Minggu, 12 Agustus 2012



1. Almost anything can be achieved with the ‘4-steps formula’: dream, set a goal, plan, take action. 
2. We don’t have to wait for motivation before we act. Action brings motivation.
3. We don’t have to see the results before we believe. Belief produces results.
4. We do have the time to do what we really want to do. 
5. It’s never too late to start almost  Achievements, Productivity anything.
6. When we are only interested, we do what’s convenient. But when we are committed, we do whatever it takes. 
7. Efficiency is not the same as effectiveness.
8. Clutter can significantly decrease productivity.
9. Emails, meetings and the Internet are the three biggest causes of low productivity at work.
10. Waking up an hour earlier can add many hours worth of productivity in a day.

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