Senin, 26 September 2011

Healthy foods for your eyes - How to improve eye sight

When it comes to foods for the eyes, carrots are right on top of everyone’s list. However, this rich source of vitamin A is not the only ingredient of a healthy eye diet.

Vitamin A
  • prevents night blindness and focal drying of the eyes called Xerophthalmia and can retard the development of cataracts and macular age related changes.
  • You can get vitamin A from two types of food sources: Animal products that contain vitamin A (such as liver or butter) or plant products that contain carotene, which your body converts into vitamin A. 
  • Foods containing carotene are usually yellow or orange, or leafy and green.
Lutein and Zeaxanthin
  • These can also be very helpful for maintaining retinal health. Not only do they delay changes in the retina but also act as good protection. 
  • The best source of lutein and zeaxanthin is green, leafy vegetables, particularly spinach. Kale and collard greens are also good choices. 
  • You can also find lutein and zeaxanthin in yellow and orange fruits and vegetables, such as corn.
Vitamin C
  • It is an antioxidant, works well for the retina, delays cataracts, and is helpful in the healing and strengthening of the eye.
  • If you smoke, drink or have diabetes, you should increase you vitamin C intake, because its levels will tend to be lower than average. Citrus fruits, berries, peppers, tropical fruits, potatoes and green, leafy vegetables are good sources.
Selenium & Zinc
  • Salenium helps it to make its own antioxidants. Brazil nuts, yeast and seafood (like oysters) contain good amounts of selenium. 
  • Zinc helps your body to absorb vitamin A and is also part of an enzyme in your body that reduces the number of free radicals. 
  • Zinc might also protect against macular degeneration and night blindness. You can get zinc from, wheat and nuts.
The best source of omega-3 fatty acids is cold-water fish, which is high in both EPA and DHA, Alternate source include vegetable oils (including foods made from vegetable oils, like margarine); and the popular evening primrose supplements.
The best way to take care of the eyes is to eat a healthy diet and to have an eye checkup at regular intervals. A six-monthly checkup after the age of 40 should be mandatory.

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