Kamis, 15 September 2011

10 Ways Soft Drinks May Affect Your Health

But have we ever thought what goes into these drinks. I believe not, neither have I to be honest. But when all of a sudden my tooth started decaying my fears were confirmed. It was in fact the consumption of these soft drinks and coke. Following are some points on how your health is affected. These sure opened my eyes, before any permanent damage.

Soft Drinks May Affect Your Health
  • Excessive Weight Gain that contributes to High blood pressure, Depression, Heart complications and these are just not all.
  • Dehydration: Coke and soft drinks contain caffeine, which is a diuretic. Meaning it removes water from your body by increasing urine production. This makes you excessively de-hydrated.
  • Since coke and these soft drinks contain caffeine, this eventually leads to sleeping disorders and insomnia.
  • In The First 10 minutes,10 teaspoons of sugar hit your system. You don’t immediately vomit from the overwhelming sweetness because phosphoric acid cuts the flavor allowing you to keep it down.
  • After the initial burst of sugar and other acids in your body, the affects like being irritate and being sluggish lingers on.
  • Tooth decay, this is no longer a myth. Many researchers have proved that a regular intake of coke and other soft drinks results in dissolving and decaying of the teeth.
  • The potassium benzoate used in Coke products harms DNA in mitochondria of cells in the body, inactivating their ability to produce energy.
  • The phosphoric acid used in coke is dangerous for those with a pre-existing stomach ulcer.
  • The phosphorus acid also binds with calcium and prevents it from being absorbed by bones.
  • Since these drinks contain high-fructose corn syrup, this results in Elevated cholesterol.
  • So let’s put a stop these liquids which are destroying our insides. Turn back to water which is the best gift to us from nature.

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