fact, they're a little like fat in that they have their own "good" and "bad" version. The good version would be complex carbs. 
  • This includes foods like oatmeal, brown rice, whole wheat bread, fruits, vegetables and other whole grains. The bad version would be simple carbs. This includes foods like white rice, white bread, soda, candy, chips and other processed junk food.
  • So, for now on, if you want to call carbs the devil, at least add the word "simple" before "carbs," as it is simple carbs that cause all of the negative carb related effects. Complex carbs on the other hand are perfectly fine and should actually comprise most of your daily diet.

Eating after 6:00pm, or 7:00pm, or 8:00pm, or any time late at night is bad because the food will turn straight into fat

  • This one is my favorite diet and nutrition myth of them all. Here's the thing, your body doesn't care what time of the day you eat. In fact, your body has no concept of time. It doesn't think "Hey, it's 8pm, time to start converting whatever food gets eaten from this point on into fat!"
  • In terms of fat/weight control, your body knows one thing and one thing only, total calories. If you give your body more calories than it needs, it will store those extra calories as body fat. The time of the day that you eat plays absolutely no role in this. To your body, 300 calories eaten at 10am are exactly the same as 300 calories eaten at 10pm.
  • So, eat as early or as late as you want. As long as your total calorie intake for the day is what it should be, the time of the day that you eat those calories means absolutely nothing.

Certain foods (grapefruit, cabbage soup, etc.) can actually burn fat

  • If the above myth is my favorite, this one gets second place. Just like no specific food makes you gain fat, no specific food makes you burn fat. All of this grapefruit diet and cabbage soup diet stuff is all nonsense that should be either laughed at or ignored.
  • If you want to lose fat, you have to give your body less calories than it needs, ideally about 500 calories below maintenance level each day. 
  • So, if your body needs 2500 calories each day to stay at your current weight, you will lose weight by eating 2000 calories per day. Your other option to lose weight would be by exercising so that you are burning extra calories. Or, for best results, a combination of both.
  • Now that you know will work, here's what won't work. Eating "magic" foods that "magically" burn fat.

If my food label says 0 grams of trans fat, then it has absolutely no trans fat

  • Your food label is lying to you. It may say your food contains 0 grams of trans fat per serving yet it may actually contain 0.4 grams. Here's why. The FDA's trans fat labeling rule states that food companies only need to mention trans fat IF and ONLY IF their food contains 0.5 grams of trans fat or more per serving. If it contains exactly 0.499999, they are allowed to print "Trans fat: 0 grams" on their food label.
  • Yes, this is indeed dumb and wrong in every possible way. Now, if you're thinking that slightly under half a gram of trans fat doesn't seem like much, here's what I have to tell you. First, ANY amount of trans fat is too much. Second, this is only per serving. If you eat a few servings of whatever this food is, all of a sudden you are eating a few grams of trans fat without even knowing it.
  • Fortunately though, there is a way to know it. That way is by checking the ingredients. If you see the word "hydrogenated" (or "partially hydrogenated") or "shortening," then that food contains some amount of trans fat whether the label says so or not.

100% whole wheat bread is always healthy and is always 100% whole wheat

  • Throughout a Calorie Counter, whenever I mention anything about complex carbs (aka "good carbs") one of the foods I mention as an example is 100% whole wheat bread. The only problem is this requires a little more of an explanation to truly make sure that you are actually eating whole wheat bread.
  • As it turns out, some "100% whole wheat" breads are lying. They are nothing more than, at best, slightly improved versions of white bread. Others contain other junk that you don't want your whole wheat bread to have. 
  • Luckily though, just like catching the aforementioned trans fat lie on your food label, there is a similar way to verify if you are indeed eating a healthy legit 100% whole wheat bread.
  • In the ingredients on the food label, here is what you should be looking for. First and foremost, the #1 ingredient on that list should be something with the words "Whole Wheat" in it. 
  • Some examples include "Whole Wheat Flour" and "Stone Ground Whole Wheat Flour." Next up, you should NOT see the words "Unbleached" or "Enriched" anywhere in the list in any form.

Do You Feel Depressed After Sex? - You are Not Alone

Feelings of relaxation, the release of tension, and a sensation of bliss are the feelings some people experience after sex. But for others the afterglow of sex is not only absent but replaced with feelings of depression. How common is depression after sex? And more so, what can cause an individual to feel sadness instead of positive emotions following sexual intimacy? In this post we are going to explore the answers to these questions about what researchers are calling postcoital dysphoria (feelings of melancholy, tearfulness, anxiety, irritability, and sadness after sexual intercourse).

There are many psychological reasons why someone might feel negative emotions after sexual relations including
  • Post –traumatic stress disorder related to prior sexual abuse.
  • Having sex when you really don’t want to or when you are not emotionally or physically ready.
  • Having sexual relations with someone who is abusive.
  • Low self esteem about your body image or sexual performance.
  • Fears that once the sex is over that your partner will leave or reject you.
  • Fear that your relationship is moving too fast.
  • Guilt or shame due to conflicting values, religious beliefs, or attitudes about sex.
  • Feeling emotionally distant from your partner or experiencing conflict within the relationship.
In addition, if you are suffering from clinical depression your symptoms may carry over into all aspects of your life including sexual intimacy. Yet there may be another underlying source of poistcoital depression that most people don’t think about. Some experts theorize that for some people, feeling depressed after sex is not always caused by psychological reasons but instead, by one’s biology. A recent study conducted by Brian Bird, Robert Schweitzer, and Donald Strassberg (2011) published in the International Journal of Sexual Health, seems to lend some credence to this theory. This Australian study which included more than 200 women, found that one out of three study subjects reported experiencing postcoital depression at some time in their lives. A full 10% of respondents said that they had felt depressed following sexual relations within the previous four weeks.

The researchers found some correlation between childhood sexual abuse and lifetime postcoital dysphoria (PCD) but not for those reporting PCD within the previous four weeks. The study authors concluded that “biological predisposition” might play a bigger role in causing sadness after sex than other factors.

Doctor Friedman,a psychiatrist at New-York Presbyterian Hospital and Professor of Clinical Psychiatry at Weil Cornell Medical College, describes patients who would come in to be treated for intense depression following sexual intercourse. These patients would report that their postcoital depression usually lasted for several hours or more. Yet when Friedman tried to find a psychological reason for this phenomenon, he could find none. He began to speculate that perhaps this plummet in mood following sex was more due to neurobiological causes than psychological ones for some of his patients. He further theorized that if the individual had a particularly intense orgasm that the physiological fall from an elevated state of pleasure could potentially induce depression.

Minggu, 30 Oktober 2011

Fenugreek Can Boost People’s Sex Drive

Fenugreek Can Boost People’s Sex Drive
A new study carried out by the Centre for Integrative Clinical and Molecular Medicine in Brisbane has found that fenugreek can improve people’s sex drive. Fenugreek is a bean-like plant which grows in India and other Asian countries. It is mainly used in Indian curries and other vegetables.

Researchers have found that a compound in fenugreek seeds called saponins, is thought to stimulate male sex hormones including testosterone. According to a trail conducted by the Centre for Integrative Clinical and Molecular Medicine in Australia, men who took the herb saw a significant improvement in their sex life.

The researchers conducted a study on men aged 25 to 52. Half of the participants took the fenugreek extract twice a day for six weeks while the other half took placebo pill. The results of the study found that the group who took fenugreek extract had 25% improved libido. The men who took the placebo saw either no increase or decrease.

Researchers have said that low libido is a problem for many men, which may result in depression, anxiety, obesity and excessive alcohol intake.

A few tips to manage Diabetes - Part 1 & Part II

A few tips to manage Diabetes - Part 1
 Universal blue circle symbol for diabetes.

The problem of high blood sugar levels is  very common these days.These are a few tips provided by Panditha Elchuri to manage Diabetes.
Ingredients needed:

    * Gooseberries churna-Amla Powder or amla churna-Usurikaya in Telugu and Nellikai in Tamil.The fruit pieces are dried well the pieces are powdered --This churna is available in ayurvedic stores but making it at home is recommended .
    * Turmeric powder -Pasupu in Telugu -Manjal in Tamil,Haldi in Hindi

Both the ingredients should be pure.
Mix both the powders in equal quantities and store  in a dry glass jar.

Eat half a spoon of this with water twice a day.In the mornings it is taken on an empty stomach.The dosage may be increased to 1 spoon if the problem is severe.
This will definitely normalise blood sugar levels in a month.

A few tips to manage Diabetes - Part 2

Soak 2 spoons of fenugreek seeds * in water overnite.Drinking this water in the morning definitely brings down the blood sugar levels after 2 months.

* menthulu in Telugu

Methi in Hindi
Vendhayam in Tamil.

Amazing Health Benefits Of Black Pepper

Amazing Health Benefits Of Black Pepper
Black Pepper has been in existence for more than 4,000 years. Today, we casually buy it and use it as a spice for our eggs, cottage cheese, steak, salads, and more. In ancient times, Black Pepper was so highly treasured that it was used as money.

When Christopher Columbus reached Spain on his first voyage in 1493, he didn't take any of the precious spices from the East Indies- Black Pepper, Ginger and Cloves- with him. Columbus wrote in his ship's journal, "There is also plenty of ají, (Chili Peppers) which is their pepper, which is more valuable than black pepper, and all the people eat nothing else, it being very wholesome."

The Amazing Health Benefits of Black Pepper:
Salt and Black Pepper seem to go hand-in-hand when it comes to seasoning our foods. However, many people steer clear of salt because, too much of it and it makes your water retain water. One of the amazing health benefits of Black Pepper is, it actually does the opposite. This spice acts as a diuretic. It also encourages our bodies to sweat and get rid of harmful toxins.

According to the American Spice Trade Association, Black Pepper actually contains sodium. But, it's a minuscule amount. There are about 10 milligrams of sodium in 100 grams of Black Pepper. If you're wondering how much Black Pepper that is, according to the ASTA, it's enough to sprinkle your morning eggs every day for 7 years.

Black Pepper Aids Your Digestion:
Over-the-counter medications like Tums, Mylanta and Pepto Bismol are popular because people are constantly plagued with indigestion after they eat. One of the amazing health benefits of Black Pepper is, it actually aids your digestion. When you eat Black Pepper, your taste buds become stimulated. They send signals to your stomach telling it to increase its production of hydrochloric acid. This acid helps your body digest food so you don't suffer from indigestion. Black Pepper can also help prevent the formation of intestinal gas and reduce stomach upset.

Black Pepper and Anorexia:
For people who suffer from mild Anorexia, Black Pepper can also help them regain their appetite because it stimulates their taste buds.
Black Pepper and Congestion:
Are you suffering from a chest cold? Add Black Pepper to your diet, and this spice will help break-up the congestion, especially if you add it to a strong, steaming hot cup of mint tea.

Black Pepper and Healing Cuts:
Another amazing health benefit of Black Pepper is, that it's a handy spice to have in the kitchen for when you cut yourself. The next time you have a minor cut, sprinkle Black Pepper on it. It will help stop the bleeding. Plus, it's antibacterial properties will promote healing and kill germs.

Storing Black Pepper:

Black Pepper is ground-up Peppercorns (berries) that come from the Piper nigrum L vine. The freshest, most potent Black Pepper you can get is to buy Peppercorns and grind them up as you need them. To keep them fresh, store Peppercorns and ground Black Pepper in airtight containers away from light.

Sabtu, 29 Oktober 2011

Health is the thing???

Health is the thing. And no matter how many ways you can measure and quantify symptoms and disease, the only way to be healthy is to add to your health.

So what adds health into your life? I have boiled it down to 7 simple things.

1. Listening to your inner knowing - that gut feeling, instinctual response type knowing everyone has - listen to it
2. Rest - and not just sleeping, actually resting, which can be sleep.
3. Breathing Fresh Air - breathe in fresh air deep and fully every day
4. Food and Water - everyone is different, make sure whatever you choose to eat or drink is fresh and pure. No one diet is right for every one.
5. Sunlight - get healthy amounts of it
6. Activity - both physical and mental activity. The best form of activity is the one you will actually do. And it doesn't have to be the same thing every day.
7. Consciousness - being conscious or aware as you are doing all of the above and living your life

Kamis, 27 Oktober 2011

What to do if you awaken with a stiff neck

The common problem of awakening with a stiff neck is a topic that is addressed poorly, if at all, during medical training. In fact, it doesn't even have a consistent name in the medical literature. It is sometimes referred to as "torticollis” or "wry neck", but these terms also apply to more serious neurological or congential conditions.What causes a stiff neck? The exact cause of a stiff or wry

Rabu, 26 Oktober 2011

Beauty Secrets- Skincare Tips

You will enjoy a natural glow on the skin when you give appropriate priority to skin care. Mange some time from your busy schedule for natural skin care therapy. Care of hands and feet is important. Take adequate care of hands and feet because you need to match an attractive face with harmonizing hair-do in a beautiful outfit.

You can complete the pedicure session in your home successfully. Create an ambiance by playing soft music, light an aromatic candle and enjoy the relaxing mood.  You will require certain small tools that are required for the session such as nail brush, heel scrubber, nail clippers, cotton, cotton buds, creams for massage and other ingredients and a few small buckets of water.

Foot massage:
Prepare the cool massage oil at your home. Take 100ml of olive oil, a few drops of eucalyptus oil, 10-15 drops of rosemary oil, and 3 - 4 drops of rose oil and preserve the mixture in a glass bottle. Massage your feet regularly with the oil every night. They turn soft, glowing and attractive.

Hot Foot Bath:
It is the best way to clean dirt and dust and it also eliminates tiredness. Take lukewarm water in a bucket, mix ½ cup coarse salt, ½ cup fresh lemon juice or orange essential oil. Your foot bath is ready. If you suffer from complaints of excessive perspiration, add a few drops of tea-tree oil. Dip your feet for 10-15 minutes every night before going to bed.

Cooling Foot Bath:
Make a combination of rose water, fresh lemon juice and Eu-de-cologne in cold water. Dip your feet for some time. It eliminates foul odor.

Foot lotion:
You need to apply foot lotion after every foot bath. You can prepare the foot lotion right in your home by mixing 3 tablespoonful of rose water, 2 teaspoonful of fresh lemon juice and one teaspoonful of glycerin. Apply the lotion over the entire feet and leave it for at least one hour.

Senin, 24 Oktober 2011

How To Avoid & Deal With 5 Common Travel Diseases

While traveling, your body is introduced to many new bugs and bacterias, some of which are more dangerous than others – so today we are going to share 5 common travel diseases, what they are, how to avoid them.

Note - Please remember, this post is not meant to scare you but remind you to take precautions so you can travel safe and happy.

1. Malaria

What - Malaria is a serious disease caused by parasites. It’s fatal if left untreated.

How - Malaria is transmitted by a bite from a malaria-infected female mosquito.
  • More than 100 countries are in the danger zones of Malaria (India, Central and South America, SE Asia, Middle East and sub-Saharan Africa).
  • Sometimes it can be difficult knowing how bad the malaria is in some places, and it differs between what every doctor says as well.
  • One doctor advised me to take malaria pills in Malaysia but not in Vanuatu, another said I didn’t need them for any of the countries, which can make it a tricky decision since the side effects of the pill are really horrible and you don’t want to take them when you don’t need them.
  • There are several different Anti-malarial drugs to prevent and treat Malaria. The choice of which drug to use depends on side effects, the malaria type and which drugs the parasite is resistant to in that area, so make sure that you get the appropriate drug for your situation and destination.
  • Malaria pills aren’t 100% effective, so to be extra safe, sleep under a mosquito net, use insect repellents (make sure it has DEET) and wear long pants and shirts in the evening or when walking in places with a lot of mosquitoes.
Side Effects:
  • The side effect of taking malaria pills can sometimes feel just as bad as having malaria, so my suggestion is to take the drugs ONLY if you really know that there will be malaria where you go.
NOTE - While at the Red Cross in Bangkok a few weeks ago, they told us that they don’t give out malaria pills anymore because of the side-effects etc. It seems like things are changing, and doctors don’t just randomly hand out pills as much anymore – best thing is to not take them, just be smart, use common sense, and take the right precautions when traveling in affected areas.

2. Travelers Diarrhea

What? - Travelers diarrhea is exactly what it sounds like – frequent diarrhea.

How? - A foreign bacteria or bug enters your system, most often from contaminated food and water.Many travelers also get upset stomachs because of the sudden diet change. Spicy food often causes an irritated bowel and you get diarrhea. When this happens, stay hydrated and don’t eat any spicy food.

  • It can happen anywhere, but the risk is higher in developing countries in Africa, Middle East, Asia and Latin America.
  • Prevention:
  • Always drink bottled water, don’t even brush your teeth in tap water if it’s not drinkable, and keep your mouth closed when showering.
  • If you’re unsure whether the ice is from tap water or bottled water, don’t risk it but ask for no ice in your drink.
  • Stick to cooked food, especially make sure that the meat is well cooked.  Other food to be careful with is fruit (preferably peel it yourself) and seafood.
  • Always carry a disinfection gel around and wash your hands with it a few times a day, especially before eating and after having dealt with money.
  • If the damage is already done, then the best way to stop it is to have Imodium and Pepto-Bismol to stop it. If the diarrhea doesn’t go away and/or gets worse, seek a doctor. 
  • It’s better to be safe than sorry, and your doctor can give you advice on what to eat and the local remedies for diarrhea.

3. Cholera

What? - Cholera is a severe bacterial disease affecting the intestines, creating vomiting and watery diarrhea.The disease is fatal if left untreated. It’s an extreme type of travel diarrhea.

How? - The germ is spread by drinking contaminated water or infected food. The source of the contaminated water is often due to other cholera patients’ diarrhea let through into the waterways.
Remember that even shellfish living in affected waterways can cause this infection.

  • This disease can be found in Indonesia, Asia, Africa and Eastern Europe.
  • Prevention:
  • There is a drinkable vaccine (Dukoral), two doses will keep you safe for two years (with the second dose taken a week after the first). Use the same precautions as for normal Travel Diarrhea.

4. Hepatitis A & B

What? - Both Hepatitis A and B are viral infections of the liver, however Hepatitis B is transmitted differently and it takes longer to get well.

  • The most common transmission for hepatitis A is via contaminated food and water. The virus breaks down in the discharge and spread via contaminated water that people drink, as well as food that has been in contact with contaminated water.
  • Often you don’t notice that you’re infected because there are little to no symptoms and the symptoms can come a long time after you’ve been infected (Hepatitis A 2-6 weeks, Hepatitis B 2-6 months), but the symptoms can also make you feel sick for months. Typical symptoms are nausea, fever, malaise and abdominal problems.
  • Hepatitis B is transmitted via blood – blood transfusions or needles - and sex with an infected person.

Where? - Most common in less developed countries and regions with poor hygiene standards. Africa, Southern Asia and Latin America are common places, but it exists everywhere.

  • Vaccinations are 95-100% effective when taken at least 4 weeks prior to trip. A second vaccine (Havrix) boost 6-12 months later and then it lasts for the next 20+ years. There is a vaccination that covers for both hepatitis A and B called Twinrix.
  • This one has to be taken 3 times for 20 years of coverage: The second one 1 month after the first, and the third one 6 months after the first dose.

5. Typhoid Fever

What? - A bacterial infection in the intestines, and sometimes the bloodstream.

How? - It’s transmitted by contaminated food or water with salmonella. Typical symptoms are severe headache, nausea, massive loss of appetite and fever.

Where? - It exists everywhere but the risks are highest in poor countries in Asia, Africa, Central and South America, as well as in the Indian subcontinents and Mexico.

  • The vaccine is only between 50-80% safe so stay away from water that could be contaminated (like tap water) and uncooked food. Take the vaccine two weeks before travel.
  • Well, there you go – not the nicest article to read I know, but it is important to educate yourself on what is out there, so you are prepared while traveling.

Oat Meals - Health Benefits and Facts

Oats and oatmeal, have been a part of human food for at least 3,000 years.Oats were probably eaten accidentally to begin with as a weed growing in wheat or other grain crops for quite some time before coming into its own. Only five percent of oats grown world wide are used for human food. The rest is mostly used to feed horses and poultry with some used in cosmetics and medicinally, mostly in alternative medicine.
With all the benefits of eating oats, you’ve probably heard that eating oatmeal can lower your cholesterol, but this common, even lowly grain can do a lot more than that.

Health Benefits and Facts of Oat Meals
  • It contains more soluble fiber than other grains, which is why it works to lower your cholesterol. It slows the reabsorption of bile which makes your liver have to get the cholesterol it needs from your blood instead of bringing more in from the food you eat.
  • This water soluble fiber also keeps you full longer since once it’s dissolved in the liquid in your system, it becomes a thick gel like fluid which moves slowly through the digestive tract.
  • Since it moves so slowly it slows the absorption of glucose and that means you won’t get a sugar high and then a sugar low.
  • Because of these properties, oatmeal is useful in treating high cholesterol, diabetes and obesity.
  • Outside the body, oatmeal soothes itching and irritated skin by lowering localized inflammation. A warm bath with a cup of pulverized oatmeal added to the water will calm and nurture your skin. Eczema, sunburn, psoriasis, chickenpox and measles respond well to this treatment.
  • It’s a gentle exfoliant for your face and body and helps even out complexions because of its anti-inflammatory properties.
  • It’s warming and soothing in a foot bath to help care for chronically cold or tired feet.
  • Oatmeal neutralizes odors so a small bowl of it in the refrigerator will help keep it fresh.
  • If you have old oatmeal and don’t want to eat it, use it to absorb oil and grease spots in the garage or driveway. Use it generously, let it set for an hour or so then clean it up.
  • Oats are usually overlooked as a source of good food and skin treatment. As an inexpensive product, oatmeal could be beneficially added to food and beauty treatments by anyone.

Kamis, 20 Oktober 2011

Pancreas and Insulin

Pancreas and Insulin
The pancreas is a small gland, located just below and behind the stomach. The islets of Langerhans within the gland contain beta cells, which secrete insulin. The islets make up only about one percent of the pancreas.

The beta cells are amazing! A normal pancreas has about 100,000 islets of Langerhans, and each islet has from 80 to 100 beta cells. These cells can measure the blood glucose every 10 seconds to within a range of 2 milligrams percent. (That's brilliant, faster than any laboratory!) Within a minute to a minute and a half, the beta cells can deliver the exact amount of insulin needed to keep blood glucose levels normal.

When diabetes is not present, it's almost impossible to raise the blood glucose level too high. The insulin supply is almost inexhaustible.

The pancreas has several other functions, including producing certain enzymes needed for digestion. In addition, the pancreas contains alpha cells, which make a substance called glucagon. Glucagon seems to balance out the effects of insulin and helps keep blood glucose levels normal. Delta cells are also found in the pancreas. These cells make yet another substance, called somatostain, which appears to carry messages between insulin and glucagon.

What does insulin do?
Insulin is like the key that control movement of fuel (glucose) and storage of fuel.
The body uses two types of fuel - glucose and fats. Carbohydrate is the most readily available source for glucose and can easily be converted into fuel for immediate use. Some glucose will be stored in the liver and muscles as glycogen to be used later and during exercise. Carbohydrates not needed for immediate energy or replacement for glycogen will be converted to fat. Insulin is required for each of these processes to take place.

Protein, which is made up of amino acids, can be another source for glucose. If the body doesn't receive enough carbohydrate to use as a fuel source, the liver, with insulin present, can change some of the amino acids into glucose. Insulin also allows amino acids to be used for building and repairing muscle and body tissues (in other words for healing our injuries).

Fat fuel in the form of triglycerides is absorbed from the intestine. Insulin allows triglycerides to go directly into fat cells where it is stored and used for future energy needs.

Insulin, therefore, is important not only for the body's use of glucose, sugar and carbohydrates, but in the use of protein and fat as well.

Flu Vaccination Update for 2011-2012

Recently, officials from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) released guidance regarding influenza vaccination for the upcoming 2011-2012 influenza season. This included information about the anticipated strains of influenza virus during this year's season, recommendations for special groups of individuals, and announced the release of a flu vaccine delivery method. Here are the highlights

Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2011

Natural way to lower cholesterol

Scientists are discovering that getting high cholesterol levels in check isn't only about the foods you forgo (such as those containing artery-damaging saturated and trans fats). A host of recent research suggests that regularly including some of Mother Earth's most nutritious fare in your meals can be just as effective at lowering total cholesterol levels. Turn the page for five powerful cholesterol-slashing staples; add them to your diet and watch your numbers drop.

Eat more of these:

  • Consuming shiitake, maitake, or enoki mushrooms daily can lower blood cholesterol levels by as much as 25% after 4 weeks, reports a study published in Experimental Biology and Medicine.
  • "Just 1/2 cup of pinto beans daily for 8 weeks can lower cholesterol 8%," says Carol Johnston, PhD, RD, a professor and chair in the department of nutrition at Arizona State University. 
  • Their soluble fibers inhibit the absorption of cholesterol.
Fatty fish
  • Replacing saturated fat with omega-3s found in fish like salmon, herring, and sardines helps lower cholesterol. 
  • And research from Loma Linda University showed that eating two servings of fatty fish a week for 1 month raises "good" HDL cholesterol by 4%.
  • A Columbia University study found that eating two servings of cereal containing oats daily for 6 weeks lowered total and "bad" LDL cholesterol by 4.5% and 5.3%, respectively. 
  • Beta-glucan in oats absorbs LDL cholesterol, which your body then excretes.
  • People who noshed on 1.5 ounces of whole nuts 6 days a week for 1 month lowered their total cholesterol 5.4% and LDL cholesterol 9.3%, according to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
Note :- 33% of women who monitor their diets to control cholesterol

What are the best workday snack foods

Spending your entire day at the office shouldn’t limit your snack choices. Come to work prepared with healthy snacks, and you’ll improve focus, increase productivity, and avoid packing on pounds. Snack on the five foods below to stay satisfied.

  • Health benefits: Walnuts are high in heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants.
  • Snack tip: Pair a handful of walnuts with a piece of low-fat cheese, your favorite fruit, or a bowl of oatmeal for a fiber-rich morning snack that will help you feel full longer.
  • Health benefits: Apples are loaded with pectin, which helps suppress your appetite.
  • Snack tip: Eating an apple mid-day helps control blood sugar and may aid in weight loss. Have it with a spoonful of nut butter (cashew, peanut, almond) to add muscle-building protein and healthy fat.
Greek Yogurt
  • Health benefits: Packed with whey protein, Greek yogurt has twice as much protein as regular yogurt. Plus, it contains healthy bacteria, known as probiotics, to keep your digestive tract healthy.
  • Snack tip: Top 6 to 8 ounces of Greek Yogurt with ¾ cup of berries for a mid-day snack.
Green Tea
  • Health benefits: Research has shown that green tea helps lower cholesterol and decreases the risk of diabetes and stroke. What’s more, it boosts metabolism to help you burn fat.
  • Snack tip: Drink two to three cups of green tea throughout the day to reap the benefits. 
  • If you’re sensitive to caffeine, don’t drink green tea after 3 p.m.
Beef jerky
  • Health benefits: Beef jerky is a great source of protein and comes in a bunch of flavors for variety. Opt for the 96% fat-free jerky when possible.
  • Snack tip: Eat 1 to 2 servings of jerky with a piece of fruit, such as an apple or pear, for a balanced snack.

Jumat, 14 Oktober 2011

Prohibition for Single Women Eat Bananas

As a single woman, of course many rules and myths are always around our lives. However, some myths, it turns out it can be proven scientifically. That is why ban was supposed to be obeyed.

Prohibition of eating green banana fruit for women who is still virgin for instance. Nutrition expert Prof Ir Ahmad Sulaeman MS PhD, in light conversation with Republika explaining the scientific

Healthy Eating - Recipes of Green Mango

Enjoy the sweet and sour taste of the unripe mango. When you are tired, taste healthy foods recipe like the following.
Green Mango in Chicken
Boneless chicken in small pieces  -1 kg.
Finely chopped slices of unripe mango - ½ cup
Onion paste- ½ cup
Ginger paste -  1tsf
Turmeric powder - ½ tsf
Black pepper powder - 1 tsf
Cumin seeds powder - 1 tsf
Coriander powder - 1 tsf
Cinnamon - 2-3 pcs
Cardamon - 3-4 pcs
Cassia leaf - 1 pc
Salt to taste
Sugar - 2tsf
Veg oil or olive oil - 4-5 tablespoonfuls

Mix chicken pieces with onion paste, ginger paste, turmeric powder, salt, black pepper power, coriander powder, cumin seeds powder, cardamom, cinnamon, cassia leaf, sugar and leave the mixture to marinate for at least 3-4 hours.

Take oil in a frying pan and put chicken pieces in the heated oil and saute properly. Add ¾ cup of water and cover the pan with a lid under simmering heat for 30 minutes or until the chicken is well cooked.  Add chopped mango flakes in the frying pan and mix it well. Cover the pan with the lid and leave it for another 10 minutes. When you see the oil on the surface, it is completely cooked and ready to serve. It is a dry preparation without any gravy. Serve it with bread or plain rice as you find suitable.

Kamis, 13 Oktober 2011

Suffering for Fashion, Part 2 - Faux Pas

Many women, as well as men, take the position of Billy Crystal's alter ego, Fernando, that "it is better to look good than to feel good". Unfortunately, following the latest fashion trends can also have adverse health consequences. In the name of fashion, women can risk injury and illness, as well as having to endure discomfort. Let's look at some of these health-related fashion faux pas and

Beauty Secrets That Everybody Must Know

You need to take care of secrets in skin care, aromatherapy, weight loss, makeup and hair care. You must exchange the information with friends so that everyone is benefited through health tips. You will be able to take care of different problems connected to health and beauty aspects. Your look is the most important issue today and hence, you should take the advantage of secrets and tips in this field. Incorporate these tips in your daily routine to improve different segments such as the hair, nails, complexion, and body shape to appear at the best level.

1. Improve the confidence level to feel comfortable, which you can judge by yourself. You can enjoy the status only when you look dashing and attractive. It requires understanding of certain fundamentals.

2.  Value the real moisturizer, which works well on all types of skin. You should find out a reliable product and make a worthy investment in the moisturizer to increase the confidence level. A good moisturizer protects from premature aging on all skins and especially on younger skins. A quality moisturizer holds the moisture on the skin for a long time and supports the skin produce its own moisturizer. Moisturizer is entirely different from oil and hence you cannot do without a reliable moisturizer or make one at your home.

3. Take care of your skin from potential risk of the harmful UV rays that are present in sunlight. Use of a sunscreen lotion is a remarkable step in this matter and is also a great anti-aging effort. It prevents appearance of wrinkles on skin so that you continue to look younger. You can wear it under the make-up.

4. Give your face a gentle wash with water for 2-3 times a day Use of soap may be restricted to 1-2 times. The skin has a natural layer over it that works like an obstacle and gives protection. Look for a gentle cleanser for everyday use.

5. You have to select every tool for the makeup on the merit of its softness so that it does not hurt the skin at all.

6. Visit the expert beautician or the beauty salon at least once a month. You will definitely be with the trend and look young always.

Selasa, 11 Oktober 2011

What Are Stress Relief Exercises?

You cannot deny the pressure of stress in the contemporary lifestyle. You can surely de-activate stress phenomenon with physical activity. Exercising not only keeps you fit, but also helps retain you mentally agile and fresh throughout the day. Here is a simple guideline.

(1) Time management is the essence of success with the fitness program. You need to organize a free-time for exercising purpose in the busy schedule.

(2)  Concentrate mentally on fitness exercising sessions. You can play a suitable music during the program in your home to create the right ambiance for exercising so that you do not feel lonely and continue to enjoy the motivation.

(3) Taking exercising sessions alone may be boring at times. Organize the session with other members of the family or close friends. Group therapy provides mental support in exercising. You can attend a gym for this reason only. It is wise to take the guidance of the fitness trainer in the gym.

(4)  If you are a sports person, attend the gym as advised by the physical instructor or your fitness trainer. You can also choose other simple exercising such as rowing, swimming or play tennis, badminton or squash on some days of the week and the rest in the gym.

(5) Diet plays an important role with exercising. You have to select them judiciously.

Stress Relief
The long-term solution for de-stressing is physical exercising. People that take regular exercising face stressful situations boldly and easily. Exercising improves blood circulation and helps in food digestion and as a result the body system functions properly. It reflects in mental set-up, which is capable of handling stress normally.

Simple Activities
(A) Walking is a valuable exercise. Take a walk for 30 minutes as a daily routine.
(B) Take up free-hand exercising.
(C) Power walking or walking in speed is helpful. Wear the jogger’s shoes for the same.
(D) Yoga and medication help enlighten you mentally to face stress situations naturally.
Discuss with the physical trainer or a professional fitness expert for the correct routine to suit your constitution and remain healthy to be happy.

Why Must You Favor Massage Therapy?

Massage therapy defeats tiredness both physical and mental and helps restore freshness and agility. It brings back the glamour of the skin. Both men and women need it regularly to look attractive. Spa is not only a female destination, but welcomes male members of the society that need to present a smart and striking personality. Massage therapy is a perfect choice to remain relaxed and bright. Men require the hard and deep tissue massage. It is also useful to get body scrub, body rap and facial treatment to appear stylish.  You will definitely feel great when you attend a massage therapy session.  Make your choice from a variety of massage therapies.

(1) Swedish Massage:  It is done with deep, but relaxing strokes with seasonal oil blends. It helps reduce muscle pain and stimulates blood circulation. Indicate the pain affected area to the therapist at the start of the therapy. You regain quality energy level after the massage.

(2) French Massage:  A gentle massage is given with a base oil containing aromatic oils and cold-pressed antioxidant rich oil. It focuses more on skin nourishment and rejuvenates nerve endings with placid strokes.

(3) Thai Massage ;  It is a combination of deep tissue body work, gentle rhythmic pressure and stretching that helps increase energy flow. There is no requirement of any kind of oil in the process. You are given special cotton robe while taking the massage.

(4) Bali Massage: It is a wonderful mixture of acupressure, skin rolling, firm and smooth stokes on energy channels that releases energy blockage of the body for smooth flow of energy. Your energy level is certainly enhanced with the process.

There are many more types of massages  such as hot stone massage, head massage, back massage, signature massage and  so on that offer huge benefits in increasing energy level of the particular individual.

Why Whole Grain Food is Important?

We require whole grain food for healthy living. Most cereals contain several nutritious elements, which are present on the outer shell of grains. The refined variety does not possess all the nutrition that the whole grain has. That is why the whole grain food is vital for good health.

(A)The whole grain food contains more nutrients in the form of Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Vitamin B6 and minerals such as selenium, zinc, copper and iron. It contains both the soluble and the insoluble fibers. Soluble fibers help control cholesterol and blood sugar levels effectively whereas insoluble fibers help in relieving constipation.

(B)If you intend to practice weight loss therapy, you surely need whole grain food because it contains least amount of carbohydrates, but is rich in fibers.

(C)Whole grain food controls the presence of bad cholesterol or LDL and helps resist cardiovascular diseases. On the other hand, it helps increase the amount of good cholesterol. It supplies substantial amount of anti-oxidants that fight free radicals in the body system and hence, is a great support for elderly people. You get ready-made protection through the intake of whole grain food.

Get a diet chart prepared by the healthcare professional or the expert dietician for healthy living.

Nail Care! You Must.

You are always thinking about skin care, hair care, body massage and so on, but very rarely about the care of nails. Here are some simple tips that are really useful.

(1) Broken Nails- If you get a broken nail in the foot, take olive oil and warm it and gently massage over the affected portion and surroundings. Carry out the process no less than twice a week. Use a massage of moisturizing cream over the nail every night.

(2) Ingrown Toe Nails -  When you do not clip toe nails properly and in time or wear tight shoes or socks over a long period of time regularly, nails begin to grow inside and hurt your fingers and create blemishes on the skin that become red and painful.

Take lukewarm water in a small tub and add common salt. Dip the foot in the solution and keep it there for 15-20 minutes every day. You can also add an antiseptic lotion to the water.

(3) Clip toe nails straight and not too short. Don’t clip the corner of the nail to avoid any scar in the area.

(4) Yellowish Taints of Nails-  Take  the half portion of the common lemon and rub it on affected nails every day, the taint starts to disappear slowly. You can use fine quality sand paper available with any god cosmetic store for rubbing on nails gently. You can also get the nail leather, which is especially prepared for this purpose. You should ensure that you do not damage either the delicate skin or the nails in this process. Apply a clear polish or UV resistant nail polish to produce a brighter look of nails.

(5) Take interest in manicure. Hands and nails look beautiful when you practice manicure. It will support correct formation or growth of nails and will also support blood circulation around nails and the palm. You get a supple and bright skin.

(6) Nails need the sleep-time care. Massage nails with a moisturizer every night before retiring to bed. You can use olive oil, Vitamin E or almond oil for the purpose. Nails will remain smooth and appear lively.

Tips for a healthy diet

You don’t have to cut all fat out of your diet, but you should limit the amount of fat you eat. Try to eat foods made with unsaturated fat and avoid foods that are high in saturated and trans fats. Other things you can do include:
Limit junk food or don’t eat it at all
  • Whatever junk food you have in your kitchen, throw it out and replace it with healthy foods and snacks.  
  • Look into other ways to comfort yourself and think of food as nutrition, not entertainment or emotional fodder. 
Go on a healthy food shopping spree
  • Don’t look at prices.  Buy items that are healthy and appealing.  
  • Fill your cupboards, pantry and fridge with healthy foods so you will not feel like your kitchen is empty.
Limit eating out 
  • Most restaurant food has high amounts of sodium, sugar and fat.  
  • There are few exceptions.  Spend more time with family or friends cooking together, or enjoy cooking for yourself.
Visit a farmer’s market
  • Because farmers markets make buying healthy food fun and interesting.  
  • Most of the produce will be freshly picked, and taste heavenly compared to the refrigerated and thawed produce we get at grocery stores.  
  • Many farmer’s markets have healthy homemade jams, local honey, hot sauce, or pickled this and that.
Cut out the white stuff 
  • Sugar has zero nutrition.  Cut out high fructose corn syrup and artificial sweeteners, too.  
  • Sugar is linked to the growing obesity epidemic in the US and the rising rates of diabetes.  
  • It is also linked to heart disease, which remains the number one killer of people in the US.  
  • Use natural sweeteners in baking like raw honey, date sugar or molasses, which retains high amounts of nutrients.
  • No level of nutrition can make up the difference for lack of exercise.  
  • Walking counts, as does taking the stairs instead of the elevator.  
  • Dr. Walter Willett of Harvard’s School of Public Health places exercise at the foundational base of his food pyramid.
Eat at a table
  • According to Michael Pollan’s latest book, Food Rules: An Eater’s Manual “No, a desk is not a table. 
  • If we eat while we’re working, or while watching TV or driving, we eat mindlessly, and as a result eat a lot more than we would if we were eating at a table, paying attention to what we’re doing. 
  • When eating somewhere other than a table, stick to fruits and vegetables.”
Eat smaller portions by buying smaller plates
  • I gave my giant-sized dinner plates to the Salvation Army and bought smaller square plates.  And I eat less because of it.  
  • According to Brian Wansink, author of Mindless Eating: Why We Eat More Than We Think in a study focused on size illusions, "People with a large bowl and a three-ounce scoop dished out 57 percent more ice cream than those given a smaller bowl and smaller scoop."
Cut out ‘beverages’ and drink water
  • Water is free, whereas most beverages come with a price – a health price and a financial price.  
  • One popular 12-ounce soda boasts a whopping 150 calories, and it offers no nutrition.  As a treat, drink tea instead of soda.

5 Ways to Boost Energy Levels Naturally

Dieters often complain of a lack of energy. Part of this is attitude—boredom due to removing a favorite pastime—eating unhealthy foods. If you’re addicted to sugar or chocolate, for example, and you can’t get your fix, part of the withdrawal process is feeling sluggish.

Instead of relying on unhealthy methods to increase your energy level, try some of the proven natural methods for boosting your energy. You’ve got nothing to lose except weight and lethargy, so let’s get started!

  • We all know people who exercise routinely, who never complain about being tired. You wonder how they can leave you in the dust on a bad day. 
  • When most people are ready to drag their sorry bodies home after a hard day at work, the serial exerciser is just stepping into dancing shoes. Why is that?
  • Studies have consistently shown a relationship between increased exercise and increased energy. 
  • Regular exercise has even proven to diminish fatigue even in people with medical conditions that sap energy. 
  • Exercise also releases endorphins, which make you feel a little high and naturally fight depression, a leading cause of fatigue.
Breathe Deeply
  • Most people breathe shallowly, leading to an oxygen deficit, which causes fatigue. 
  • Take deep breaths, filling the abdominal region. 
  • After a few deep breaths, you’ll feel invigorated. That’s one of the quickest and easiest ways to boost your energy naturally.
Eat More Protein and Colorful Vegetables
  • Pastries, candy and cookies all lead to an eventual crash. 
  • Substitute protein and non-starchy vegetables to keep your energy level stable. 
  • Try a green smoothie with a helping of bee pollen or some nuts or seeds to ward off the mid-morning and mid-afternoon slumps.
  • As an added benefit, they’ll also keep you full until your next meal.
Drink a Cold Glass of Water
  • Dehydration happens even before you feel thirsty, and it robs you of energy. 
  • A cold glass of water provides just the reboot you need—increasing metabolism, rehydrating, flushing toxins from your system and giving you a little boost of energy.
Get up and Stretch
  • Endless computer work tires your eyes, cramps your neck muscles and drains your energy. Make it a habit to get up and walk away from the computer at least once an hour. 
  • Perform a few stretches while breathing deeply to relax tight neck and back muscles. 
  • When you get back to the computer, without the fatigue albatross hanging around your neck, you’ll find that increased energy equals increased productivity.
  • Prevention is the key: Incorporate these tips into your daily life so that you fight fatigue before it even begins.
  • Relying on these natural energy boosters will ensure that you have enough energy to make it through the day with energy left over for the activities that make life worth living!

Minggu, 09 Oktober 2011

How to Choose the Correct Shampoo for Your Hair?

There are four basic categories in this approach that are mentioned here.

(1) For oily hair, use a plain shampoo. The best way to identify a plain shampoo is through the texture of the liquid, which should be transparent. Don’t use the thick- blended shampoo that looks like a creamy solution. The plain shampoo will definitely take out the dirt from the hair. Normally, the oily hair loses it’s lively look after a shampoo wash and hence, you should mix a pinch of baking powder with the shampoo to retain the loveliness.

(2) For dry hair, don’t use a clear shampoo that doesn’t have adequate moisturizing content in it. Prefer a shampoo that contains Omega 3 as a moisturizing element. Check the label of the shampoo to ensure the presence.

(3) For normal hair, use the shampoo that has mild detergent effect. It points to a herbal shampoo that holds the moisture of the hair. There will not be any possible complaint of rash or itching sensation on the scalp.

(4) For curly hair, a moisturizing shampoo is a perfect choice. Apply olive oil or caster oil on hair at least twice a week before retiring to bed. It should be followed by the shampoo in the next morning. It supports the process to hold moisture of the hair perfectly. You can use a special conditioner recommended for curls.


Role of Aerobic Exercising in Blood pressure Control

Obesity, food habit, sedentary lifestyle, excess alcohol intake and various other activities may result into shooting up of blood pressure. You have to take up the matter seriously and follow a well-organized routine by adjusting the food habit and exercising properly. It will be a sure step to control high blood pressure over and above the medication that you receive every day.

It has been observed that the sedentary lifestyle alone has contributed to cases of hypertension more than the people that go out every day doing normal chores and work. If you have the complaint of high blood pressure, you need to control the food intake and take up adequate exercising to control the possibility of grave situations. Visit your doctor regularly and follow the recommended medicines that are prescribed for the purpose.

Transform your lifestyle purposefully. Stop consuming high protein, high fat dishes and control the intake of salty food, salt, cigarette, coffee, junk food and alcohol. Take the advice of the healthcare professional for proper weight control measures. You will look fit and healthy in a very short time.

Aerobic exercising help control the increase in blood pressure. It supplies increased oxygen need to the heart, lungs and blood vessels. The entire cardiovascular system receives adequate amount of oxygen, which helps control blood pressure. You can also take up the following aerobic exercising plans to get the advantage in high blood pressure. Some simple aerobic exercises are,

(A) Walking
(B) Jogging
(C) Cycling
(D) Swimming
(E) Pranayam or the exercise of breathing

Consult your doctor before you start any exercising session or make a plan for it.

How to Reduce the Tired Look of the Skin?

The contemporary lifestyle has no scope for rest or relaxation, which appears on the face of busy individuals. The day begins with a series of phone calls and gradually includes many meetings in the office or shopping in malls, meeting friends in parties and clubs until the individual is completely worn out and eventually seeks rest.  All these activities in the modern day busy life constitute a grueling effect on your tender skin, which looks and feels tired and bogged down. It shows on your face, which you need to uplift immediately by taking suitable steps in the matter. You have to follow certain rules and regulations to obtain a lively appearance to complement the status in the society.

1. Massage is a great idea for a tension-free feeling of the body. It provides complete relaxation to muscles and tissues of the body. Engage in a massage session of body including a facial massage for total relaxation. Don’t ever forget the foot massage to release stress of the feet. Massage helps release toxins of the body and turns you fit and agile. Take a bath in tepid water after a massage session. Prepare the bath water by adding lavender skin tonic or rose water to obtain the advantage of aromatherapy.

2. Use a mild moisturizer after the bath to regain the softness of the skin, which is now properly hydrated. Apply the moisturizer very gently all over the skin surface. Use the home-made body massage oil by combining carrier oil, olive oil, lavender oil or rose oil.

Give a treatment to palms with a home-made paste of 2 tsf sunflower oil, 1 tsf fresh lemon juice and 2 tsf table sugar. Rub the paste between palms for 10-15 minutes and wash out the paste with water. You feel the palms totally relaxed.

3. Hair care is essential in reducing overall tension of the boy.  Ensure that you are totally relaxed and feel calm without an iota of tension to look attractive.

Sabtu, 08 Oktober 2011

Skin Is the Mirror of Your Health

You need to take care of your skin in a regular manner to keep it smooth and shining. In the modern city life, you are very busy with your tight schedule of appointments and other engagements and do not find enough time for skin care, which is common with everyone. You should make some time available to look after the skin in a routine manner and hence, take certain suitable steps. You need to have a fair knowledge about the requirements of a healthy skin so that you are able to provide the same to your lovely skin.

(1)Oily Skin. This type of skin requires additional care to keep it clean and free from dirt and dust that gathers during outings. The use of a cleanser is carefully selected to avoid the skin becoming dry. The home-made cleanser is a better alternative at this point. Make a combination of fresh lemon juice, paste of Neem leaves with a base material like Multani Mitti, the Fuller’s earth, known to be a superb cleansing material. The mixture is more acceptable in cold climates and enhances blood circulation. Apply the mixture on face and let it stay there for nearly half an hour. It is washed with cold water thoroughly.

Use an oil-control toner to reduce the oily texture of the skin. You can also use a revitalizing toner liquid. It should be known that the oily skin produces problems related to pigmentation of the skin and therefore, you should always use a sunscreen lotion before you go out in the sun.  You can make a sunscreen lotion right in your home with olive oil, bee wax and zinc oxide.

(2)Ordinary skin needs quality moisturizing applications to keep it soft and glowing. Give special attention to certain areas of the body such as elbows, knees and toes. Use the home-made sunscreen lotion and take the bath 2 times a day by mixing essential oils in the water.

(3)Dry skin needs additional support of moisturizer to keep it properly hydrated to maintain the suppleness. Prepare a home-made application with milk powder, honey and almond oil. Use it on your face and leave it for 10 minutes to be washed by lukewarm water. It helps hold the moisture of the skin in a natural way. Use a home-made scrub to be used during the bath. It is made with 2tbs of oats, Aloe Vera, 2tsf brown sugar, 1tsf fresh lemon juice in a paste form. Apply the paste all over the body and give a gentle rub. Use tepid water for cleaning it out. You should give adequate moisturizing support to the skin to rejuvenate it for true display of glamour.

Jumat, 07 Oktober 2011

Beauty Secrets to Reduce Striae

Striae or stretch marks occur due to breakage of collagen under the epidermis or a skin layer just beneath the outer skin. It is called birthmarks and is usually related to pregnancy and puberty. Hormones play a vital role in causing the effect on the skin. People with excess weight or obsessed individuals suffer from the condition of skin due to rapid development in body weight.  It starts with purple lines that turn into reddish tints and then fade with proper tropical applications. The affected areas are the arms, breasts, abdomen, hips, back, belly-button area, thighs and so on.

You find many branded creams and solutions that claim total removal of stretch marks, most of which provide results that are far from claims that they make. The laser therapy is the only possible solution in this respect, which is extremely expensive and cannot be recommended for the ordinary citizens. You must use the natural skin care therapy to take care of spots on the skin. You need to follow certain routines properly.

(1) Engage into a healthy diet plan. Refrain from drinking too much coffee and tea. Ensure that you include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables in meals. Maintain a regular supply of essential vitamins A, C and E through foods and nutrients to improve the quality of the skin to fight against the scars and blemishes.

(2) Home made solutions for the topical application made of olive oil, cocoa butter, lavender oil, apricot kernel oil, wheat germ oil, Aloe Vera and so on are useful elements to prepare a well-combined application. Consult natural beauty recipes for effective remedies to treat scars and blemishes on the skin that require proper attention.

You will be able to keep the skin soft, smooth and properly hydrated that helps make scars appear less noticeable.

Lively Approach for Healthy Living

You have to run with the time and make many adjustments every day in the contemporary environment. In the meantime, you need to keep a lively routine to carry on maintaining a positive outlook towards life. Being healthy means to feel well and it is possible only when you take care of your health properly and maintain the smartness, the agility and a matching attitude. You should take healthy food, continue to do regular exercising, take on healthy habits and refrain from indulging in habits that produce negative impact on your health. Take interest in yoga and mediation to become well-composed and attain a comfortable posture in life. You have to spread the news to everyone in the family and to each individual in the society. It is creating a world of sanctity and happiness through a healthy approach to life.

The entire family should participate in some sort of exercising in a regular way with full motivation. It helps increase the immunity power of the body, which is essential to maintain body fitness and agility. In return, you get an active body full of alertness. It advocates the necessity of exercising from the very early stage in children, which is a positive habit for healthy living. Children should take part in several outdoor games, swimming, dancing and in yoga sessions. Exercising every day is the first step that you should accept to be healthy and happy in life. If you do it regularly with all the members of the family, you stay together physically fit and mentally at the top of the world.

Take the advice of a qualified physical trainer to formulate exercising routines for each individual of the family. The fitness expert understands the requirement of every age and recommends suitable exercising schedules accordingly. Good wishes for healthy living.

Kamis, 06 Oktober 2011

Suffering for Fashion, Part 1 - Men are not immune!

What can cause your center of gravity to be thrown off, constrict blood flow in the neck, put pressure on your back, and predispose you to accidents or cancer? Sounds like something that should be avoided at all costs, right? In fact, these all can be consequences of following the latest styles. Clothing, footwear, and lifestyle trends that many people voluntarily embrace in the name of fashion

Selasa, 04 Oktober 2011

Best Diet for Women

Although healthy foods provide nutritional benefits to people of all ages, ethnicity and genders, certain types of food may be particularly beneficial for women. Science has revealed that certain foods may help prevent the diseases and symptoms women are prone to such as heart disease, osteoporosis, breast cancer and hot flashes.
  • Broccoli is practically unrivaled among all foods when it comes to protecting against cancer. Its powerful phytonutrients not only help neutralize carcinogens, but they also stimulate detoxifying enzymes that help the body rid itself of cancer-causing and other harmful toxins. 
  • Indole-3-carbinol, another compound found in broccoli, is particularly healthy for women; it’s been shown to reduce the risk of breast and cervical cancers and helps suppress the spread of existing cancer. 
  • This green vegetable also happens to be one of the richest food sources of the flavonoid kaempferol, which has shown protective benefits against ovarian cancer.
  • What’s more, broccoli is a superior source of folate, a B vitamin that’s needed for making and protecting DNA, producing new blood, forming new cells, and synthesizing protein.
  • Folate is one of the most essential nutrients for pregnant women. It supports proper development of the fetal nervous system and protects against neural tube (birth) defects. 
  • Second, research shows that women are twice as likely as men to experience depression, and numerous studies have linked folate deficiency with depression. The good news: There’s also evidence showing that boosting folate levels can increase serotonin levels and improve symptoms of depression.
  • Onions have many healing and health-promoting properties: They’re anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and a natural blood thinner. Rich in chromium, vitamin C, and dietary fiber, onions are also a good source of manganese, vitamin B6, tryptophan, folate, and potassium.
  • This bulbous vegetable is used to combat cancer, arthritis, and osteoporosis, and it helps fight infections, colds, fevers, and asthma.
  • Onions also help prevent constipation, increase blood circulation, improve gastrointestinal health, promote heart health, and are thought to help lower blood pressure and triglycerides.
  • They’re particularly good for women, who are four times as likely as men to develop osteoporosis—and who are at even higher risk for osteoporosis during and after menopause. 
  • Onions help prevent bone loss by destroying osteoclasts, a type of bone cell that’s responsible for the breakdown of bones. 
  • But unlike those potent drugs, onions bust up osteoclasts without dangerous side effects. 
  • And, like broccoli, onions are a potent cancer-fighting food; high onion consumption has been linked to a whopping 25 percent reduced risk of breast cancer and a 73 percent reduced risk of ovarian cancer
Leafy Greens
  • Leafy greens such as kale, spinach, watercress, cabbage, turnip greens, collard greens, and arugula share similar nutrient profiles, featuring impressive scores of vitamins K, A, and C; calcium; potassium; beta-carotene; manganese; folate; magnesium; iron; and dietary fiber.
  • Well-known research tracking 66,940 women enrolled in the Nurses’ Health Study found a 40 percent decrease in the incidence of ovarian cancer in women with the highest dietary kaempferol intake as compared to women with the lowest intake. Along with broccoli, kale is one of the best sources of kaempferol—which has been associated with a reduced risk of heart disease. Kaemperfol is also found in tea as well as in Brussels sprouts and other greens.
  • Spinach is extremely high in iron, which protects the immune system and helps the body produce energy. It’s especially important for menstruating and pregnant women, who require higher levels of this nutrient. However, iron deficiency is one of the most common nutrient deficiencies for all women. Iron deficiency causes anemia and low energy due to decreased oxygen being delivered to the cells. You can find iron in most leafy greens; other good sources include chard, mustard greens, and romaine lettuce.
  • Dark leafy greens like Swiss chard, spinach, kelp, and turnip greens are also excellent sources of magnesium, which plays a significant role in many key biological processes. This miracle mineral has been credited with a slew of health benefits, including lowering blood pressure, strengthening the immune system, strengthening bones, aiding in sleep, relaxing muscles, and relieving stress and anxiety.
  • Magnesium has been shown to reduce the severity and recurrence of migraine headaches. And a study of 60 women with urinary urge incontinence found that magnesium supplementation improved the symptoms of overactive bladder in nearly half of participants. Magnesium also aids in calcium absorption, playing a significant role in preventing osteoporosis; several studies on humans have shown that magnesium helps maintain bone mineral density.
  • Depression has been linked to low levels of calcium and magnesium, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that a study comparing the bone mass of depressed premenopausal women to their nondepressed peers found that the depressed women had reduced bone mass and the most thinning in their hip bones, putting them at higher risk of fractures.
  • No matter what type of bean you choose, each tiny package is bursting with a rich array of nutrients. Beans are an incredibly rich source of folate, fiber, tryptophan, protein, iron, magnesium, and potassium, and they’ve been linked to a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and breast cancer.
  • Hands-down one of the best food sources of fiber you can find, one cup of cooked pinto beans contains nearly 15 grams of fiber (along with a score of other essential nutrients)-but you’ll find plentiful fiber in all bean varieties. Fiber is a wonder nutrient that fills you up, regulates digestion, lowers LDL (“bad”) cholesterol, helps control weight, and has a preventive effect on diabetes and heart disease.
  • Potassium is vital to the health of every type of cell in our bodies, and you can find good amounts of this mineral in lima, pinto, and kidney beans. Potassium plays an essential part in bone strength, muscle function, and nerve function.
  • In addition, the Nurses’ Health Study, which recorded data from 91,731 female participants over a 12-year period, found that women with the highest dietary potassium intake were only 65 percent as likely to develop symptomatic kidney stones as compared to their peers with the lowest dietary potassium intake.
  • Like other beans, soybeans are an excellent source of dietary fiber. And just one cup of cooked soybeans also provides a whopping 29 grams of protein. Furthermore, studies have linked the isoflavones found in soybeans with improved bone density in postmenopausal women who previously had low bone mass; researchers believe these compounds may play a significant role in preventing bone fractures.
Wild Salmon
  • Wild salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, and iron, and it’s a high-quality source of protein. A word of caution: Independent studies comparing the nutritional content of wild and farmed salmon showed the farmed variety had drastically reduced levels of protein and healthy omega-3 fats. Farmed salmon were also found to have significant levels of carcinogenic substances and other toxins, as well as higher levels of inflammatory omega-6 fats. If you’re eating for health, opt for the wild variety.
  • Salmon is one of the few food sources naturally rich in vitamin D, which is needed to absorb calcium, maintain proper levels of calcium in the blood, and promote normal bone growth. Due to these qualities, vitamin D is regarded as an important nutrient in helping prevent osteoporosis. Sockeye salmon scores the highest in vitamin D; a four-ounce serving of sockeye provides 739 IU of vitamin D-compared to Chinook salmon, which provides 411 IU for the same size serving.
  • Vitamin D’s benefits extend beyond good bones, however. Medical and health experts now recognize this nutrient as playing an essential role in overall health. Unfortunately, vitamin D deficiency is a widespread problem that has been linked to depression and multiple sclerosis, two conditions that women are at a higher risk for than men. Researchers have additionally linked low levels of vitamin D with obesity and an increased risk of type 2 diabetes.
  • A 2008 study performed by the American Institute for Cancer Research found that eating two serving of walnuts each day is directly linked to the prevention of breast cancer, along with the reduced growth of tumors in the breast. 
  • Since women are at risk for breast cancer, adding walnuts to their diet is an important step to take toward prevention.
Cranberry Juice
  • According to Cooking Light’s Callahan, cranberry juice helps prevent and treat urinary tract infections in women. 
  • Callahan reveals that cranberry juice contains certain antioxidants known as proanthocyanins which keep the infection-causing bacteria from sticking to the bladder walls where it can breed infection.
Milk and Lowfat Yogurt
  • According to, lowfat yogurt is one of the top 100 foods that women should be eating, along with milk and other calcium-rich foods. 
  • Foods high in calcium are important for women since they fortify and strengthen the bones, which decreases and may even prevent osteoporosis later in life.