Minggu, 01 Mei 2011

Garlic: A herbal ‘Wonder Drug’

Garlic: A herbal ‘Wonder Drug’
Garlic is a natural antibiotic which has a powerful antioxidant effect. Consuming small quantity of garlic on a regular basis can help to protect the body against damaging free radicals. This herbal medicine is most effective when consumed in raw or crushed form. Also, raw garlic acts as a potent antibiotic. 2 to 4 grams of fresh finely chopped garlic is advisable to eat everyday.

Some of the everlasting benefits of Garlic are:

1. Raw garlic can be used to treat symptoms of acne
2. Raw garlic also acts as a natural mosquito repellent which reduces itching caused due to bug bites
3. Garlic is a wonderful remedy for reducing bad cholesterol levels (LDLs) in the blood stream
4. Cooked garlic adds a distinct taste and aroma to the dishes
5. Few drops of garlic drops along with 2 teaspoon honey helps in naturally curing asthma
6. Swallowing a garlic clove with water in the morning (empty stomach) is also effecting in curing bloating and constipation
7. Garlic is very rich medicine consisting of many vitamins and minerals, some of them being Vitamin A,B,C,B2, Zinc and Calcium
8. Consuming moderate amount of garlic everyday can help in keeping your heart healthy hence cutting down the risk of heart attacks in heart patients
9. Garlic has a remarkably positive effect on the immune system which protects the body against many kinds of viral and bacterial attacks
10. Garlic also promotes increased bile production in the body which helps in reducing fat levels in your liver

And, finally the good news is that if consumed along with a little lemon juice or a few slices of lemon, we can get rid of that bad garlic breath! ?

Medicinal benefits of Garlic:

1. Allicin, a powerful medicinal compound is produced when garlic is finely chopped or crushed.
2. Allicin has antibiotic properties and acts as an effective anti fungal. It is also helpful in treating skin infections.
3. Diallyl sulphides, obtained from crushed garlic helps in lowering the levels of “bad” cholesterol thus benefiting the heart and cardiovascular system
4. Diallyl sulphides are also beneficial in boosting the immune system

Despite of its numerous benefits, garlic is very strong in nature. As they say, what helps one person may harm another. Some of us are allergic and intolerant to it.

Some cautions to be maintained:

1. Do not overdo the consumption of garlic as eating too much raw garlic could damage the digestive tract.
2. Allergies caused due to consumption of garlic can often result in flatulence, heartburn etc.
3. Excessive consumption of garlic can also cause skin reddening, soreness, irritation and even burns.
4. Also, avoid too much contact with crushed garlic can cause skin blistering.
5. People who have to undergo a surgery or deliver a baby should also maintain caution while consuming it.

Note: If you are on some medication or suffer from garlic allergy, it is always advisable to consult your doctor before using it.

Garlic can be made a part of healthy lifestyle and can work wonders when consumed in moderation along with regular workout and a healthy diet.

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