Sabtu, 30 Juni 2012



The Skeletal System
-The largest bone is the pelvis, or hip bone. In fact it is made of six bones joined firmly together.
-The longest bone is the 'femur', in the thigh. It makes up almost one quarter of the body's total height.
-The smallest bone is the 'stirrup', deep in the ear. It is hardly larger than a grain of rice.
-The ears and end of the nose do not have bones inside them. Their inner supports are cartilage or 'gristle', which is lighter and more flexible than bone. This is why the nose and ears can be bent.
-After death, cartilage rots faster than bone. This is why the skulls of skeletons have no nose or ears.

The Muscular System 
-There are about 60 muscles in the face. Smiling is easier than frowning. It takes 20 muscles to smile and over 40 to frown.
-The longest muscle in the body is the sartorius, from the outside of the hip, down and across to the inside of the knee. It rotates the thigh outwards and bends the knee.
-The smallest muscle in the body is the stapedius, deep in the ear. It is only 5mm long and thinner than cotton thread. It is involved in hearing.
-The biggest muscle in the body is the gluteus maximus, in the buttock. It pulls the leg backwards powerfully for walking, running and climbing steps.

The Circulatory System
-The heart beats around 3 billion times in the average person's life.
-About 2 million blood cells die in the human body every second, and the same number are born each second.
-Within a tiny droplet of blood, there are some 5 million red blood cells, 300,000 platelets and 10,000 white cells.
-It takes about 1 minute for a red blood cell to circle the whole body.
-Red blood cells make approximately 250,000 round trips of the body before returning to the bone marrow, where they were born, to die.
-Red blood cells may live for about 4 months circulating throughout the body, feeding the 60 trillion other body cells.

The Nervous System 
-The brain looks like a giant, wrinkled walnut.
-Unlike other body cells, brain cells can not regenerate. Once brain cells are damaged they are not replaced.
-The brain and spinal cord are surrounded and protected by cerebrospinal fluid.

The Immune System
-The skin secretes antibacterial substances.These substances explain why you don't wake up in the morning with a layer of mold growing on your skin - most bacteria and spores that land on the skin die quickly.
-Tears and mucus contain an enzyme (lysozyme) that breaks down the cell wall of many bacteria.
-Lymph nodes contain filtering tissue and a large number of lymph cells. When fighting certain bacterial infections, the lymph nodes swell with bacteria and the cells fighting the bacteria, to the point where you can actually feel them. Swollen lymph nodes may therefore be a good indication that you have an infection of some sort.

The Digestive System 
-Adults eat about 500 kg of food per year.
-1.5 litres of saliva are produced each day.
-The oesophagus is approximately 25cm long.
-Muscles contract in waves to move the food down the oesophagus. This means that food would get to a person's stomach, even if they were standing on their head.
-An adult’s stomach can hold approximately 1.5 litres of material.
-Every day 11.5 litres of digested food, liquids and digestive juices flow through the digestive system, but only 100 mls of fluid are lost in faeces.
-In the mouth, food is either cooled or warmed to a more suitable temperature.
-We get two sets of teeth. Our 20 'Baby Teeth’ are replaced starting at around 6-7 years of age with our 32 ‘Adult Teeth’.

The Respiratory System
-At rest, the adult body takes in and breathes out about 6 litres of air each minute.
-The right lung is slightly larger than the left.
-Hairs in the nose help to clean the air we breathe as well as warming it.
-The highest recorded "sneeze speed" is 165 km per hour.
-The surface area of the lungs is roughly the same size as a tennis court.
-The capillaries in the lungs would extend 1,600 kilometres if placed end to end.
-We lose half a litre of water a day through breathing. This is the water vapour we see when we breathe onto glass.
-A person at rest usually breathes between 12 and 15 times a minute.
-The breathing rate is faster in children and women than in men.

Jumat, 29 Juni 2012

Bed Bugs and Bat Bugs

Bed Bugs and Bat Bugs
Bed bugs (Cimex lectularius) and Bat bugs (Cimex adjunctus and C.  pilosellus) 
Bed bugs are parasites that feed on humans.
Occasionally “bed bug” problems are actually caused by bat or bird bugs that can be found in buildings that have bats or birds living in the structure.

Public health significance:
Although both bed bugs and bat or bird bugs will bite people,only bed bugs feed on human blood.Bed and bat or bird bugs have not been found to transmit any diseases to humans.  However,secondary infections resulting from scratching the bites can occur and should be cleaned and treated accordingly.Repeated exposure to bed bug bites may cause some people to become sensitized to the saliva and result in mild to intense allergic reactions.

Sources of infestation:
Bed bugs are bought into home on infested furniture or in luggage and personal belongings after staying in infested lodgings.In apartment buildings,townhouses,hotels and other connected dwellings bed bugs can migrate from one infested unit into other via electrical wiring, plumbing and adjoining walls.Socio-economic considerations:Bed bugs and bat bugs can and will infest the humblest of homes and the most extravagant hotel or mansion if given the chance.

Eggs are white in color and approx 1 mm in length and glued to the surface they are laid on.Eggs are laid in the crevices and surfaces where the adult bed bug hides during non-feeding periods and hatch in 6 to 10 days depending on temperature.

The newly hatched nymph (approx. 1.5 mm) is white to pale yellow until their first blood meal after which they become reddish-brown in color.

Development time from first nymph stage to sexually mature adult is 35 to 48 days under favorable environmental conditions.The bed bug requires a blood meal for each of the five nymphal stages, as well as a blood meal by the adult female before she can lay eggs.

Female bed bugs lay 1 to 5 eggs after each blood meal and can lay a total of 200 eggs during its lifetime of approximately 9 to 18 months.

Bed bugs can survive over 6 months between blood meals if a host is not available. 

Adult bed bugs are reddish brown in color,approximately 7 mm long,egg-shaped with a segmented abdomen, and are flat top to bottom.

Generally,bed bugs are nocturnal,feeding when their host is asleep but will adjust their feeding habits to match the sleeping habits of the host.For example,if the host begins working at night and sleeps during the daytime hours, bed bugs will become day feeders.If the host begins sleeping in another room, bed bugs will follow to the new location.

During non-feeding periods,bed bugs will hide in cracks and crevices in close proximity to the host (e.g., mattress seams,bed frame,headboard,box spring,behind wall hangings or baseboards,torn wall paper, bedroom furniture, etc.).

It takes a bed bug about 5 to 10 minutes to finish a blood meal.The bites are painless, so the host is unaware they are being bitten.

An integrated program of inspection, chemical and non-chemical measures followed by monitoring is required for control of bed bugs.

Transporting bed linen,blankets,etc in a plastic trash bag to be laundered in hot water.Items that cannot be laundered in hot water can be placed in a dryer at high heat for 30-40 minutes.

Inspection of places where bed bugs hide (e.g.,bed frame,headboard,box spring,mattress,behind wall hangings,in bedroom furniture,edge of carpeting etc.) and vacuuming them up(and disposing of the vacuum bag) when they are found.

Minimize floor clutter (e.g.,boxes,books,clothing,etc.) to reduce the number of bed bug hiding places. 

On hot,sunny days,place infested mattress,bed frame,headboard,etc outdoors in the direct sun,turning them periodically to drive bed bugs out of infested furniture.

Apply diatomaceous earth (broken up shells of tiny critters) powder to cracks and crevices behind baseboard coving and in floor cracks,and other hiding areas that are out of sight. Diatomaceous earth works by slicing open the exoskeleton (outer, hard covering) of insects, causing them to dehydrate and die. 

Seal cracks and crevices along base board coving and floors with caulking. 

Chemical control: 
The homeowner can do this by applying an insecticide into all the cracks and crevices in the infested room.Following label instructions, apply over-the-counter insecticides that are registered for bed bugs to infested box springs,mattress,bed frame,furniture,crack and crevices,etc. 

It is usually recommended that a professional,commercial pesticide applicator be hired to apply the chemical pesticides.They have the experience and knowledge in bed bug control strategies along with the having the proper equipment to apply pesticides into cracks and crevices. In addition,professional applicators can use more effective pesticides with residual properties that continue to kill bed bugs after they’ve been applied. 

Following control procedures,monitoring of further bed bug activity is necessary to ensure that control was successful.If evidence of live bed bug activity is found,additional control measures are needed until no activity is observed.
Inspection of mattress, headboard, bed frame,etc. where previous bed bug activity was noted. 
Continued blood spotting of sheets.
Fresh bites.
Adhesive traps that collect insect pests as they cross over its sticky surface.

Kamis, 28 Juni 2012


There are a number of common 'human' foods that can be toxic for your pets.The important thing is to know exactly what to avoid. Here is a complete list. 

1. Alcoholic beverages 

It is often sweet - attracting dogs and cats, but can cause serious and fatal intoxication. Don't ever offer this to your pets.

Here are some of the signs and side effects:
- Incoordination/ataxia 
- Excitement 
- Depression 
- Excessive urination 
- Breathing rate is slowed 
- Cardiac arrest and death 

2. Avocado 

Avocado leaves, fruit, seeds and bark contain a toxic principle known as Persin. The Guatemalan variety is most toxic - but all have toxic potential. They cause vomiting/diarrhea - primarily gastrointestinal distress.

3. Chocolate (all forms) 

Chocolate contains theobromine, a compound that is a cardiac stimulant and a diuretic.
Initial excitation.
Increased drinking and urinating.
Vomiting and Diarrhea.
Theobromine causes an increased heart rate and arrhythmia.
Seizures can then be seen.
Death is then possible.
ACTION PLAN: Induce vomiting, give activated charcoal, and go to the Vet if depression and seizures begin. Baker's chocolate and high cocoa content chocolate is the most toxic; the toxic dose is 2 baking squares for a 10lb dog. Regular chocolate bars have little real chocolate and are seldom toxic.

4. Coffee (all forms) 

Coffee contains dangerous components called xanthines, which cause nervous system or urinary system damage and heart muscle stimulation.

5. Fatty foods

The primary concern here is severe gastrointestinal upset- and in some cases Pancreatitis.This can be fatal in some pets- and it is almost always triggered by a High Fat Meal, such as gravy or bacon.

6. Macadamia nuts 

Macadamia nuts contain an unknown toxin, which can affect the digestive and nervous systems and muscles of dogs.This has lead to paralysis.A small number of nuts and even the butter can cause this.

7. Moldy or spoiled foods 

Many molds contain a type of toxin called an Aflatoxin.This is thought to be a common cause of "compost toxicity". Signs include (Vomiting/Diarrhea), muscle tremors, in-coordination, elevated temperature, excessive salivation, and liver damage. Avoid feeding anything moldy to your dog or cat.

8. Onions, onion powder 

Onions contain the toxic ingredient thiosulphate.Pets affected by onion toxicity will develop anemia.One Onion can cause this. Fortunately all dogs recover once they are stopped from ingesting onions.

9. Raisins and grapes 

As few as 6 grapes and raisins have caused acute kidney failure in some dogs.The toxic ingredient is not yet known.There is no treatment. Avoid feeding any grapes or raisins to your dogs. 

10. Yeast dough 

The yeast dough/uncooked bread dough will rise in your pet's stomach causing severe gastrointestinal distress (vomiting/diarrhea),bloating, and signs of alcohol toxicity.

11. Xylitol 

Xylitol is a artificial sweeter found in "sugar free" Products,  such as gum, candy etc. Signs relate to a sudden drop in glucose (blood sugar), in-coordination, collapse and seizures.Avoid feeding any gum/candy to your pets. 

12. Apples, Apricots, Cherries, Peaches and Plums. 

Ingestion of large amounts of stems, seeds and leaves of these fruits can be toxic.They contain a cyanide type compound and signs of toxicity include apprehension, dilated pupils, difficulty breathing, hyperventilation and shock.
Note - it's the seeds and stems that contain the toxic component,not the fruit itself. 

13. Potato peelings and green looking potatoes 

Potatoes and other Solanum species,including the tomato,are members of the nightshade family of plants. These plants contain solanine and other toxic alkaloids which,if eaten in large enough amounts, can produce drooling, severe gastrointestinal upset, including vomiting and diarrhea, loss of appetite, drowsiness, central nervous system depression, confusion,behavioral changes, weakness, dilated pupils and slowed heart rate.

14. Nutmeg 

High levels of nutmeg can be toxic, even fatal. The toxic component is unknown.Signs of toxicity include tremors, seizures, nervous system abnormalities or death.

15. Tomato leaves & stems (green parts) 

The green parts of the tomato plant are considered toxic because they contain solanine, which has the potential to produce  significant gastrointestinal and central nervous system effects.

Congenital Heart Disease

Congenital Heart Disease
Many babies are born with defects of the heart, traced to chromosome defects, maternal infections, or the use of toxic agents. Two types of heart disease are seen. One is called cyanotic, because of the characteristic “blue baby” who has a dusky color to the lips, hands, or a general cyanosis. The most common of these is called the Tetralogy of Fallot, and includes four basic cardiac defects requiring specialized study for diagnosis. A number of surgical procedures have been devised to correct the congenital defects of the heart, reducing the mortality and extending the life of otherwise doomed children.

Noncyanotic heart disease such as ventricular or atrial septal defects and stenosis of the pulmonary valves describe defects in other parts of the heart. These conditions create an extra burden for the heart and if severe, may result in heart failure. Patent ductus arteriosis is another condition in which a normal shunting mechanism present in fetal life fails to close after birth.Surgical operations are being refined to deal with these problems and correct them early, to permit normal growth and activity in the young child.

Health Benefits of Lemon Verbena

Health Benefits of Lemon Verbena
Aloysia triphylla
Family Name: Verbenaceae
Common Name: Lemon Verbena, Herb Louisa, herba Luisa
Habitat: Peru, Chile, Bolivia and Central America. Introduced to Europe in 18th Century though Spain.
Popular garden plant though out the world.
Historical Botanical Names: Botanical literature shows a variety of names,including Lippia citriodora and L. triphylla.Verbena triphylla and Aloysia triphylla.A search of the taxonomic sources provides some clarification. It seems that the plant was first classified from specimens mainly growing in the Royal Garden at Madrid. A French botanist published a description in 1784, and a Spanish botanists in 1785, naming it Aloysia in honour of Maria Luisa, princess of Parma and wife of Charles IV of Spain. The plant was later found in the wild by botanists working in South America, who gave it the genus name Lippi, in memory of a French-born Italian naturalist, Augustin Lippi, murdered in Abyssinia in 1709.

A deciduous shrub, growing to a maximum of 5 metres.The leaves are very fragrant, lanceolate, arranged in threes at each node, hence the name origin Aloysia  (3)triphylla. 6 to 8cm long, with smooth margins, pale green in colour.The many small flowers are pale purple, blooming during late summer in slim terminal panicles.The parts usefull are leaves, dried and fresh.Lemon Verbena has an unusually strong lemon scent and flavor to it. The lemon scent comes from an essential oil known as citral, which is also found in lemon, lemongrass and other citrus plants.

Medicinal Use: A medication that reduces fever; an antipyretic,sedative,stomachic,antispasmodic in dyspepsia, indigestion and flatulence, stimulating skin and stomach.

Lemon verbena has certain therapeutic properties and has been used for a variety of ailments including relief of digestive tract spasms, reduction of fever, strengthening of the nervous system, stress relief and as an anti-spasmodic and expectorant. Lemon verbena has the ability to help break down cellulite, as well as to exert a soothing, healing and toning effect on the skin.

Considered the Queen of Aromatic Herbs. The dried leaves are used in sachets and Potpourri. They can retain their odour for years.Oil distilled from plant is used in perfumery. A popular drink in Spain, where it is known as ‘Luisa’.

In cooking, lemon verbena can be used in fruit dishes, jellies, punches, added to baked custard or home made ice cream. Lemon verbena can be used in any dish where lemon might be used including fish and chicken dishes, salad dressings and rice.

Lemon verbena is a popular dessert ingredient and pairs well with vanilla and mint. It compliments most fruit flavors and is the perfect accompaniment to a fruit salad. Pastry chefs have been known to place two or three lemon verbena leaves in the bottom of a buttered cake pan before spooning the cake batter into the pan. The leaves release their oil during the baking process, giving the cake a delightful lemony flavor. It is necessary to remove the leaves prior to serving.

Lemon verbena leaves can be steeped in hot water to create an aromatic and mildly sedative herbal tea. It makes a delicious tea and can be drunk anytime as it is relaxing and soothing. Lemon verbena tea is believed to help regulate the menstrual cycle and assist with symptoms of PMS. It has also been found useful in the treatment of Crohn's disease; an autoimmune disease which affects the gastro-intestinal tract. Lemon verbena leaves can also be used in potpourri or to make an infusion which can be added to bath water for a calming effect.

Lemon verbena essential oil is a powerful anti-inflammatory, fever reducer and sedative. It is generally inhaled for stress, insomnia, depression and nervous fatigue. Lemon verbena essential oil has also proven beneficial during an asthmatic crisis. Due to its strong antiviral properties, lemon verbena essential oil can be applied directly to a cold sore to reduce pain and symptoms. Lemon verbena generally is recognized as safe for human consumption.

Health Benefits of Red Cabbage

Health Benefits of  Red Cabbage
Cabbage is a cruciferous vegetable of the mustard family. Cruciferous vegetables are plants that contain indoles and isothiocyanates, phytochemicals with anti-cancer properties.
Spanish name:  cole
Family:  Brassicaceae
Genus:  Brassica
Species:  Brassica oleracea
Group:  Capitata

Cabbage is a cole crop of the Mustard family (Brassicaceae) and its varietal name, B. oleracea Capitata, distinguishes this cruciferous vegetable as being “in the form of a head.” (The Brassicaceae family was formerly called Cruciferae.) The word cabbage derives from the French word caboche, meaning “head.” The species B. oleracea, or wild cabbage, is grouped into seven major cultivars based on development. (See chart below for cultivars.) Within the Capitata Group, there are more than 400 cabbage varieties but most common are the green, red, purple and savoy varieties. Most Asian cabbage varieties belong to another species, B. rapa. This includes Chinese cabbage, which is also known as Napa or celery cabbage.According to coloration, there are three types of cabbages: green, white and red. 

Many vegetables evolved the original wild cabbage including broccoli,russels,sprouts,cauliflower,kale,
collard and kohlrabi.Cabbage can be eaten raw as shredded vegetable,cut into chunks and steamed,boiled
or stir- fried.It can also be used as a garnish in salads

1. All cole crops can be cross-bred, making it easy and economical to develop new cabbage varieties.

2. Primary uses of cabbages include processed coleslaw (40 – 45%), fresh head (35%), sauerkraut (12%), various fresh-cut products (5–10%) and dried (less than 5%). 

3. Technological advancements in packaging have increased the number of cabbage heads for market about 30 percent since 1996. 

4. As early as 600 B.C.E., wild cabbage indigenous to Asia and the Mediterranean slowly spread into Northern Europe by the Celts and later the Romans. 

5. Able to store for long periods, cabbage was a staple item of Europeans in the Middle Ages. Its juice was commonly used to heal wounds and as a cough remedy. 

6. In 1541, French explorer Jacques Cartier introduced cabbage to North America. 

7. Since cabbage contains lots of Vitamin C, other explorers,including Captain Cook, traveled with it in order to prevent scurvy. Cabbage rapidly spread across continent. 

8. Opening of trade with Asia in the late 19th century brought Chinese cabbage to California. 

Cabbage fills your stomach without adding to the fat or cholesterol content of the body. It also has very low quantities of carbohydrates - hence a wise addition to weight loss diets. The leafy vegetable, however, offers further benefits for the treatment of ailments and health hazards.Cabbage, especially the red type, is rich in Vitamin C. The antioxidant properties of Vitamin C enable the body to fight infections, heal wounds and damaged tissues, and strengthen the immune system. The sulphur content, working with Vitamin C, makes cabbage a good detoxifier and  blood  purifier. Detoxification treats ailments such as constipation, skin disorders (including eczema),  rheumatism,  arthritis and gout. The vegetable also battles stomach ulcers, headache, jaundice, scurvy, eye disorders, heart diseases, ageing and Alzheimer’s disease.

Red cabbage is a good source of phytonutrients that help to detoxify pollutants and other carginogens that most people are exposed to on a daily basis. Like other cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, it's high in glucosinolates, compounds which are metabolized by the body to form powerful cancer fighting chemicals known as isothiocyanates. Isothiocyanates activate the P450 liver enzymes that break down carcinogens, allowing them to be safely eliminated from the body. People who consume high quantities of cruciferous vegetables have been shown to have a lower risk of certain types of cancer. Red cabbage is also a good source of indoles, compounds that may reduce the risk of breast cancer by altering estrogen metabolism.

It's high in Vitamins A and C

Vitamins A and C are vitamins with strong antioxidant properties and red cabbage is a good source of both, particularly vitamin C. One serving provides three-quarters of the daily recommended quantity of this vitamin which is important for maintaining healthy skin and connective tissue. Who says citrus fruits are the only good source of vitamin C?

It's a Real Diet Food

Red cabbage is a guilt-free food if you're a calorie counter. One cup of red cabbage has under thirty fat-free calories. The relatively high fiber content of red cabbage makes it a filling and satisfying side dish. No wonder the cabbage soup diet was so popular!

It's Better than It's Green Cousin

Green cabbage may be healthy, but red cabbage is better. Would you believe that red cabbage has twice the vitamin C content of green cabbage? Plus, red cabbage is a rich source of anthocyanins, a type of flavonoid that gives red cabbage it's deep red- purple coloration. There's increasing evidence in animals that anthocyanins help to promote brain health as well as protect against cancer.

There's little doubt that red cabbage is one healthy vegetable, but the indigestible fiber in those crimson leaves can cause flatulence and may need to be eaten in moderation. Enjoy the many health benefits of red cabbage!

Rabu, 27 Juni 2012



Family: Malvaceae
Genus:  Abelmoschus
Species: esculentus

Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus), known in many English-speaking countries as lady's fingers or gumbo, is a flowering plant in the mallow family. It is valued for its edible green seed pods. The geographical origin of okra is disputed, with supporters of South Asian, Ethiopian and West African origins. The plant is cultivated in tropical, subtropical and warm temperate regions around the world..It is also sometimes called "Ladies Fingers". 

1.  The superior fiber found in okra helps to stabilize the blood sugar by curbing the rate at which sugar is absorbed from the intestinal tract.
2.  Okra's mucilage binds cholesterol and bile acid carrying toxins dumped into it by the filtering liver.
3.  Okra helps lubricate the large intestines due to its bulk laxative qualities. The okra fiber absorbs water and ensures bulk in stools. This helps prevent and improve constipation. Unlike harsh wheat bran, which can irritate or injure the intestinal tract, okra's mucilage soothes, and okra facilitates elimination more comfortably by its slippery characteristic. Okra binds excess cholesterol and toxins (in bile acids). These, if not evacuated, will cause numerous health problems. Okra also assures easy passage out of waste from the body. Okra is completely non-toxic, non-habit forming, has no adverse side effects, is full of nutrients, and is economically within reach of most individuals unlike over-the-counter drugs.
4.  Okra fiber is excellent for feeding the good bacteria (probiotics). This contributes to the health of the intestinal tract.
5.  Okra is a supreme vegetable for those feeling weak, exhausted, and suffer from depression.  
6.  Okra is used for healing ulcers and to keep joints limber. It helps to neutra acids, being very alkaline, and provides a temporary protective coating for the digestive tract.  
7.  Okra treats lung inflammation, sore throat, and irritable bowel syndrome. 
8.  Okra has been used successfully in experimental blood plasma replacemen
9.  Okra is good for summer heat treatment.  
10. Okra is good for constipation.
11. Okra is good in normalizing the blood sugar and cholesterol level.
12. Okra is good for asthma. Okra's vitamin C is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, which curtail the development of asthma symptoms.  
13. Okra is good for atherosclerosis.  
14. Okra is believed to protect some forms of cancer expansion, especially colorectal cancer.  
15. Eating okra helps to support the structure of capillaries.  
16. Some information shows that eating okra lowers the risk of cataracts.  
17. Okra is good for preventing diabetes.  
18. Okra protects you from pimples and maintains smooth and beautiful skin.

We understand the reason why Cleopatra and Yang Guifei loved to eat okra. 

Pears - Health Facts

Pears - Health Facts
Pyrus communis

Pears (Pyrus communis) are a pome fruit relative of the apple.Pears are members of the rose family. Pear trees can grow for hundreds of years while still producing fruit. The pear tree prefers colder environments and is thought to have originated in present day Western China, where it diverged into 20 different primary species. Evidence also shows that pears were cultivated in prehistoric times, in Swiss areas and even in ancient Rome. Pears have a juicy, distinctive texture and vary in consistency depending on their ripeness. Pears are delicious in both sweet and savory dishes and are extremely high in fiber and vitamin C. When baked, pears soak in their own juices, taking on an even sweeter flavor.One distinct feature of the pear besides the shape is the soft texture. This soft texture is the result of the starch converting to sugar after being picked from a tree to ripen.

Health ingredients  

BORON: Pears contain boron, which helps maintain calcium levels and prevent osteoporosis. 

COPPER: Pears also have a fair amount of copper, an antioxidant that fights off free radicals.

FIBER: Pears have an extraordinary amount of dietary fiber (4 grams), which can prevent constipation and decrease risks of heart disease and diabetes. 

PECTIN: Pears have a high amount of pectin, which can help maintain healthy cholesterol levels. 

QUERCETIN: Quercetin, found in the skin of pears, is an antioxidant that helps prevent cancer and artery diseases. 

VITAMIN C: Pears are a great source of vitamin C, an antioxidant that is important for proper immune function. 

FIBER :Fresh pears offer dietary fiber, much of it in the form of Pectin.High fiber diets may also help reduce the risk of colon cancer and can help reduce serum cholesterol.

POTASSIUM: Fresh pears offer potassium; 210 mg in a medium size pear. Although it is an element lost easily through dehydration or perspiration brought on by active lifestyles or strenuous exercise, potassium is necessary for maintaining heartbeat, muscle contraction, nerve transmission, as well as carbohydrate and protein metabolism. Replenish potassium by eating fresh vegetables, fruits or legumes containing high potassium content— pears are an excellent choice. 

They have no cholesterol, sodium, or saturated fat. They offer a natural, quick source of energy, due largely to high amounts of two monosacharides: fructose and glucose, plus Levulose, the sweetest of known natural sugars, found to a greater extent in fresh pears than in any other fruit. A pear is a nutrient dense food, providing more nutrients per calorie, than calories per nutrient. Carbohydrates make up 98% of the energy provided by a pear, and carbohydrates are helpful in weight reduction diets because they contain half as many calories as fat.

The pear is a well-known temperate fruit popular throughout recorded history in the West and the East. Europeans prefer soft flesh, “pyriform” pears that must be ripened to come to optimum quality while the pears of the Asia are round and crisp and do not require softening. Both qualities, although very different, are delectable in their own way. It is not surprising,therefore, that the pear should permeate the cultures that consume it. Yet, in art and literature, as well as pomology, the pear plays second fiddle to the apple, suggesting that the problems of the pear continue to bedevil its champions. We who love the pear must strive to improve it so it can take its rightful place in the pantheon of pome fruits. In eighth century B.C.,pears captured the praise of the Greek poet Homer,who referred to them as a “gift of the gods.”

Health Benefits of Carrot

Health Benefits of Carrot
Carrots were first cultivated in Afghanistan more than 2000 years ago.During 900-1000 A.D. purple and yellow carrots were brought from Afghanistan to the Mediterranean.In the 1300’s purple and yellow carrots were grown in Western Europe and China.In the 1700’s orange carrots were first reported in the Netherlands.Today, the typical orange carrots available throughout the United States are descendants of Dutch-bred carrots.Other carrot varieties include white carrots that are used in western and Eastern Europe for livestock, red carrots grown in Japan and yellow and purple carrots that are available in the Mideast, Turkey, India and China.

Carrots are taproots, which is a type of root that grows downwards into the soil.Carrots are grown from seeds, which take 6 to 21 days to germinate and 70 to 100 days to mature fully.When you eat a carrot you are actually eating the root! The feathery green leaves that are on top of the root grow above the soil.Once carrots are grown and mature, machines mechanically harvest them.They pull carrots up by their tops and shake off the dirt.The machines also cut the tops off.Carrots grow best in cool seasons where young seedlings can withstand mild frosts, however high temperatures can significantly damage them.

  • Excellent source of beta-carotene (vitamin A) which keeps our eyes healthy 
  • Contains the fiber, calcium pectate, which may lower cholesterol.
  • Did you know one handful of mini peeled carrots or one medium fresh carrot counts as one serving of your 5 A Day? 
  • Did you know carrots come in many sizes and shapes: round, cylindrical, fat, very small, long or thin? 
  • Did you know that carrots are crunchy?
  • Did you know carrots contain more sugar than any other vegetable, except for the beet?
  • Did you know carrots are members of the parsley family?
  • (Their feathery green leaves look somewhat like parsley.  Other members of this family are celery, parsnips, dill, fennel and the wildflower called Queen Anne’s Lace.)
  • Did you know baby carrots or mini-peeled carrots are grown from “caropak” carrots?  (“Caropak” carrots are a different seed variety that grows slender carrots.They grow close together to keep their small size.These are what are primarily available in the supermarkets as baby carrots.True “baby” carrots would actually be carrots that have been removed from the ground early and look like miniature carrots.  These are rarely available.)
  • The saying “dangling a carrot” originated in the 1890s when carrots were dangled in front of donkeys to get them to move. 
  • In some religious festivities people eat carrots,cut like coins, to symbolize future prosperity.
  • Thomas Jefferson raised several colors of carrots in his Monticello garden.
  • In the Middle Ages, carrot juice was used to make butter a more appealing color.

Fantastic Facts
1.In Kern County most of the nation’s fresh carrots grown?
2. Carrots contain the nutrient Beta-carotene known to assist with night vision?
3.Carrot tops are plowed back into the soil to provide nutrients for the next crop grown there.
4.Baby-cut carrots are long small-diameter carrots peeled and cut into pieces.
5. Carrots,or“skirrets,” were originally purple, white, and yellow. The orange carrot was developed in Holland as a tribute to William I of Orange during the Dutch fight for independence from Spain in the 16th century.
6. Purple and yellow-orange varieties spread west to the Mediterranean, where ancient Greeks and Romans used them for medicinal purposes.
7. During the Middle Ages, French women used carrot leaves to decorate hair and hats.
8. Carrots contain beta-carotene, which helps build healthy hair and nails and keeps eyes healthy.
9. The first carrots were white, purple, and yellow. In the 1600s, the Dutch developed the orange carrot we eat today.
10. Early American colonists grew carrots between rows of tobacco to repel beetles.

What is Vitamin A?
Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin, which means it can be stored for long periods of time in your body.
Vitamin A is an antioxidant that helps to keep the body safe from free radicals. Among Americans, toxic consumption levels of vitamin A are more of a concern than deficiencies.
Vitamin A is required for the proper development and functioning of our eyes, skin, and many other parts of our bodies.
Individuals who have low levels vitamin A may develop night blindness.
Vitamin A is required for normal functioning of the immune system. 
Vitamin A that is found in colorful fruits and vegetables, like carrots, is called provitamin A carotenoid. It can be made into retinol in the body. Some carotenoids (like beta carotene, alpha carotene, and beta cryptoxanthin) can be made into vitamin A by the body.
Eat carrots and be healthy.


If you want a quick fix for: The following are the health benefits of banana.

There's no better snack than a banana. Containing three natural sugars sucrose, fructose and glucose
- combined with fiber a banana gives an instant, sustained and substantial boost of energy.  Research has proven that just two bananas provide enough energy for a strenuous 90 minutes workout. No wonder the banana is the number one fruit with the world's leading athletes.  But energy isn't the only way a banana can help us keep fit. It can also help overcome or prevent a substantial number of illnesses and conditions making it a must to add to our daily diet.

According to a recent survey undertaken by MIND amongst people suffering from depression, many felt much better after eating a banana. This is because bananas contain tryptophan, a type of protein that the body converts into serotonin known to make you relax, improve your mood and generally make you feel happier.

#3. PMS:  
Forget the pills -- eat a banana. The vitamin B6 it contains regulates blood glucose levels, which can affect your mood.  

#4. ANEMIA:  
High in iron, bananas can stimulate the production of hemoglobin in the blood and so helps in cases of anemia.  

This unique tropical fruit is extremely high in potassium yet low in salt making it the perfect to beat blood pressure. So much so, the US Food and Drug Administration has just allowed the banana industry to make official claims for the fruit's ability to reduce the risk of Blood pressure and stroke.  

Eating bananas at breakfast, break and lunch by students,research has shown that the potassium packed fruit can assist learning by making pupils more alert and boost their brainpower.

High in fiber, thus including bananas in the diet can help restore normal bowel action, helping to overcome the problem without resorting to laxatives.  

One of the quickest ways of curing a hangover is to make a banana milk shake, sweetened with honey. The banana calms the stomach and, with the help of the honey, builds up depleted blood sugar levels, while the milk soothes and re-hydrates your system.

Bananas have a natural antacid effect in the body so if you suffer from heart burn, try eating a banana for soothing relief.  

Snacking on bananas between meals helps to keep blood sugar levels up and avoid morning sickness.

Before reaching for the insect bite cream, try rubbing the affected area with the inside of a banana skin. Many people find it amazingly successful at reducing swelling and irritation.  

#12. NERVES:  
Bananas are high in B vitamins that help calm the nervous system.

Studies at the Institute of Psychology in Austria found pressure at work leads to gorging on comfort
food like chocolate and crisps. Looking at 5,000 hospital patients, researchers found the most obese
were more likely to be in high-pressure jobs. The report concluded that, to avoid panic induced food cravings, we need to control our blood sugar levels by snacking a banana on high carbohydrate foods every two hours to keep levels steady.  

#14. ULCERS:  
The banana is used as the dietary food against intestinal disorders because of its soft texture and smoothness. It is the only raw fruit that can be eaten without distress in over chronicler cases. It also neutralizes over acidity and reduces irritation by coating the lining of the stomach.  

Many other cultures see bananas as a 'cooling' fruit that can lower both the physical and emotional temperature of expectant mothers. In Thailand, for example, pregnant women eat bananas to ensure their baby is born with a cool temperature.  

#16. SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder):  
Bananas can help SAD sufferers because they contain the natural mood enhancer, tryptophan.

Bananas can also help people to give up smoking. The B6, B12 they contain, and the potassium and
magnesium found in them, help the body recover from the effects of nicotine withdrawal.

#18. STRESS:  
Potassium is a vital mineral, which helps normalize the heartbeat, sends oxygen to the brain and regulates your body's water balance. When we are stressed, our metabolic rate rises, there by reducing our potassium levels. These can be rebalanced with the help of a high potassium banana snack. According to research in The New England Journal of Medicine eating bananas as part of a regular diet can cut the risk of death by strokes by as much as 40%!  

#19. WARTS:  
Those keen on natural alternatives swear that, if you want to kill off a wart, take a piece of banana
skin and place it on the wart, with the yellow side out. Carefully hold the skin in place with a plaster or surgical tape!  

Did you know… 
1. Did you know bananas are the most popular fresh fruit in the United States? 

2. Did you know bananas received a new name each time a different group of people discovered them? 
(Some of these included “banna”, “ghana” and even “funana”!  The people of Africa are credited for giving the banana its permanent English name.) 

3. Did you know bananas are the fruit choice of many athletes?  
(The reason --- they have both a high amount of carbohydrates as well as potassium!  Potassium is a mineral that helps the muscles work.) 

4. Did you know you can store ripe bananas in the refrigerator; the peel turns brown but the fruit inside will still be good?  

5. Did you know there is a banana primarily used for cooking? 
(It is called a “plantain”.  It is used like a potato in many tropical lands.) 

6. Did you know there are several different varieties of bananas? 
(These include “finger bananas”, “red bananas” and “plantains”.  The popular yellow banana, “Cavendish” is the one we commonly see in grocery stores.) 

7. Did you know that an average person eats 33 pounds of bananas each year? 

8. Did you know bananas have been produced for over 1 million years? 

9. Did you know more than 96% of American households purchase bananas at least once a month? 

10. Did you know that Dole packs single bananas in a special way specifically for school food service?.
(There are 150 single packed bananas in a case.  These are always consistent in size, quantity, and quality and are pre-washed and pre-trimmed; 
ready to serve from the carton!)

So you see a banana really is a natural remedy for many ills.When compared to apples: Bananas have four times the protein, twice the amount of carbohydrate, three times the phosphorus, five times the vitamin A and iron, and twice the other vitamins and minerals.A banana is also rich in potassium and is one of the best value foods around.So may be its time to change that well-known phrase so that we say:  A BANANA A DAY KEEPS THE DOCTOR AWAY!!  No wonder Tarzan was so fit because of BANANAS...!  

Selasa, 26 Juni 2012

Apricot Health Benefits

Apricot Health Benefits
The apricot, Prunus armeniaca, is a species of Prunus, classified with the plum in the subgenus Prunus.

Apricots are small-golden orange fruits with velvety skin and flesh, not too juicy but  definitely smooth with a sweet, tart flavor. 

Apricots originated in China and have been around for more than 4,000 years.Trimmings of the apricot tree were progressively brought through the Persian Empire to the Mediterranean where they became a very popular fruit.Apricots were introduced to America by Spanish explorers who planted this fruit in the gardens of Spanish missions throughout California.In 1792, the first major production of apricots started in northern California.Apricots are grown in Chile, New Zealand, Turkey, France, Spain and Italy.  

Apricots are grown on small to medium sized trees, which contain spreading canopies.Apricots grow best in deep, fertile, well-drained soils and are most successful in mild, Mediterranean climates where the weather is warm and there is no possibility of frost.Apricots are picked by hand.The apricot resembles a peach, but is smaller and has a smooth, oval pit that falls out easily when the fruit is halved.Fresh apricots are ripe when they yield to gentle pressure.  

1. Contains high amounts of vitamin A which keeps skin,eyes,gums and bones healthy.

2. Contains good amounts of vitamin C which helps in cell formation, iron absorption and cold prevention.

3. Does not contain saturated fat, sodium or cholesterol.

4. Good source of potassium

5. Excellent source of betacarotene (vitamin A) and iron and fiber.

6. Apricots have a unique mix of anti-oxidants that aids in fighting heart disease and cancer.

Choose fresh apricots that are plump with golden orange color.Avoid ones that are pale yellow, greenish-yellow, shriveled or bruised Apricots, which are soft, have the best flavor.

Fun Facts
1. Did you know apricots are a member of the rose family? 

2. Did you know there are many varieties of apricots; Pattersons, Blenheims, Tiltons, Castlebrites? 

3. Did you know apricots may be eaten raw or cooked? 

4. Did you know apricots are a relative of the peach? 

5. Did you know that apricots ripen earlier than most other summer fruits? 

6. Did you know that apricots are very sweet? 

7. Did you know that any recipe that contains peaches or nectarines can be substituted with apricots?

8. Did you know that Apricots taste sweet because they contain three sugars sucrose, glucose and fructose, which will  give you energy. 

9. Did you know that Apricots can be purchased fresh, canned, frozen, dried and as nectar both in juice and concentrate. 

10. Did you know that essential oil from the pits of apricots is sold commercially as bitter almond oil.

11. Did you know that astronauts ate apricots on the Apollo moon mission. 

12. Did you know that they are often crossed with plums: 
a. pluots (mostly plum),  
b. apriums (mostly apricot) and 
c. plumcots (equal plum and apricot).

13. Did you know that the largest producers of apricots in the world are China and Turkey. 


Cymbopogon flexuosus

Lemon grass or Cymbopogon is a tall tropical grass also known by names of barbed wire grass,silky heads,citronella grass,chade Dartigalongue,fever grass,Cochin Grass or Malabar Grass, Hierba Luisa or Gavati Chaha. Stalks and leaves are commonly used parts of Lemon grass. It contains an essential oil which is also present in lemon peel which gives it lemon like odour, which is mainly due to the presence of citral, a cyclic monoterpene.

Lemongrass oil is used in culinary flavoring. It is used in most of the major categories of food including alcoholic and non alchoholic beverages, frozen dairy desserts, candy baked foods, gelatins and puddings, meat and meat products and fat and oils. It is used to improve flavor of some fish and can be used to flavor wine and sauces. As a spice, fresh lemon grass is preferred; however it is also used in dry forms like lemon grass powder, dry chopped slices, or lemon grass oil extract.Lemongrass oil is thus used as a main substitute for ‘Cod liver oil’. Citral itself is used in perfumery for various grades of soaps detergents, cosmetics and flavour agent for soft drinks. Consumption of Lemongrass in Ayurvedic preparation like Balm is also increasing. 

#1. Stimulant: Medicinal properties of lemongrass are known traditionally and considered a diuretic, tonic and stimulant. It is considered a tonic and relaxing agent. Fragrance of lemongrass is refreshing and mentally stimulating, and it eases anxiety, stress and cramps.Lemon grass essential oil helps tighten weak connective tissue and strengthens blood vessels.A preparation of lemon grass with pepper is considered home remedy on menstrual troubles and nausea. It is found effective treating bruises, pulled ligaments and swollen tissue. Because of astringent properties of Lemongrass is it is used as treating oily skin and reducing the look of large pores. Lemon grass oil prevents formation of pimples and acne and hence used in various beauty products.

#2. Antibacterial and antifungal properties: Lemongrass is known for its anti bacterial, anti fungal and antiseptic properties. Scientific studies confirm antimicrobial, especially antibacterial and antifungal, activity of lemongrass oil and its components.It is considered effective on fever and in some parts of world known as fever grass. Herbal tea from lemon grass is used as medicine on fever, cold and cough. It has medicinal properties and used extensively in Ayurvedic medicine.

#3. Insect repellent: Lemongrass oil is known to be mild insect repellant due to presence of citronella. Hence it used as a pesticide in manufacture of insect sprays and candles, mosquitoes lotion, soaps.

#4. Lemongrass as preservative: Lemongrass Oil been traditionally used as preservative in protecting ancient palm leaf manuscripts in India.

#5. Anti Cancer properties:A research team in Ben Gurion University Israel has showed anti cancer properties of lemon grass. Study shows that citral, found in lemon grass, causes apoptosis in cancer cells while leaving normal cells unharmed.Fresh Lemon Grass Drink Causes Apoptosis to Cancer Cells (apoptosis): a type of cell death in which the cell uses specialized cellular machinery to kill itself; a cell suicide mechanism that enables metazoans to control cell number and eliminate cells that threaten the animal's survival.In other words, cell commits suicide. A drink with as little as one gram of lemon grass contains enough citral to prompt cancer cells to commit suicide in the test tube. 

Minggu, 24 Juni 2012

Yarrow -- Achiles

Achillea millefolium--Yarrow
Botanical name Achillea millefolium L.
Family Asteraceae (Compositae)

Achilleus, the greatest hero of the Trojan War in Homer’s “Iliad”, is reported to have used yarrow to stop the flow of blood from his wounds inflicted in battle. It has been scientifically proven that this plant has substances that have blood clotting and anti-inflammatory properties. In the Middle Ages in Europe, yarrow tea was taken to stop internal bleeding. Micmac Indians drank it with warm milk to treat upper respiratory infections.
Other Names: Milfoil, Old Man's Pepper, Soldier's Woundwort, Knight's Milfoil, Thousand Weed, Nose Bleed, Carpenter's Weed, Bloodwort, Staunchweed

Yarrow is used to treat colds, cramps, fevers, kidney disorders, toothaches, skin irritations, and hemorrhages.

Yarrow oil has been traditionally used in hair shampoos, but is not recommended for large or frequent doses for long periods of time. It may cause the skin to be more sensitive to sunlight.

1. Diaphoretic and antipyretic for the common cold, influenza,and fever

2. Anticatarrhal for sinusitis or sinus congestion with headache

3. Bitter digestive tonicand cholagogue for loss ofappetite and biliary disorders

4. Gastrointestinal anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic for indigestion,epigastric distension,flatulence,and intestinal colic

5. Antihypertensive for hypertension and sequelae ofCVA

6. Diuretic and urinary antiseptic for urinary retention or cystitis

7. Emmenagogue for amenorrhea or menstrual irregularities

8. Astringent and antihemorrhagic for urinary incontinence,diarrhea,menorrhagia,or leukorrhea

9. Vulnerary and topical anti-inflammatory for slow-healing wounds and skin inflammations

Tips toHelp You Stay Healthy

Tips toHelp You Stay Healthy

Step 1:
Learn About Diabetes
Diabetes means that your blood glucose (sugar) is too high. Diabetes is serious because it can damage your heart, blood vessels, eyes, kidneys, and nerves. But you can learn how to manage it and prevent or delay health problems.

Go to
Ask your diabetes health care team how you can learn more.

Step 2:
Know Your Numbers
Ask your doctor what diabetes target numbers are best for you.They may be different from the numbers at different times. A1C measures your average blood glucose level over the past 2 to 3 months.The A1C target for many people is below 7.

LDL, or bad cholesterol, builds up and clogs your arteries. The LDL  target is below 100.High blood    pressure makes your heart work too hard. The blood  pressure target for most people is less than 130/80.

Step 3:
Manage Your Diabetes
Your diabetes care plan should help  you to: Keep track of your diabetes numbers.

Learn how and when to check your own blood glucose.
See what makes your blood glucose go up or down.Go over the test results with your  health care team. Use them to manage your diabetes. Ask how to prevent low blood glucose.

Be active for 30 to 60 minutes on most days of the week. Brisk  walking is a great way to be active.

Stop smoking - SEEK HELP TO QUIT

Eat healthy foods such as: fruits, vegetables, fish, lean meats and poultry, dried peas or beans, lentils, and low-fat or skim milk and cheese whole grain foods such as whole wheat bread and crackers, oatmeal, brown rice, and cereals food prepared with little added fat, oil, salt, or sugar'smaller servings of meat, fish and  poultry ,larger servings of fruits and vegetables.Seek help if you feel down. Talking with a counselor, friend, family member, support group, or a religiousleader may help you feel better.

Brush your teeth and floss every day to prevent problems with your mouth, teeth, or gums.

Take your medicines even when you feel good. Ask if you need to take low-dose aspirin to prevent  a heart attack or stroke.

Check your feet every day. Call your health care team if a cut, sore, blister, or bruise on your feet  or toes does not begin to go away after 2 days.

Step 4:
Get Regular Care
Contact your health care team if you have any questions or problems as you manage your diabetes, medicines, or supplies.Talk to your doctor if you plan to get pregnant.

Sabtu, 23 Juni 2012

Banish migraines the natural way

Banish migraines the natural way

Anyone who has suffered the debilitating effects of a migraine will know that it is more than “just a headache”. Around one in 7 people in the UK are said to be affected by this neurological condition, with two-thirds of those being women. 

According to the charity Migraine Action, sufferers can experience a range of symptoms from visual
disturbances, nausea and vomiting to tingling in the limbs and sensitivity to light, noise and smells. A migraine attack can last between 4 and 72 hours.

Know your triggers
“Migraine causes vary and some people can have several causes at once,” says natural nutritionist
Micki Rose ( “However, the biggest cause I have seen is food intolerance, mainly to wheat, dairy and gluten.” For this reason, Micki recommends following an elimination diet in which these foods are excluded for 4-6 weeks, preferably under the guidance of a professional. “Usually, the migraine improves greatly or disappears provided the elimination diet is done correctly,” says Micki.

Other common triggers include chocolate, beer, wine and cheese because they contain histamine and/or
amine compounds. “These can trigger migraine in people who are sensitive to it by causing blood vessels to expand,” explains Micki. 

Water, water…
“One of the first things I discuss with migraine sufferers is how well hydrated they are,” adds natural nutritionist Gemma Edwards ( “This doesn’t just mean that they need to be drinking plenty of water (as a rough guide 4 pints per day), but it is also important to address how hydrating the food they consume is. Water transports nutrients to our cells, including water soluble vitamins and minerals such as magnesium.” 

The anti-stress mineralLow magnesium levels have been linked to migraines and Gemma advises addressing this problem through eating plenty of dark green leafy vegetables, seafood, nuts, seeds and fruits such as avocado and apricots. “Migraines can frequently be triggered by stress and magnesium is considered the ‘anti-stress’ mineral, as it helps to relax muscles,” adds Gemma. “Stress can cause havoc with our blood sugar levels, so avoiding food that causes the extreme highs and lows of blood sugar is to be recommended. This includes food and drink such as sweets, biscuits, cakes, alcohol and fizzy drinks.” 

Other foods to stock up on include vegetable oils, fish oil, garlic, onions and ginger. “These inhibit
platelet aggregation (blood clumping) which is thought to be a factor in migraine,” says Micki. Low 
levels of serotonin (the body’s feelgood hormone) are also thought to be a trigger so Micki advises eating plenty of turkey, fish, eggs and nuts, all of which are rich in tryptophan, the pre-cursor to serotonin. 

One last tip
Finally, if you feel a migraine coming on, mix a drop each of peppermint, lavender, eucalyptus and 
lemon essential oils into some aloe vera gel and massage into the temples to soothe the pain. 

Why soak wholegrains?

Why soak wholegrains?
Whole grains are full of goodness. As well as vitamins and minerals, they also contain valuable protein.

What’s more, you can enhance their nutritional status. When our ancestors ate whole grains, they didn’t eat quick-rise breads and hastily prepared porridge. They soaked or fermented grains first. And, of course, there is a good reason  for this. 

Soaking whole grains allows two important processes to take place. All grains contain phytic acid in the outer layer. In our bodies, the phytic acid binds with calcium, copper, iron, magnesium and zinc (for a strong immune system) and prevents us from absorbing them. Neutralizing the phytic acid is done simply by soaking the grain in warm acidulated water for at least 7 hours. Soaking with a spoonful of yogurt allows enzymes like lactobacilli to break down and neutralize the phytic acid. The other beneficial reason is that soaking grains in warm water encourages them to produce their own enzymes, which then increases the quantity of B vitamins you will eat.

Health Benefits of Astaxanthin

Health Benefits of Astaxanthin

What are antioxidents?
Oxygen interacts with our body’s cells every minute, round the clock. This exposure to oxygen is normal and necessary for the renewal of healthy cells to fight disease.But often the process goes wrong in a process called oxidation. In that case, a damaged cell, called a free radical,is created and attacks other cells. This can cause big problems – speeding up the aging process and harming DNA in a way that can trigger the start of heart disease,cancer, stroke or even Alzheimer’s disease.Overall, free radicals have been implicated in  the pathogenesis of at least 50 diseases.Luckily, antioxidants  substances in a wide range of foods and drinks made from certain plants – can come to the rescue. They neutralize the free radicals, helping prevent some of the damage they might cause. Antioxidants are capable of stabilizing, or deactivating, free radicals before they attack cells. Antioxidants are absolutely critical for maintaining optimal cellular and systemic health and well-being. 

Endogenous Antioxidants
Thiols, e.g., glutathione, lipoic acid, N-acetyl cysteine
Ubiquinone (coenzyme Q10)
Uric acid
copper/zinc and manganese-dependent superoxide
dismutase (SOD)
iron-dependent catalase
selenium-dependent glutathione peroxidase
Dietary Antioxidants
Vitamin C
Vitamin E
Beta carotene and other carotenoids and oxycarotenoids,e.g., lycopene and lutein
Polyphenols, e.g., flavonoids, flavones, flavonols, and
Metal Binding Proteins
Albumin (copper)
Ceruloplasmin (copper)
Metallothionein (copper)
Ferritin (iron)
Myoglobin (iron)
Transferrin (iron)

Antioxidants help to neutralize free radicals, which are unstable molecules that are linked to the development of a number of  degenerative diseases and conditions  including cancer,  cardiovascular disease, cognitive impairment,  immune  dysfunction,  cataracts and macular  degeneration.  Fruits and  vegetables are sources of natural antioxidants and among them blueberries have one of the highest levels of antioxidant activity.

Antioxidant activity of dry beans increases with the red color of the beans, red kidney beans being the highest.It was  also observed that red kidney beans had higher activity than other beans.   Similarly, red grapes have higher antioxidant activity than green grapes, and red cabbage is higher than green cabbage.  Antioxidant capacity of blueberries and strawberries containing phenolic anthocyanins are high.Dried fruits like raisins and dates have high antioxidant activities.Antioxidant activities of various fractions of grain during milling process were studied and the results indicate that bran has the highest antioxidant activity and refined flour had the lowest activity.  Antioxidant activities were also studied for ready to eat oat, wheat, corn, and rice cereals.  In whole grain cereals, bran and germ are intact, hence antioxidant activity of whole grain cereals is higher than it is in refined grain cereals.

Astaxanthin (asta-ZAN-thin) is a phytochemical from the carotenoid family of xanthophylls and is mainly found naturally in krill, wild salmon, trout, shrimp and crayfish. Carotenoids are what gives color to certain foods and animals like orange to carrots, yellow to sweet potatoes and also gives salmon their reddish color and flamingos their pink feathers.

Scientists know that antioxidants can possibly prevent many of the health problems facing us today. Consumers can get confused because recent studies with vitamin E and vitamin C have been contradicting. Studies are showing that astaxanthin is a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.

The fallowing is a list of ASTAXANTHIN benefits and scientific studies. It fortifies the immune system. It is the most powerful antioxidant in nature, therefore it neutralizes oxidation, and helps avoid:
1. Cancer
2. Rheumatoid Arthritis
3. Parkinson
4. Alzheimer’s
5. Heart Attack and Embolism

550 times more powerful than vitamin A and 11 times more powerful than Beta Carotene as an antioxidant.

Protects skin from ultraviolet rays damage.

Protects skin from ultraviolet rays damage.

Macular degeneration and the loss of vision related to aging.

Protects us and prevents cancer induced by chemicals.

Increases HDL (healthy cholesterol). 

Astaxanthin protects skin from premature aging.

Gives more energy.

Crosses any cell membrane including the brain barrier.

It has a phytochemical which helps protect from bladder cancer.

Carotenes (Carotenes), absorbed 100% ¡n our body.

Carotenes have an effect anti-tumorial and anti-carcinogenic.

Helps the immune system to produce antibodies to fight against illness.

Helps control bacterial gastric conditions ulcers caused by E. Colli.

Astaxanthin works synergistically with Beta Carotene, luteina and anthaxanthin just as they are found in the cell of haematococcus pluvialis.

Astaxanthin has no side effects.

Astaxanthin improved the health condition, including Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis.

Helps control bacterial gastric conditions ulcers caused by E. Colli.

Astaxanthin works synergistically with Beta Carotene, luteina and anthaxanthin just as they are found in the cell of haematococcus pluvialis.

Astaxanthin has no side effects.

It protects cells from UVA and sun’s UVB radiation damage.

Astaxanthin does not oxidize like other carotenoides in high oxygen concentrations.

It protects the lipid membranes from peroxidation and the damage of mitochondria.

The capacity of the Astaxanthin to neutralize oxygen free radicals is over all the others antioxidant including vitamin C, Beta carotene,vitamin A and all the trans retinal.

Astaxanthin has shown in Vitro,immunomodulator properties in the cells that regularly do not have antioxidant properties.

Astaxanthin has anti-proliferative effects in prostate cancer cells and an inhibiting effect of enzyme activity 5 alpha reductasa associated with the hiperplasion benign of the prostate.

The Astaxanthin has an anti-inflammatory powerful effect.

Astaxanthrin has anti-prolifirative ettects in prostate cancer.

The Astaxanthin has an anti-inflammatory powerful effect.

Astaxanthin increases the production and improvement of semen.

Astaxanthin helps diminish the mammary gland inflammation.

Astaxanthin is effective treating and preventing cold sores wounds originated by the herpes virus simple type 1 due to stress, fever, infection, sunlight,dehydration and other causes.

Astaxanthin helps control inflammation of ligaments, muscles, joints as in arthritis, tenosynovitis, carpal tunnel syndrome.

Astaxanthin retards and prevents skin inflammation and burns from ultraviolet light.

Astaxanthin improves energy and muscular resistance and at the same time it diminishes pain and inflammation due to light or intense exercise.IT IS EXCELLENT FOR ATHLETES.

Astaxanthin retards eye illness and damage to the central nervous system related to aging, diabetes and other degenerative chronic illnesses, sunlight, radiation, ischemic illnesses (bad circulation) and inflammation.

Astaxanthin is a disinfectant and treats gastrointestinal membrane inflammation caused by the Helicobacter Pylon.Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) are bacteria that many of us have in our stomachs, though many of us do not get sick from it. H. pylori infections can cause peptic ulcers, type B gastritis and gastric cancer.Prevents and treats ulcers.

Feng Shui diet tips

Feng Shui diet tips

Feng Shui has a powerful impact on the subconscious. That is why it is such a good way to promote weight loss.Instead of counting calories and fighting cravings, you can promote wellness through a careful selection of shapes, colours and materials. Sceptical? Try a few of these suggestions.

Eat a square meal : Square dishes are better than round dishes when you're trying to lose weight. That's because squares radiate contentment, while circles invite curiosity.

Mellow out: Mellow, earthy tones promote fulfillment, whereas bright colours stimulate the appetite. If you're serious about sticking to your diet, paint your kitchen or dining room an earthy colour like brown or beige. You won't be tempted to overeat.

Even settings : The more tranquil your eating environment, the easier it will be to stick to your diet. An even number of table settings will make you feel relaxed, whereas an odd number will heighten your awareness.

Mirror, mirror on the wall : Mirrors aid focus. To stay committed to your fitness goals, hang a mirror in your eating area, with a clear vision of your seat. This will make you mindful of what and how much you're eating.

Explore healthy living: Take a realistic approach to thirty days of fitness based on the movements of the Moon. Get your mind, body and spirit in sync with a personalised diet and fitness forecast.

Clear the clutter : Clutter represents excess baggage, including unwanted kilos. If you need to cut calories, get rid of the junk in your house. Start with the kitchen, which represents your physical well-being.

Eat to the beat: Put a ticking clock in your eating area. This will remind you to slow down and enjoy your meal.

Turn in your trough: To reduce the size of your meals without feeling deprived, invest in smaller dishes.

Get cooking : When you fix your own meals, you have a greater measure of control over ingredients, portions and food presentation. Feng Shui practitioners believe that cooking promotes financial prosperity.

Have a balanced meal : The more colourful the food on your plate, the more nutritious it probably is.

Clean your car : If you've got a big posterior, clear out the back of your car. Excess weight often manifests itself in your automobile.


“The stutterer must conquer his own problems. No one else can do it for him.”Van Riper
Stuttering is a disruption in the fluency of verbal expression characterized by involuntary, audible or silent, repetitions or prolongations of sounds or syllables. These are not readily controllable and may be accompanied by other movements and by emotions of negative nature such as fear, embarrassment, or irritation. Strictly speaking, stuttering is a symptom, not a disease,but the term stuttering usually refers to both the disorder and symptom.  Developmental stuttering evolves before puberty, usually between two and fi  ve years of age, without apparent brain damage or other known cause (“idiopathic”).
1. There is nothing wrong inside your body that will stop you from talking.You have the ability to talk normally.

2. Because you stutter doesn’t mean you are biologically inferior to the next person.

3. No one but myself improved my speech. Others have helped me by providing information, giving emotional support, identifying bias, etc. but the dirty work of therapy is, and always has been, my responsibility.

4. Don’t ever forget that even if you went to the most knowledgeable expert in the country, the correction of stuttering is a do-it-yourself project. Stuttering is your problem. The expert can tell you what to do and how to do it, but you are the one who has to do it. You are the only person on earth who can correct your stuttering.

5. The stutterer must conquer his own problems—no one else can do the job for him.
6. Needless to say, each stutterer must from the beginning of therapy accept the responsibility for his problem. This implies self-therapy which is essential. 

7. The importance of motivation cannot be exaggerated.

8. A major problem in the treatment of stuttering is how to encourage the stutterer to stay in and continue with the course of treatment.

9. Based on your understanding choose the most appropriate therapy program you can, and work at the program with more consistency, devotion and energy than any other task you’ve ever tackled. As success is obtained, maintain it with equal vigor.

10. Stuttering is an anticipatory struggle reaction.

11. The old saying that no two stutterers are alike is undoubtedly true.

12. The speech behavior patterns that have usually been associated with or dentified as stuttering vary from person to person, and from time to time with any given person.

13. We all have different personalities and our pattern of stuttering is distinct and interwoven in the unique personalities.
14. Because you stutter it doesn’t mean that you are any more maladjusted than the next person.

15. On the whole people that stutter are highly intelligent and capable.

16. Many stutterers have mistakenly believed that if only the “cause” could be found, a fast cure would result.

17. In other words, stuttering is what you do trying not to stutter again.

18. Positive changes in attitudes and feelings about yourself and your stuttering will lead to positive changes in your speech.

19. Although there are new drugs, which work to reduce fear and anxiety, unfortunately there are no drugs approved specifically for stuttering at this time.

20. Crucial to this point is the fact that struggle and avoidance worsen a
problem of stuttering.

21. Stuttering results when the speaker is unable to cope with excess muscular tension in the speech mechanism.

22. Since the exacerbation of stuttering by anxiety is a common experience,it might be assumed that drugs that relieve anxiety would be beneficial.

23. The fundamental principle holds that the more calm and relaxed you are, the less stuttering you will do.

24. A few minutes of meditation and relaxation each day can help the spirit.

25. Accept the fact that you have a serious problem. Stand squarely on both feet, place your shoulders back and begin to earnestly attack your problem.

26. Assume an assertive posture - physically be committed to moving forward. Use your body language to advantage.

27. You appreciate most in life those things you do for yourself. Getting over stuttering takes tremendous self-discipline and desire.

28. Although it is a tough row to hoe at first, there is nothing as therapeutic as self-confrontation.

29. Alleviating one’s stuttering is ultimately a matter of self-discipline and

30. Be assertive and believe in yourself.

31. Stuttering is a tough opponent. It never gives up. You’ve got to keep knocking it down to stay in command.

32. Men who have achieved in this world have been guided by inspiration, by vision, by faith in themselves and by faith in the unknown.

33. Some famous people who stutter have been of above normal intelligence: Winston Churchill, Charles Darwin, Lewis Carroll, Jack Welch of General Electric, actor James Earl Jones, etc.