Kamis, 01 Desember 2011

23 Health Tips EVERY Woman Should Know

23 Health Tips EVERY Woman Should Know

#1. 3 ways to get the most out of your doctor visit
Know what you want out of your next M.D. visit a diagnosis, a referral to a specialist? Keep your focus and you’ll be more likely to get what you need.Don’t be scared or embarrassed to talk to your doctor—about anything. Unless you speak up, you’ll only continue to suffer.Tell your doctor about any supplements you take. Some can have dangerous interactions with prescription drugs.

#2. 2 health reasons to have sex
Schedule weekly orgasms; call it getting your ‘vitamin O.’ Orgasms release hormones that boost emotional well-being and your immune system—and may even prolong life.Few things in life are fun, free and healthy, but sex is one of them.

#3. Slash your cancer risk
Know your family history of cancer. If parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts or uncles were diagnosed before 50, you may be at an especially high risk. Aim for 800 to 1,000 IUs of vitamin D a day from a D3 pill. It’s often hard to get enough from sunlight in winter—and mounting evidence shows D is not only important for bones, but may also help prevent cancer and heart disease.

#4. Easy weight loss tips
Think percentages, not pounds; they’re less scary. If you’re overweight, losing just 5 to 10 percent of your body weight can slash health risks.If you want to feel full on fewer calories, stick to foods that are high in water, like fruits, vegetables and healthy proteins. Feeling full is based on volume, not calories.

#5. Be a responsible party girl
Eighty-six yourself after three drinks, no matter what the occasion. Anything more is a binge.

#6. 3 things healthy women do
If you want to start a healthy habit, make your intention very concrete and specific, like, ‘put on sneakers as soon as I get home and walk 10 blocks’ instead of just ‘exercise more often.
Go to good health sites
Be future-focused. Most young women are pretty healthy—the problem isn’t their current situation, but where their lifestyle will lead them when they get older. Making changes now, like exercising more and eating better, is like putting money into a bank account.

#7. Adopt a positive body image
If you think you look fat one day but were fine the day before, remember that your reaction to what you see in the mirror may be about emotions, not reality.

#8. 2 Heart health tips
Eat less salt. You may be a healthy young thing now, but half of women over 45 have high blood pressure, and a lot of that is due to sodium.
Every night before going to sleep, lie on your back and hang your head and shoulders off the bed for up to two minutes. This opens up your chest, increasing blood supply to your lungs and heart, and can help prevent bad posture from hours of hunching over a desk at work.

#9. Reduce your risk of skin cancer
Do a skin check once a month when you’re getting out of the shower. While you put on your moisturizer, look for any striking, dark or changing spots or moles.Wear a hat when you’re in the sun.

#10. Keep your mouth healthy
If you don’t floss, at least use an electric toothbrush to get into crannies and fight gum disease.
Rinse your mouth out after drinking a soda. Doing so will help wash its enamel-eroding acids off your teeth.

#11. 4 healthy eating habits
Everything you eat should make you stronger, like whole grains for your heart or veggies for immunity. Make 85 percent of your choices this way and you’ll be healthier and thinner.Switch from olive oil to canola oil for cooking. Canola has less saturated fat and a lot more omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to do everything from lift mood to fight heart disease.Have a vegetable or fruit at every meal. Boom, healthier Eat global. Spices like cinnamon and turmeric in Indian and Thai cuisines add flavor and have health benefits, like fighting cancer.

#12. 2 ways to boost your immune system
If you’re truly sick, don’t go to work! You’ll just prolong your own illness. Wash your hands. ........Period.

#13. 3 keys to happiness
Get a pet! People with them tend to have better physical health, partly because you have to do active things to maintain them—walk the dog, play with the cat or clean a birdcage. Interacting with pets may also lower blood pressure, decrease anxiety and improve your mood.Unplug and talk to someone face-to-face. Facebook, IM and e-mail are all great ways to stay in touch, but actually seeing people and interacting with them is key for mental health.Don’t be with someone who makes you miserable! When women say a relationship is a huge head-ache, there could be literal truth to that. Emotions can lead to very real pain.

#14. 1 more reason to stop smoking: fertility
No cigarettes! Smoking is a killer for your fertility. Women who smoke lose their eggs faster than women who don’t.

#15 .Sleep better: here’s how
Set your alarm for the time you actually have to get up. Interrupting a sleep cycle to hit snooze will leave you groggy despite the ‘extra’ rest.Keep things dark if you want a good night’s sleep. Leaving the TV or your reading light on lowers melatonin production, which, in turn, disrupts your sleep cycle. Rid your bedroom of anything that distracts you from sleep or sex. More of both will help keep you healthy and happy.

#16. 2 things to know about drugs
Don’t borrow Rx drugs. It’s a top reason for E.R. visits. Your friend’s pain pills won’t make your night out more fun.Before you take a pill to get rid of a symptom, ask yourself, ‘Is my body trying to tell me something?’ If I can’t sleep, I know I’m overloaded. For other women, stomachaches or headaches may be signs of stress.”

#17. 1 way to keep your brain smart
Read something exciting, start a puzzle habit, exercise—‘use it or lose it’ applies to both physical and mental health.

#18. 3 suggestions from sex health experts
Don’t self-diagnose. If you have symptoms, check with a doctor, not the Internet.Keep emergency contraception handy. And remember, any guy 18 or older can buy it over the counter too, so send him to get it?.If you’re not 110% monogamous, please use condoms! They don’t completely protect against all STDs, but they’re the best act in town.

#19. 3 diet tips
Toss your diet books—just eat lots of multicolored foods that were recently alive. You know, like vegetables and fruits.”Never crash diet. Research shows it can make you depressed. Nourishing your body also nourishes your mind. Remember that every meal is not your last. There will be another turkey dinner, another plate of spaghetti, another brownie. If you keep in mind that this is not your last chance to eat a food you love, it will be easier for you to put down your fork when you’ve had enough.

#20. 1 health treat for your feet
Go ahead, buy new shoes. Fortunately, platform heels made a huge comeback. You get the height of a stiletto without the arch-busting 45-degree angle that puts so much pressure on the balls of your feet. And the wider heels provide much better support and stability than regular pumps.

#21. 3 more keys to happiness
Get happy. In one study, positive people injected with the cold virus were less likely to get sick than their less happy peers. Happier types live longer too.Help someone. You can exercise like a maniac and still not feel truly healthy and alive. But stepping beyond yourself makes you realize that you’re part of something bigger and more profound. My experience and research show that it leads to better health.Make sure your needs count. As a woman, you have a breathtaking ability to care for others, but don’t relinquish your own health.

#22. Easy exercise advice
Lose unhealthy extra weight now. It’ll be much easier to do it in your twenties and thirties than later, when metabolism slows down.subscribe to the elevator diet: don’t use them! Any activity helps your heart and waistline.Consider exercise an everyday thing, like brushing your teeth. It’s the best thing you can do for your whole body.

#23. Protect yourself against breast cancer
Take every chance to get to know your breasts—it’s easier to recognize changes if you regularly feel your body, like in the shower and when you’re dressing.
Be healthy and happy.

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