Sabtu, 28 Mei 2011

Calories Burnt per Activity Chart

  • When you are exercising, the number of calories you burn depends upon your weight, the activity your are doing and the intensity level you are exercising at. 
  • Active people become slim and stay slim, because they know that burning calories allows them to eat a balanced normal diet, while enjoying physical activity.
  • A person with a higher fitness level will probably exercise at a faster rate and therefore burn more calories than someone who does not work as hard. 
  • Whatever exercise activity you choose, you should aim to do it for at least 30 minutes and it should leave you slightly breathless at completion. 
  • Above all you should enjoy the exercise so that you will keep repeating it every day.

Activity Calories Burnt 120 lbs140 lbs160 lbs180 lbs
Aerobics (per minute)
Basketball (30 minutes)225264300339
Cycling (10 mph 30 minutes) 165192219246
Golf (pull clubs 30 minutes)138162186210
Hiking (30 minutes)135156180201
Jogging (30 minutes)279324372417
Skating (ice and roller 30 minutes)177 207 237 264
Skiing(snow and water 30 minutes) 171198228255
Swimming(moderate pace 30 minutes) 239270309348
Tennis (30 minutes)180207237267
Walking (30 minutes)195228261291
Weight Training (30 minutes)198228261294

An example of what can be achieved is a man weighing around 187 pounds or 85 kilograms should burn about 1200 calories playing 18 holes of golf over 3 hours. This is providing that he is pulling a golf buggy and walking, not using a motorized buggy. Pretty amazing isn't it.
You can see by the chart, moderate exercise will burn calories and when you couple that with eating less calories, weight loss is certainly achievable.

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